With the breakthrough success of Bojack Horseman, do you think we'll soon see a genuine animated drama series...

With the breakthrough success of Bojack Horseman, do you think we'll soon see a genuine animated drama series? Or are we going to be coasting on animated comedies for the next decade?

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bojack horseman format is gonna stick
le random shit for 15 minut and then 5 minutes of "muh sadness muh depression muh life"

the main problem with adult animation is people thing there is no point if doing them if you can just make an actual movie/tv shows live-action

so if you want an actual animated drama go look for the movies. you're not gonna get a tv show

>do you think we'll soon see a genuine animated drama series
As long as cartoons like Family Guys exist, no

>breakthrough success
Is it, though? I really don't know. I've heard that critics like it, once they get clued in to watch more than the first episodes of season 1, and it's popular enough among its following to continue getting new seasons, but other than that I don't see it mentioned outside of Sup Forums and I cannot seem to convince many of my friends to give it a chance. Comparing that to say, Rick and Morty, I'd say R&M seems much more popular in general with a bigger fandom and is more recognizable among normies.

i think a format like FG is running on empty.
Bojack is for people who grew up with cartoons and who still have a demand.

>le random shit for 15 minut and then 5 minutes of "muh sadness muh depression muh life"
Bojack's shit

The surreal aspect of the character design was lost when it was simplified for cheap animation.

>Animated Drama

Got you Senpai

As if that isn't bound to happen in any animated series, get off your high horse, Todd.

fuk off shipper

Name 5

Just finished BoJack. Fuck it's great.

It'll take like ten years but yea I can see it. Enough people like you and me will be in our late 30s by then and at least one is gonna be the showrunner on something that we'd like to see

Stuff like this already exists, it's called 'a lot of anime'.

dubs of truth


are you serious? it's the failing of almost every animated anything. go look at the production design of ANY animated production in the last 50+ years and you'll see that the step from pre-production to production you lose about half the charm of the project in almost every single case.

The Wolf Among Us is the closest thing to an animated drama that's Sup Forums but doesn't go too far into superheroes and junk

this shit right here.

You mean Fables?

I wouldn't exactly call it a breakthrough success either. It's doing well enough, but it's not even among Netflix's most popular shows. Even F is for Family got more viewership than it did, according to outside viewer trackers.

That said, it's not doing badly either, but yeah, it's no Rick and Morty as far as the masses are concerned. It's not like you see a ton of those annoying "Top 10 BoJack Horseman Theories" on YouTube or anything like that. It just doesn't have that mass appeal for whatever reason, I suppose.

I believe the correct term would be seamen

Probably the weird ugly animal people, and the first 6 episodes being a steep climb.

oh my god I forgot about this shit

sonichu the animated series

I don't see what wacky stoner bullshit has to do with genuine drama.

Has anyone seen F Is For Family, and would they consider it worth watching?

Anime doesn't have cool animal people though

Bojack didn't really change anything. It never dropped the wacky sitcom antics. Tacking on drama to an established formula doesn't give executives the impression that the formula needs to be scraped, just that it can be tweaked.

There's a good comparison image on here that gets posted from time to time showing how Producing Parker looked on paper compared to how it looked in the finished piece.


Yes they do

it's like you've never heard of Tezuka

Bojack isn't really random at all though.

mm yes, I'm gonna take scene when bojack sees running horses & reflecting on life very seriously when 5 minutes earlier we've had a fucking yellow talking dog that was married once to jessica biel saved the sea world with the help of asexual stoner, and the group of whale prostitutes from the pasta disaster using his spaghetti strainer stockpiles that he referenced in every fucking episode of the season, and then he's rewarded by the call from his another ex-wife if he wants to run for the office of california.

yes, bojack is not random. at all.

>spaghetti strainer stockpiles that he referenced in every fucking episode of the season
If they were set up throughout the whole season then it wasn't fucking random. In fact, every aspect of that situation that you're referring to was set up earlier in the season. So by definition it wasn't "random"

it was random, there wasn't any point for that, other than comedy.

that's what the show is, 15 minutes of random comedy, and then you have 5 minutes of "muh sad drama". this what the show is. unless the episode is the whole 20 minutes of random comedy. it always was, and it always will be. sorry you can't see it.

weird, odd, strange or surreal=/=random

You do not know the meaning of the word random, or how it is applied to comedy. And don't just reply to this post with more bullshit, actually take the time to think about how you are actually wrong about this.

you're just fucking buttmad, you just can't accept the fact that bojack is random shit for the most part.

what was the point for mr peanutbutter to do that? there wasn't, random shit to fill comedy part of the episode

it's not okay for fonzie to jump the shark since it's live action, but it's ok for bojack to do that since it's an animated sitcom. well you can't be both.

wtf I hate Bojack now

even it's not random but it's still pretty absurd which does weaken the impact of the serious moments in my opinion.

Friend, you just don't know eh at actual random comedy is. If something has been set Up for a lot of episodes, it's not random. It may be wacky, and you may not like it, but it's not random.

>an animated show shouldn't take advantage of its medium.

Again, you may not like it but Bojack is an animated sitcom set in a world populated by mostly anthropomorfic animals. Its entire premise is pretty wackh and I'm personally happy they take advantage of it sometimes, like with the spaghetti strainer rescue.

Yes, I'm sure they would be much more impactful if the show was heavy drama all the time. Oh, wait, no, it would be boring

Finally someone who actually understands what it really meant when Fonzie jumped the shark.

>it would be boring
Not for the majority of people who watch dramas, but for the """""adult""""" cartoon watching audience, yes. This is why the format will stay as it is. There is no reason to make a fully animated drama, not counting something like A Scanner Darkly.

Whatever dude. You don't like the show, that's fine, but you don't know what you're talking about.

I've never seen it but I have friends with shit taste and they love it, so take from that what you will

where did I said I didn't like the show?

I like it, but it tries to be two different things. It doesn't work and it's just a big mess.

I don't have to say anything, because is correct and I'm behind this post 100%

It's pretty good. It's a bit of a downer series, but it's in more of a realistic way than the "parade of self-destruction just so we can see how depressing we can make this series" that Bojack is.

Then again, I know a few people that consider F more depressing since the scenario and setting hits too close to home compared to Bojack's absurdity.

It's called juxtaposition. It's taking the wacky cartoon animal/animated comedy setting and using it to contrast with the depressing stuff to try and make it hit harder.

This show sucks

It had 9 seasons, it was very seccessful.

Just started watching this, about 7 episodes in. It's good, but doesn't feel great, does it get even better later on? Or does it sort of keep the same pace?

Yes, it gets better. If you get past episode 11 and are unsatisfied, that's where I'd say to consider giving up.

Try one more episode, then report back with how ya feel.

The world Bojack inhabits is absurd. But Bojack himself(his nihilistic personality;not the bit about being a talking anthropomorphic horse) and the choices he makes are entirely realistic.

This is a well known aspect of animation, and any animators worth their salt can tell you it comes with the territory and is generally part of the process.

Actually, the wacky animal people being totally accepted as normal is supposed to give a visual representation of how surreal Hollywood people are.

That would be poignant if there were no animal people outside Hollywoo. They're all over the rest of the world so that loses meaning.

>every single piece of that scene is set up in it's own episode, from the blimp being a reflective ad to the city in the sea even existing and Bojack firing his head chef.

It's called payoff.


huh, weird. I've seen a bunch of porn of it but i've never seen it or knew what it was called. I just know I've seen that brown haired kid fuck the pink cat lady a lot


We need Turner Broadcasting to ink a deal with Netflix so that we can get Moral Orel up there. Then, everything will fall into place.

>so if you want an actual animated drama go look for the movies. you're not gonna get a tv show
There's also Steven Universe.

>Moral Orel up there
Just for rewatching? Cause making more episodes would be stupid and terrible honestly. That show ended extremely well all things considered.

>a farce is the same thing as lol so randumb
Kill yourself
There is clearly a set up and punch line, there is a pay off. Random is nonsense.

>tfw my dream is to write a serious animated show with little to no humor and a plot running throughout the seasons
>Tfw making a tv show is hard enough but when it is that far out of the box it will never happen
I'm just writing it as a hobby at the moment but it is sad it will never see the light of day, might try and get a talented person to collaborate and do a web comic with me.

>even it's not random but it's still pretty absurd
absurd and random can't be used interchangeably. Random is misused so much at this point it is somewhat frustrating.
>which does weaken the impact of the serious moments in my opinion.
Fair enough honestly I disagree but can understand that point of view.

>animated drama

define drama. i want a violent and dystopian animated Age of Apocalypse series. it wouldn't be "funny". it would be unhappy and packed with nightmarish and philosophical themes

That would probably be defined as Action/ political drama. I think the OP means anything serious rather than a comedy so I would argue what you are saying counts.

Why did this exist again?
It has a great opening. So yes.

They are learning, Bojack is ten times better at drama than comedy, and some of the episodes from the first seasons are so sitcom-stereotypical they fit in with exactly what that show satirizes, but they've been doing that less and less with the newer seasons.

Real talk I don't cry at much , but I felt like like shit when the husband died I have a huge soft spot for wolves and the likes of this movie was fun.

i thought that they were continuing on with it by introducing the hamster guy

i hope they continue to satirize too