Kys Sup Forums

>mfw Sup Forumsirgins claim not to be redditors or newfags and break the fuck down with the slightest of mod banter

Other urls found in this thread:

ironic shitposting is still shitposting


And there's nothing wrong with shitposting.

>blatant advertising

wonder how much the rick and morty ((((creators)))) paid gookmoot

>advertising the board
Found the meme parasite that came here because he saw Sup Forums being advertised in 2014/2015

>>mfw Sup Forumsirgins claim not to be redditors or newfags and break the fuck down with the slightest of mod banter- 3 posts shown.

Fucking exactly. Goddamn there is so much asshurt for something you can turn off.

Not enough.

some of the best moments of Sup Forums were admin abuse. shit, i just miss wordfilters at this point

Who cares? I wasn't paid shit and watching all of you homos sperg out as if your mother came down and turned on the basement lights is still worth it.

>hentai ads populate Sup Forums for years
>Purge and Jump Street movies get shilled for years
>this is fine

>Rick and Morty get "shilled"
>sperg out

Good to know the people who hate Pickle Rick are newfags trying to "fit in"

Love the virgin redditors crying at a meme

>i was right

There's an exact thread like this on Sup Forums.
>mfw lazy janis were so ill-prepared launching their campaign they only have one fallback slogan they will spam on all dissenters on all boards

>da jooz
>this level of asspain

Cry redditor.

how is copying a shitty ironic meme and adding absolutely nothing to it banter? It's not banter, it's not paid advertising, it's just not funny.

really because liking rick & morty automatically outs you as a redditor.

ahaha i know that Sup Forumsee sperg he's a hapa and a janitor now

>Being this mad at a pickle
O i am laffin :^)

>claims there's another thread
>doesn't crosslink it
Found the newfag

Virgin redditor gonna cry?

Your reactions are what is funny :^) stay assblasted, please :^)

>le meme parentheses

>all "real 4channers" like the same things

ITT: janis and jani wannabes make a case why you should join their cool culture

This is the kind of post someone angry makes though

All the Pickle Rick haters have never tried the pickle rick with the Szechuan sauce.

Holy shit fuck off with your Reddit fucking meme. "Haha look mom I posted le pickel Rick maymay again aren't I so cool and edgy haha God's not real Morty burp oh man this is truly the pinnacle of humor" I can smell the Reddit on your post you stupid fucking plebbit nigger.
Nobody likes your awful Reddit&Memey song remix and the fact that the faggot mods actually autoplay it in this thread is but another testament to your immense redditfaggotry. Go fucking jump off a cliff and rid us of your stupidity, you retarded newfag redditor. You make me sick. The very act of your fat sausage fingers typing your awful fucking pickle Rick thread makes this board that much worse. Go back to /r/rickandmorty if you want to force your awful fucking reddit meme.
>Inb4 "it's not reddit at all! I'm totally a le 4channer like the rest of you users"
The mere fact that you bothered to make a full extended song cover of a parody of THE normie song just to make a le hilarious fucking joke about Reddit : the show shows just how much of a retarded redditor you are. You are fucking scum and need to get off this board immediately. Nobody wants your fucking awful meme here, and no, the redditors thinking that they're "with it" for "ironically" liking this meme (which is the most reddit thing possible) by shilling in this thrad don't count, you stupid fucking newfag reddiotr.

And before you try to look for the downvote button because my post hurt your feefees, there isn't one you retard.

but they worked so hard. do you want to destroy their self-image that they are creative comedic geniuses? online trendsetters even? you insensitive fuck. appreciate them.

Umm no sweetie

great for the newfags, maybe. You come here for a few years the annual pranks become tiresome.

Reminder that the mods have been letting Sup Forums go to shit since 2014 and are willingly allowing reddit and Sup Forums crossposters to shit up Sup Forums because they think it's funny.

The mods don't care about us, Hiro doesn't care about us, not even the rest of Sup Forums cares about us.

Our only hope now is 8ch Sup Forums, where the memes flow like wine and film discussions are respectful and organized. Only there can we rebuild.

Godspeed, fa/tv/irgins.

*breathes in*

PICKLE RIIIICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Sup Forums literally getting this butthurt over a meme you dips
This is fun to watch desu

>they don't turn themselves into pickles

so did you mind when the same thing happened to Sup Forums with the Rock's theme years ago? Or was it "lulz mawdz bantrrr XD XD"

>being this anally annihilated
Are you going to make it through the night m8?

>mfw not a pasta

>W-w-why don't you like what i made
>Be happy with my efforts or I'll resort to exciting hominems
Can't tell who is more serious about memeing anymore

Personally id vote on spamming Sup Forums with gore until the plebbitors leave

one of those plebbitors is a mod backing up this marketing drive tho

Thanks for the ride, PICKLE haters. You made my night.

who cares, maybe a site wide ban would be worth since this site has gone to shit anyways. Constant viral ads have only worsened since Sup Forums had a locked sticky for asscreed 2 years ago and yet nobody was fired for it when it should've been exodus worthy bullshit.

did anyone else get their tattoos to commemorate the night yet?

i get your angle, it just doesn't interest me. i'd rather be lifetime banned and work on my life than find a surrogate that eats up my free time.



Smaller chans are more like forums anyways so they literally free my time up for other shit.
Only reason I come here is to talk about Twin Peaks and for manga dump threads on Sup Forums

>since 2014
you mean since 2011, newfriend


thats my queue to disregard everything you say

>responding to someone telling them you're disregarding them

What happened?

Why do you miss wordfilters? senpai and baka are still filtered a year after the fact

Yes, and?

You're a big pickle.

Hahah epic humor right guyz? Total channer here xd

If more of you chucklefucks supported cunnyposting, it might actually work.

What did I miss?

God redditors are pathetic and so are you for going there


Context please?

>actually visiting reddit to see what they are saying



splain was playing on Sup Forums. mods try to spice things up and have fun but autists sperged out because they couldn't figure out how to mute their tab

You know the whole pickle rick and party rocking in the house tonight spam? Turns out it was paid advertising by the mods and it all culminated tonight when they shat the enitre board up to promote their cartoon.

KEK too bad I missed all the salt



based af

>r slash eddit