Are there any good comics with female main characters?

Are there any good comics with female main characters?



yes, there are

Tank Girl

Gwenpool nigga


Brubaker's Catwoman

Angora Napkin


>Batgirl by Puckett
>Batgirl by Miller
>Batwoman by Rucka
>Gotham City Sirens by Dini
>High Crimes
>I Kill Giants
>Mystique by BKV

OP said good

>Jem and the Holograms
>The Powerpuff Girl comics in general
>Betty & Veronica
>Sabrina the Teenage Witch
>Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
>Ms Marvel
>Birds of Prey

Yeah, I know. Best female comic in the last two decades.

If you're not reading Gotham Academy, then you should be.


The Ballad of Halo Jones

No joke, one of my favorite Alan Moore works.

the main character ain't even a girl, it's that super unlikable and uncharismatic guy

The main protagonist of Girls isn't a girl.

WHOOPS, meant for what a blunder

so you want a


fite me

Anya's Ghost
Lucky Penny
I Kill Giants

woman are such memes

Little Dot is the only chick comic you need to concern yourself with.

Is this the one with the giant womb. I remember that being storytimed

Boy I'm about to blow your mind


Man that was a fun comic. DC was hitting out of the park from mid to late 2000's

Yeah but they're from Japan


damn, i was going to list each one of these. i will only add Chris Ware's Building Stories, Ghost World, Persepolis and Nausicaa (although that's technically Sup Forums).

actually, i would put Building Stories on the top of all of these listed, if i needed to rank them. since the "story" is fairly directionless and non-linear, it's pretty much ONLY about character development and evoking emotion/empathy.

Black Angel


>American Vampire
>Tokyo ghost

>clean room

I'd say Saga is "good". It's not fantastic by any stretch of the imagination but it's not bad.

Most Supergirl comics
the mid 00's Power Girl
Slott's She-Hulk
Mid 00's X-Men (becomes X-Men Legacy) which pretty much stars Rogue
Actually, a lot of X-Men stories have strong female presence in them.

Miss don't touch me
Beautiful Darkness
That one with the hot nanny and the prepubescent dream genius with steampunk for no reason

Why do aliens always wanna rape vampirella?

80's Paper Cuties :3

does anyone know if tank girl is a good comic

Came here to post this

It's enjoyable in small doses, I really like the art but the writing is really hit or miss and is often to "zany" for me

You owe yourself to read it, but stop past at issue # 83 and read #100.

I liked her better as Thong Girl, but she's good fully clothed too.

>Zatanna and powergirls last ongoings were pretty good.
>Harley quinn is decent as long as you pretend its not a harley quin comic.
>The new superwomen is pretty promising.
>A few of the mlp comics are great but unless your interested in the setting its not really worth wading through the mediocrity
>Kamala ms marvel is pretty good when not dealing with civil war 2
>Ostrander squad is great if you consider waller the protagonist

I have heard good things about
>early carol ms marvel
>spiderwomans first ongoing

Theres also an upcoming shade the changing girl.


Are you thinking of the issue of hellblazer with the giant stone vagina and the what could have been visions.

Little Dot is shit compared to Nancy.

Don't say Uncle Nonny never did anything for ya

No OP, there are none. None in the entire world, no good comics starring women exist. I hope this helps you.




I literally can't think of one. My friend really likes I Kill Giants, but I haven't read it. A lot of really shit taste in this thread, though.

>some """guy""" telling others to read Gotham Academy

Jesus Christ.

Have you tried reading comics not associated with Diamond yet?

octopus pie



I like:
Strangers in Paradise
Rachel Rising

All by fenomenal Terry Moore.

Not in the west. Feminism has irrevocably poisoned that well. There barely even are any female main characters, mostly just men with tits. Try East Asian comics.

there's plenty if you think outside the big 2

You suck, your memes suck and that comic sucks too.

He said "female" main character user.

there's more to western comics than DC and Marvel. Actually if you consider the whole comics industry those 2 aren't even that big in the medium.


Freaks Squeele i guess.


Bomb Queen

Unsounded has the best female lead.Fight me in real life.

What's the name of that comic with the girl who's on a revenge rampage? Someone was posting scans a few weeks back.

what you consider a good comic?

>Sex Criminals
>Paper Girls
>Tokyo Ghost
>Gotham Academy
>The first 8 issues of Saga


Going to have to be more specific there user. "Chapter seeks revenge" is at least 60% of all comics

hey trips, not only comics, but in all other midias it is fairly common

>bf's father is a cop
>finds dirt on local megacorp
>megacorp has bf and father killed as an example
>girl's father is also a cop
>girl wears a mask as she beats two crooked cops to death with a hockey stick


Copperhead, which btw when tf is it coming back

sure she has a knife, but dem fuccin legs m8.



Aeon Flux
The Maxx - Julie Winters, Sarah
Giant Days
Belladonna by Ange, aAlary

I noticed the lack of preacher there
tulipa is a strong female character, I guess
unless it is only lead character, with I don't think is the case

Ms. Marvel (Kamala series, 17+10 issues)
For Carol Darvens, Ms. Marvel by Brian Reed (50 issues I think)
Batgirl (Cass series, 73 issues)
Batgirl (Steph series, 26 issues)
Batwoman stuff (Rucka's, New 52 until Andreyenko came)
Alias (28 issues)
Glory (Keatinge & Campbell run, 11 issues)
Wonder Woman (various series)
X-23 (two minis by Kyle & Yost, one shot and 21-issues series by Liu, now All-New Wolverine series by Taylor)
Gwenpool (surprisingly good)
Catwoman by Brubaker
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Power Girl by Palmiotti and Conner
Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur
Queen & Country

Runaways (mostly female cast, BKV's run is 43 issues, Whedon's is 6, there are two minis)
A-Force (all-female cast, 5 +10 issues)
Gotham Academy (mostly female cast, 18 issues, annual today + revival soon)
The Authority (Warren Ellis' run is 50/50 but Jenny Sparx is the main character, 12 issues)
A Game of You arc in Sandman (female ensemble, Morpheus takes a backseat in this one)
1986 Suicide Squad (varying and changing ensemble, Amanda Waller as pretty much the main character, 86 issues)
Fables (huge ass cast, fuckload of issues)
Rat Queens
Gotham City Sires
The Bellybuttons
W.I.T.C.H. (100-something issues, didn't get far with this one, apparently at some point gets to shit)
Jem & the Holograms by Thompson & Campbell

>Shared Lead With A Guy
Hawkeye (Fraction & Aya, 31 issues, later two series by Lemire)
American Vampire
The Vision by King & Walta (at least the first arc with strong focus on Virginia)

Not since 2001.

>Aeon Flux
Slight mistake, this one was an animated seies, later they issued the book Aeon Flux: The Herodotus File, pic related.

Otherwise Betty Boop appeared in syndicated strips.

Also webcomics that were printed:

Ava's Demon
Bad Machinery
Bruno by Christopher Baldwin, complete
Derelict volume 1
Girl Genius
Gunnerkrigg Court
Octopus Pie

and probably many more

Shit's so awful it almost makes me like muslim ms marvel by comparison. Hell I'd rather see a movie about the brown bitch than this bitch since she's just that awful now.

I can't seem to find this comic to download it..want to read it. Ron Marz and Rockafort are both great


Anyone who hasn't read Bandette yet needs to.

The Bandette/Spider-Man crossover was great.

Been having fun reading Spider-Girl

Birds of Prey by Dixon, Simone, and McKeever (skip Bedard, Swierczynski, and Marx super hard).
Batgirl by BQM (with Steph)
Wonder Woman by Rucka
Batwoman until Andreyko
Alias, then The Pulse for Jessica Jones
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane (by McKeever ONLY, not the Moore stuff)
Punisher by Rucka

KSBD is the only webcomic I can stomach where there's a slight feminist undertone to it.

Every other is basically this.

Ms. Marvel is good.


Freaks' Squeele.
> amazing art
> fun story
> french
> fully translated to english
Also seconding Miss Don't Touch Me.
And if we are talking Kerascoet, Beauty and Beautiful Darkness both have female protagonists and are great and will probably make you miserable too.

The hell?