Doctor Who General - /who/ - We should have just let it Die Edition
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Doctor Whore
Since apparently the whole board is now pickle Rick, what did /who/ think of it?
>who was dead too long this time. The rickesthetic nearly destroyed the regenerative process
It's shit
desu I lost interest in rick an morty, due in part to the ridiculous fanbase that we're subjected to.
>trying to fight forced diversity with misogyny
Or do you really just hate women?
>waah muh misogyny
It's a fucking meme, it's inherently apolitical.
I still haven't seen past the first episode this season, whoops.
Doctor's new outfit.
memes aren't inherently apolitical, nothing is, as a method of communication and idea sharing it inherently carries the political commentary of its creator
I watched one epsiode of that shit, looked up the unobjective "best" episode and it was apparently one where the old doc brown professor guy kept going to universes with in universes and used them all as fuel for his car, and they all started to realise what was going on so he killed them or some shit.
Honestly pointless, the sort of thing you watch with friends to pass time but I've no idea how it has a "fanbase", entire episode was watchable but they kept making cringeworthy references to how evil muh capitalism is, seems the fanbase is 100% edgy reddit teenagers who think they understand the world because they listened to one bernie sanders speech.
Anyone have any idea where I could find and download the eighth doctor novels? The only copies I found had truly fucked up formatting, and most downloads just don't work anymore.
Fark off Sandifer.
Ok lads so following up on my promise, this is the working draft of the moff era compilation based on this image: img.4plebs.org
I'm taking suggestions on additions and subtractions, preferably in a visual manner. Reminder for the autists, it's supposed to be about the worst of the moff era.
>inb4 everything
there's nothing wrong with half of these you fuckin dipshit
man, I had such high hopes for the power ranger daleks
It's literally too smart for you.
Then it's a faithful sequel to the RTD one.
nah, he was pretty on the money
delet this
what the fuck are you talking about
Can you make some actual suggestions then?
literally everything in the RTD one is awful desu
Rock and shawty.
>It's a fucking meme, it's inherently apolitical.
Karen a cute
Ugh, can you not post right wing Doctors here, sweaty?
did you seriously waste your time making this?
are the cloisters died
Well we're all wasting our time here anyway. I might as well try wasting it in something semi productive right?
Inseminating or being inseminated would be productive, this is meaningless.
fair enough, I don't mind wasting my time though
It's not even semi-productive when you seem to be incapable of telling good things from bad things
i want to inseminate but there are no willing participants and if you try to do it to unwilling participants you get arrested
civilisation was a mistake
No, if all he came away with from that episode was "reee, a cartoon character disagreed with my politics" then he's an idiot.
>Can you make some actual suggestions then?
If you look at the images in the RTD era they are legitimately terrible images that stand out as some of the worst things in all of nuwho, whereas this Moffat image has a lot of stuff that while not great is hardly on the level of shittiness as the stuff that the RTD images sets the bar at.
The Star Whale, River flying out of the Byzantium, Silurian scientist, Rory auton, Amy Pirate, "I'm your daughter," Mels regeneration, Old Amy, River spacesuit and regen energy, Akhaten speech, Amy/Rory jump, Dinosaur, Dude with the caved in head, Danny cibber, Guitar Doctor, Ghost Doctor, Bill pointing a gun at the Doctor, Clara dying, Puddle Heather, Bill/Heather images are all really not worthy of being on the image.
In the case of the one with Clara in the Diner TARDIS with Ashildr, I feel the image there isn't really representative of the shittiness of that plot point - the Diner floating in space would be a better pic, and for the Black Spot image I think a pic of the terrible CGI Siren would be better than the one of just Amy. I also really don't think the Hide one belongs in there, since while the monster design is ugly, the scene literally has the Doctor trying to hold back his laughter at how ugly the monster looks, so it seems pointless to include it. I think the Lie of the Land image should be changed to that stupid expression Capaldi has right after his fake-regeneration, or one of the fake-regeneration itself, since the image there isn't a good reminder of how shit that all was. I think the In the Forest of the Night image should be one showing the girl hiding in the bushes, not just the weird particles. Also the scene with Bill using the memory of her Mom to save the world is sorely missing.
Can someone post the damn old image so I don't have to scroll up to the link and then copy and paste the URL?
noted, thanks
Doctor pickle
What is this pickle shit? They made the main character into a pickle? Is this like when everyone was bitching at family guy for killing the dog and then he came back in the next episode?
>If you look at the images in the RTD era they are legitimately terrible images that stand out as some of the worst things in all of nuwho
>literally everything in the RTD one is awful desu
There is literally NOTHING wrong with Auton Mickey, robot Santas, the handy regeneration, or everyone on Earth being John Simm and there are many others that are kind of off but not terrible.
Prove me wrong without memes.
change the akhaten pic to pic related
add that fucking aborted fetus thing on diana rigg in the crimson horror
What the fuck is the pickle Rick meme anyway?
>add that fucking aborted fetus thing on diana rigg in the crimson horror
Forced meme by the mods
>Auton Mickey
Awful CGI, prosthetics and shit acting.
>robot Santas
Awful design and shit use in the episode, terrible attempt at forced "Christmas-ness"
>the handy regeneration
Absolutely god-awful resolution to a cliffhanger that is downright insulting. Also resulted in the worst possible tacked on conclusion to Rose's storyline imaginable.
>everyone on Earth being John Simm
A legitimately laughable cliffhanger presented with some abysmal special effects and acting, and only exists for the sake of making the "master race" pun.
In today's episode of Rick and Morty, Rick turned himself into a pickle. This scene appeared in previews for the season and has been memed on for a while. People see it as an example of "reddit humor".
because it's shit
Slitheen were the greatest villain of all time, aliens who subverted Earth and got it to believe it was at war by wearing the dead fucking skin of it's politicians, no other villain in Doctor who will ever be as dark as them. They were even forced to add fart SFX just so kids wouldn't have nightmares.
Is that it?
peru me wrong
The only one I'll agree with is the shit special effects for Auton Mickey because I just remembered the big spatula hands, that's what should be in the compilation. But P-P-PIZZA is kino. The rest of your criticisms aren't elaborated on enough to even argue with and just amount to saying "x was bad."
how did we go from this...
I've never liked crimson horror but how is that aspect of it shit?
to this!
Heather has the most bullshit powerset in anything Doctor Who, including all those times they make shit up for Time Lords and Weeping Angels.
What are some genuinely horrifying moments in NuWho?
>the ganger body horror
>the guy getting eaten by the ood brain
>the guy getting eaten by the ood brain
At least with the fucking Weeping Angels, they say that they got the power as a result of evolution, gaining the ultimate defense. That was already pushing it in terms of it being scifi.
But man, Heather's "travel ANYWHERE and be completely invulnerable" pilot power is fucking insane. I don't even get it, how could someone even build something that astounding? That's literally an even better traveling device than the fucking Tardis, made by the time Lords who have repeatedly been shown to be the smartest assholes in the universe.
Why the fuck haven't they made anything like that? Who was so smart to make something that even the time lords can't make? How many more of these godly water space ships are there? How many people are piloting them? Aren't they a potential threat to time and space itself with how invincible they are? How can one even heal, there was nothing that showed us Heather could fucking heal shit.
It's just so insane. Her power is so outrageous that it can't even truly be called scifi. It truly completely and utterly breaks physics itself.
They made the angels OPas fuck. Their whole shit was that they move as fast as lightning if you're not looking at them, so you always have to look at them.
Then MofFUCK made it so if you looked at them for too long they made you an angel. Fucking shark jumping twats.
Another victim of the never ending hellfire that was series 6.
But it comes with the tradeoff of only being able to communicate with non-puddle people through autistic screeching.
>Then MofFUCK made it so if you looked at them for too long they made you an angel.
uh what no they don't
>Another victim of the never ending hellfire that was series 6.
the angels weren't in series 6 aside from a five second appearance in the god complex
>uh what no they don't
What was that meme episode where Amy was rubbing her eye and she was becoming an Angel? She was wearing a red sweater.
Time of the Angels/Flesh and Stone from Series 5.
>What was that meme episode where Amy was rubbing her eye and she was becoming an Angel?
Clearly you don't even fucking remember it. That was only in her head. The Angels were in her mind and toying with her, but she wasn't actually becoming one. There is a blatant scene where Amy thinks her hand is made of stone and the Doctor outright tells her that she is simply delusional and her hand is fine.
>She was wearing a red sweater.
That was series 5.
Oh, I thought she was really becoming one.
Well it's pretty much the same thing, either way if you look at them or not you're fucked, making them invincible.
>Well it's pretty much the same thing, either way if you look at them or not you're fucked, making them invincible.
It was only looking at them in the eyes for a long period that caused this. It fits rather soundly with the notion that an image holding an Angel becomes on, meaning that once you vividly begin to picture an Angel in your head they become one.
Frankly I think it's a pretty good idea that's definitely terrorized a bunch of children with the idea that simply watching Doctor Who makes them prone to the Weeping Angels.
Need stories for Tenth Doctor and War Doctor
>Also want one more story for both First Doctor and Third Doctor, as well as Seventh Doctor
>Bill Potts needs more stories
>More Thirteenth Doctor stories are always welcome
Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures, K9, and Class stories are welcome, along with any other spinoff stories (Vienna, Graceless, Jago and Litefoot, etc).
Poems, short scenes, and scripts are welcome.
And the deadline is now August 14th!
these police boxes, they're ever so good aren't they?
Moffat ruined the show.
I like to pretend that Scream of the Shalka is the true canon.
Its oil from a ship of a highly advanced civilization, probably more advanced than the Time Lords. They might even be interdimensional.
>I don't even get it, how could someone even build something that astounding? That's literally an even better traveling device than the fucking Tardis, made by the time Lords who have repeatedly been shown to be the smartest assholes in the universe.
They're not though. The Time Lords are the most advanced "normal" aliens around, but it's been established since the classic series that there are people to whom even the Time Lords are small potatoes: Sutekh, the Eternals, the Guardians. So if we get something like the Monks or the space oil that we don't know where it comes from, pretty much anything goes. I think the only time Moffat went too far with alien tech was that Mire chip making Ashildr live until the end of the universe, because the Mire didn't really seem like they were all that, they were like Ice Warrior tier.
meant for
Won't vk work,
I like the theory that Heather is the Cybermen tech after the millenia it took to reach the top of the ship.
when are we gonna do another /who/ ranks who?
After Christmas, probably.
im not a moffstan and enjoy RTD more at times but this list is barely even bad
Cybermen are too shit to evolve into that.
>successful ever
you tried
The World Shapers would disagree.
Jodie on the radio.
fuck i love her accent so much
what big finish story is this?
Northern Nature. The doctor has turned human yet again and instead of writing a book she started acting as the doctor in TV
Post pictures of Amy Adams in lewd positions.
wtf? what episode is this?
all this doctor talk and none about doctor who
she's bloody lovable
She's supposedly talking about it on Lorraine tomorrow, it'll be her first post-announcement interview on TV.
Doctor /who/re
What was the ship that even leaked the original puddle anyway?
Is there a recording of this or a way to relisten to it?
Is there anywhere in the US to buy physical copies of the Big Finish stuff? Do they even offer physical CDs and the like?
I believe they deliver to the US from their website.
The Big Finish site ships worldwide, but have you tried sites like Amazon?