How did you discover Zim?
How did you discover Zim?
Joshua Phillips
Tyler Kelly
I watched it when it first came on, and was slightly disturbed by it. I rediscoverd it when i was older, and fucking loved it since. I think this show influnced some of my sadistic tendancies.
Carter Morales
dial-up aol
Brayden Ortiz
channel 21 when I was a wee lad
Tyler Powell
Blockbuster DVD
Ryder Lopez
Nicktoons when I was a baboo.
Jayden Hall
Watched it when it first started though I missed the first half of the premiere. First full episode I saw was Keef.
Luke James
I got into it when tak showed up
Blake Moore
When it aired over here. It was quite good. Probably the last edgy kids cartoon that was also good. Today everything is so "feel good" or cozy and I'm sick of it.
Grayson Cox
When it first aired alongside FOP