The Strain

Hey let's watch The Strain and see if The Jew shows up this week.

Anyone? Maybe something will happen this week. For some reason a restaurant is still running.

Based Eichorst putting the pajeet in his place

are they eating babies?

>not muching on sweet sweet b pos babies

Might as well just watched sharknado 5

>The cult is made up of clowns.

Fuck that.

Oh boy, Eph is gonna get him some blown sugar

>Cannon fodder

Remember the first season where they had a bunch of subplots about people turning into vampires that didn't matter?

Jesus christ this show sucks ass

Why do my parents watch this

I don't even remember when I stopped watching this show, I think Gus and angel escaped from some prison camp?

So how bad has it gotten?

>dis my corner nao bitch

>cops are now just thugs
kek, subtle as a hammer to the shin

i mean, they are NYC cops

The kid nuked nyc


Oh man it's the girl from degrassi

Even at the end of the world nigs gonna nig

Fet's storyline is literally the only one that matters.

You and us both Eph, you and us both

Creem is gonna kill Gus for showing him up

Damn Dutch

>dat blood factory
>dat concentration camp next week
Also why would you harvest the babies and shit idk seems like they're gonna use up all the blood with factories like that

I get that it's a Holocaust analogy and maybe a factory farm analogy, but this stuff looks like terrible wastes of a renewable food source, like we're going to cut down the trees to get to the apples.


Two things I can't remember, did they make a big day about the eclipse like they did in the book and is the old man dead?

Yes, and no.

i mean, he gunna try

whats blown sugar?