Does Sup Forums's family watch cartoons?

Does Sup Forums's family watch cartoons?

I'm visiting my godfather, and he was watching Nickelodeon when I walked in.

I hear my old borther watching adventure times with this girlfirend. I father aways watch spongebob and Looney tunes when he can

fuck this show , and their subtle interracial homosexual shipping.

>I'm visiting my godfather, and he was watching Nickelodeon when I walked in.

Well if a mafia don wants to watch cartoons, I say let him.

Yeah they should have more incestuous shipping

your brother and his GF arent watching spongebob. the TV is on but they are fucking. the TV is a distraction

oops, adventure time I mean. read the wrong post lol

>I'm visiting my godfather, and he was watching Nickelodeon when I walked in.
Is he dying?

Nah, he was having stomach pains, and he just had colon cancer a few years ago so we were worried.

He's fine now, though.

My mom likes Gumball, and I've found my dad watching some of the DC animated movies on Netflix. They also both occasionally watch old Looney Tunes shorts.