As has been well-reported...

>As has been well-reported, Deadpool wasn’t just the biggest film of Ryan Reynolds’ career — it was also a passion project the actor worked tirelessly to bring to the screen. He apparently put his money where his wisecracking mouth was by paying to make sure those scripting his superhero saga were around for the profane mayhem.

>On the latest episode of AMC’s Geeking Out (viewable here), Deadpool screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick revealed that, when Fox refused to pay them to be on-set during production, the film’s marquee star (and former “Sexiest Man Alive”) ponied up the dough to make sure they were available to lend their creative input. As they say in the above clip:

>“We were on set every day. Interestingly, Ryan wanted us there. We were on the project for six years. It was really a core creative team of us, Ryan, and the director Tim Miller. Fox, interestingly, wouldn’t pay for us to be on set. Ryan Reynolds paid out of his own money, out of his own pocket.”

>While the studio’s decision is hardly an uncommon one, Reynolds’ willingness to forgo some of his own earnings in order to make sure Deadpool hit every one of its R-rated notes speaks volumes about his commitment to the film and the character. That in turn, helped make it the sort of faithful comic-book adaptation that fans adored. And with the Fox hit now the most successful R-rated film in box-office history (with a worldwide gross of $782.6 million), it’s likely Reynolds won’t have to take similar measures when filming begins on the inevitable Deadpool 2.

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there's no way fox won't find a way to mess the second movie up.

This. Its fucked.

Yeah the success will be both a blessing and a curse for him

They're already making demands that new cast members be established names. So no more who the fuck is this Colossus and why is he so based? moments.

>Alright guys, hear me out on this one. Deadpool... meets Mystique.

awww man i'm gonna miss Negasonic Teeneage Warhead's angelic voice.

Hollywood deserves to crash.

Jlaw stique?
God, that is such an awful idea that it's bound to happen.

I'll never not be happy that against all odds we got this movie, it turned out well, and Ryan Reynold's work paid off. Really happy for the guy and we need more people in the cape movie industry who really love the stuff they're adapting.

I am worried about Fox trying to get more involved in the sequel now that they know it's profitable. I think they've mentioned that they don't want a huge budget for it specifically because they don't want corporate gettings their hands into it too much, so hopefully they'll be able to keep doing their thing.

I hope they can snag Kiera Knightley for Cable.

I still love one user's idea about them fucking with time, slightly altering Cable's ancestry and causing him to randomly switch between actors/actress throughout the movie.

>Mystique replace Copycat

Man, this makes me think highly pf thr guy. I hope good stuff comes his way.

Sequel name masterlist
>Deadpool Straight 2 Cable
>Deadpool Sloppy Seconds
>Deadpool The Quest for More Money
>Deadpool Merc with a Mouth
>Deadpool 2 Electric Boogaloo
>Deadpool 2 Oscar Worthy
>Deadpool 2 The Encore
>Deadpool Double Tap

Christ, Hollywood can kiss my ass. A movie like this should NOT be such a huge gamble.

>Cable (and Deadpool too)
>Captain Deadpool

At least the director is insisting on keeping the budget low

I like Electric Boogaloo, if any stupid meme name deserves to be in lights its that.

This Deadpool was an absolute anomaly. It wasn't supposed to make as much money as it did. It was lightning in a bottle and hit the public at the right place at the right time. Hangover, Matrix, Pirates of the Carribean, etc.

>Sloppy seconds
>The Quest for More Money
>2 Electric Boogaloo
>2 Oscar Worthy
>Double Tap

All great subtitles

>if any stupid meme name deserves to be in lights
They don't.

He was a producer, isn't that what he's supposed to do?

Pay out of pocket? No.

It's totally fucked now. The reason Deadpool turned out so good is that Fox didn't give a shit about it, they just wanted Reynolds to stop bugging them. Now that it's a popular franchise, they're going to be micromanaging the shit out of it.

Quest for More Money and 2 Oscar Worthy are perfect for taglines.

FAIL, this is the real name

>Deadpool 2: Dubs

It made them money, so they're gonna be checking in like they're best friends now. If things work out it'll just be still the close knit group that made it successful with a few added bells and whistles. Or just the same crew with more money.

Despite 2 years of media production and analysis class in high school im still not completly sure what a producer does.

Producers fund a movie and help it get greenlit but not sure if they're involved in the story-making or whatever. Look at Black Sails, Michael Bay is the producer but apparently he just helped it get greenlit to a channel, nothing more.

is he right

They help develop the film in one way or another.

Most of the time with money and because of that they demand changes to the film because if it wasn't for their money the film would not exist.

So there are movies like Green Lantern which had a ton of producers that wanted a ton of different things so that's why the movie failed.

The same thing happens to the Transfomers films, producers demand more comedy, more action scenes, bigger action scenes, comedy during the action scenes so the parents see the robots as harmless TOYS, etc

While sometimes movies produced by people like Steven Spilberg are better thanks to his advice or resources

You don't seem to understand how fan bases work

I want so much the sequel good but this thread is full si of legit worries that i'm now cautious to rise expectations.

Deadpool 2 Deadpool United

I don't think the TFs ever had comedy during the action scenes.

So what went wrong with GREEN LANTERN and Martin Campbell?

>Straight 2 Cable

i love this

>Deadpool Straight 2 Cable
Pls let this be the one

>Deadpool Sloppy Seconds

This one's top shelf, though I doubt the MPAA would allow it.

The only movie you listed that was anything resembling a surprise hit is Hangover, and it had four decently known comedy actors in it.

At worst they can have Deadpool get stabbed in the head again and for a couple minutes sees Cable as Keira.

I love this image.

And all three you mention got whored out.

Shareholders and CEOs are a weird bunch.
They just look at what has (and hasn't) made money in the past with no regard to formula.

Look at DC film universe it is still going only because Marvel has shown the formula can work.

Way back in the fall 07 WB was smugly saying that Marvel was going to hang itself with Ironman. Why? Because X3 Spider-man 3 and Superman Returns under preformed so it was a sign people were getting sick of superheroes.

I wonder if people are ready to forgive Green Lantern yet.

...but WB would have been filming TDK in 2007. Why would they predict their own movie would fail.

Because Batman Begins made big money. Hollywood execs are fueled by cocaine and cognitive dissonance

Because Nolan approached Warner Bros and Batman Begins while high praised under preformed in the box office (340 million or so thus making only half it's budget back)
We will never know the whole story but it seems before a certain actors death and a small film studio making huge waves, WB wasn't expecting a huge hit with Dark Knight and was already in talks about not green lighting the 3rd film or at least cutting the budget.

>Hollywood execs are fueled by cocaine and cognitive dissonance
You forgot child actors

WB is a strange beast

>Because Batman Begins made big money.

It got beat out by a pile of remakes like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, King Kong, and War of the Worlds

Of it's 150 mill profit it just made over half.

It was a big seller in a bad year but it wasn't THAT big a seller.

fuck that up
>Of it's 150 mill production
That's how it should read.

We remember, Dan.

Dan who?

Dan "Footsies from Tootsies" Schneider

Dan "The Man With The Plan To Get The Underage Can With the Tan In The Van" Schneider

The low budget wasn't a good thing though, it looked really cheap how they reused the same sets for like 80% of the film

It was though, because it forced them to focus on good characterization instead of effects.

D2: Double Penetration

Dan "the pedophile" Schneider

Who? Ed Helms and Zack Galifinakas were NOT movie stars. They were that guy from the office and that bearded comedian. Who are the other 2.... Jeffrey Tambor? Everyone else was an utter unknown in the film except Mike Tyson. It was a break out hit, however . is right. Matrix was a lower budget sci-fi movie that got its budget jumped up when WB thought it could be big. Hangover got sequels... POTC was always going to be whored out, its fucking disney. Deadpool 2 is not fucked, but man if Fox doesn't realize when to sit back and step out idk.

The 2 planet of the apes movies are fox and they're both damn good franchise films. They do their own thing and are good movies. DOFP was good, but idk. I just dont know. Deadpool 2 is could be up shits creek

Batman begins came out in a time when DVD, TV, rental and so on sales weren't trash. It was not harry potter or star wars, but it wasn't constatine or fantastic four. 10 years later revenue from those sources has shifted.

>Written by the Real Heroes Here.
Rarely do writers get the credit they deserve in Hollywood.

God dammit, Fox

It's not always (not exactly sure how often) their money though, a producer's primary job is to get other people (namely studios and production companies) to put money into the project.
They're basically CEO of the movie (represent the investors and are held responsible for financial success), not owner.
They can be involved in the story and artistic part of the production, or not, there's really no rule there.

Was Matrix really expected back then, I don't recall.
The Wachowski xiblings weren't exactly household names before it.

Robot balls

Straight 2 Cable is fucking perfect


>Dead vs Pool: Yawn of Justice
>Deadpool 2: Secret of the Ooze
>AVENGERS (actually, just Deadpool again)

>implying the studio can afford other X-men

>Deadpool 2: The Sequel

It became incredibly studio backed and had some of the most sophisticated effects of its day. It wasn't an expected hit, but also not a flop. WB put a lot of effort into the marketing and increased the budget of the film during shooting.

>Deadpool: Rebooted

If I remember right, didn't it get HUGE buzz from a teaser trailer that had very little complete footage in it?

As someone who worked in hollywood and worked with these people they are either as other user have stated the financers, but more often then naught they are the head hancho incharge. They usually are the fuck wits who say "do this do this do this and make it more like x" while having no idea about the creative process and what not. More often then naught they use their control to create some bullshit level retardation. I won't say what movie it was because I simply don't have the time to talk about what went wrong and I was only there for part of it. But here goes
This director told his lead actor to stop showing emotion when said characters mother died.

>no dr killerbrew
>No patch
>no teleporter
>Originaru henchmen

I insist that this movie didnt had to be restricted, since the joe kelly comics worked pretty well.
It is the modern deadpool which is all edgy and randumb the one that would be restricted.

for plebs.

i know for fantastic four the director told jessica alba to show less emotion when crying so she didnt look ugly

in the end they had her make a completly blank face and CGId a single tear falling through her face

All of these, please. In fact, run several posters with different names.

Embrace piracy. It's the only way to bring that motherfucker down.

>implying piracy does anything to Hollywood films

All it hits are the indies that manage to squeak out into theaters.

>Dr. Killebrew

There was no guarantee this was going to get a sequel, which would have been absolutely necessary to give the character his due. In the original script he only shows up at the very end as the cliché sequel bait. And considering that Cable is going to be a major part of the sequel means that the character is ultimately not very important for what they're trying to do.


A cool little (heh) character but unnecessary in the bigger picture. They did the right thing by giving his bar to Weasel.

>Teleporter and Angel Dust instead of Slayback, Sluggo, Kane

Budget stuff. What are you gonna do?

>Captain Deadpool

I laughed out loud and I don't know why

>Deadpool Number 2

Ryan Reynolds seems like a really cool dude.

Him and Keanu Reeves are two people I would want to get a pizza with.