Whoever choreographed this needs to be shot...

whoever choreographed this needs to be shot. it's pretty fucking far fetched to imagine this in the first place but to have it amount to what equates to a literal 5yo play sword fight is... it's beyond words.

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I imagine it's the best Maisie could do, being that she is right handed and shit

I can imagine borderline retards being choreographed to some sense of manipulating momentum and I don't even know what jujutsu is.

Were they using real swords in this fight? Brienna swung so fucking hard that if Arya hadn't dodge she'd been chopped in half

>blocks overhand swing from person three times her weight with midsection of rapier
Heh, nothing personal, Brienne

brienne was using a training sword, arya was using needle

Made by a weeb I bet.

its more like a smallsword




Bran get me my gun


Why doesn't she just swing for the body and use her 4x reach. Reminds me of john wick, if you just took a long steady shot with zoomed out frame it would look like a comedy.

1. Smallswords don't bend like pool noodles the way Arya's needle does.

2. You wouldn't parry a goddamn broadsword downswing with a smallsword either.


>a kid who learned to fight 2 years ago is a 1:1 match for the grown woman who has spent her entire life training


what did she mean by this?

I will never not be triggered by this.
I mean fuck, parrying a broadsword with a rapier?

magic > training


The Hound will kill that deceitful bitch Arya next season and all will be right in the world.

Be patient.

It was pretty shit.

To be honest shit like this is why the 5 year time gap made more sense than not having it.

Like I understand that it fucks up a few plotlines and raises several why did it take 5 years for X to happen, but it would explain why all the kids are suddenly fucking amazing at what they do.

reminder arya is 11-12 in the books (younger than maisie in season 1) and she is in the middle of her house of black and white story. she is by far the most ridiculous character in the story

Arya's little piece of shit can't even be called a proper rapier

stfu gay nerd

That face though

I'm actually okay with a scene demonstrating the fact that Arya isn't a lil bitch anymore. And I'm okay with her being able to dodge Brienne's swipes, as she was actually trained to do just that. But her being able to parry a great sword with that fucking tooth pick is just silly. Also the sword twirling and smugness were just a little over the top and cringey.

How is she ridiculous in the books? I feel like the author keeps in touch with the fact that she's still a little girl and as far as I know she hasn't really done anything too unrealistic.

guilty of virtually every film sword fighting crime we have a name for

In training they would or should, be using blades with blunted edges and padded armor, a edge is still an edge after all. The choreography makes Brienne look like a retard since she telegraphs her attacks so blatantly
Was fun to see Arya get booted in the chest she hasn't earned of her fighting abilities.

>learned to fight by being blind and having a stick as a weapon
>somehow had time to learn flourishes

fucking biggest asspull of the show
every time she gets screentime, my blood boils

Brienne also keeps attacking the air where Arya isn't.

Do able so get over it

it's a smallsword.

A rapier is longer and almost as heavy as a longsword. And since you hold it in front of you in a stretched out hand (instead of closer to your body like a longsword) it is actually much more physically taxing to use a rapier than a longsword.

Are you forgetting all the time she trained with the sword of bravos? You and everyone else that gets triggered by a thing that happened in history and is more than possible need to off yourselves

>that terrible pasted on face


i cant believe this is real

GoT has never had good fights after the jaime/ned fight.
Remember the dual wielding in a 2vs4 situation in the raven dream, its painful to watch.
Or ygritte holding a bow at full draw for a minute.

What was that equivalent to in time? 1-2 weeks of basic sword fighting? Fuck out of here.

>GoT has never had good fights after the jaime/ned fight.

That fight was well cut but Nicolaj's footwark was (and is) some of the worst on tv.

He seems like an extremely clumsy person.

Turn your brain off lmao

>stick your head out at the enemy
>keep you weapon as far away from the enemy as possible
impressive fighting ability

>whoever choreographed this needs to be shot

*tips fedora*

>whoever choreographed this needs to be shot.
So, no one?

nice post

No. Almost a year. Kill yourself dumb fuck.

This was fanfare for Arya fans

>timeline is Syrio started training her on 8/19/298, and Syrio died 10/24/298

we're both wrong lmao

Ned was in Kings Landing for about 4 months before he got arrested. I suppose you could learn to fight decently with rigorous training (it seems to be implied that Arya trained nearly daily) but you would still be very much a beginner. Her training with a staff in Bravos probably has some carry over, at least in being able to react quickly to an enemies attacks and get out of the way.


I'm actually impressed it turned out as good as it did considering they're both women.

> no one

When he leaves the fight on horseback, he very nearly brains himself on a sign post but ducks at the last moment, I believe you can see it in the episode.

I don't t think needle is as long as that Rapier, but its length is an advantage for a quick thrust. But Brienne is wearing armor so jabbing her breastplate won't do anything, we saw this in Season 3 when Arya stabs the Hound and Needle just bends on his armor.

Blocking isn't so much the strength of the blade (its a stupid myth that a rapier will break) but the position and strength of the wrist. Parrying is different, parrying it redirecting the enemy weapon.

Long and short of it is that Brienne has all the advantages. Reach, armor, exsperience, strength and size. Even if Arya does step into Briennes reach in order to strike with Needle, a quick smack with the forearm would knock her out, Also holding the sword behind the back is retarded and makes me physically angry, both fighters should have their weapons infront of them.

>Also holding the sword behind the back is retarded and makes me physically angry, both fighters should have their weapons infront of them.

One counterpoint to that is that in the medieval era swords didn't have much hand protection, so having the sword long in front of you exposes the hands which leads easily to a disarmament. This is why many londsword stances start with the sword backwards while all rapier stances have the sword held long out in front.

In fact I think this is the first time in GoT that we see anyone attacking their opponents hands, as Arya ends the first exchange with a swipe at Brienne's swordarm.

Would you have liked the scene if Arya picked up a stick instead?

>Brienne didn't just chin-check arya with the hilt of her sword
It was sparring, and i understand it was an exposition to show how Arya has become some great fighter, but come the fuck on, She was JUST teaching Pod Whoresbane how to fight properly and then she just goes on ahead and does everything she advocated against

would have at least made more sense and might have lead to some slightly better/more believable choreography

I don't get why people are mad at how Arya conducted herself in the fight. She did very reasonable things by tv/film standards. The problem was that they made Brienne a god damned idiot whose swings could be seen a mile away.

this is ridiculous. but people take this seriously. they actually think this is okay and women can do these things in real life. i fucking hate people

watching this shit sober..

lmfao plebs.

Just bear hug her and its over.

wtf how can i little girl parry that massive sword like that.

Because magic magic magic, magic magic.

>trained by master assassin guild
>trained by master swordsman instructor for royalty
>spent seasons with the best swordsman and woman in the entire kingdom
>wins a sword fight,
how retarded are you? do you think fencing isn't a thing? and 300 lb faggots win every fight?
you're an idiot, brienne was repeatedly holding back throughout the fight and concerned for arya's well being , or did the 19 fucking camera shots to her face and standing there doing nothing not give that away?

They're both women, user. What Arya did should in fact offend you less than Brienne being a strong warrior because at least within the setting of medieval fantasy, relying on dexterity and speed makes more sense for a woman whereis they pretend Brienne is as strong as a man just because she's tall.

The combination of a cross guard and gauntlets would protect the hands, that and mobility. Alot of these awesome treatises becomes less useful when armor is involved. From what I know about Reinssnce era rapiers (which ill admit is very little), gauntlets went out of fashion when the more ornate and baskethilt crossgguards were utilized.

That's a standard late medieval longsword, not massive. Arya is just really smol.

I know, I don't even know why I come here anymore. Memes I guess, but it's ust thread after thread of people complaining about the dumbest shit.

Oh right, has anyone come up with a good explanation of how Dothraki got to where they did? I'm going with they used those ships Tyrion wanted for the blockade, landed at Casterly Rock and went South East from there. Any other ideas?

Bullshit the scene is there to show off how badass Arya is now because shes some assassin or whatever. It shows her Briennes face because shes so suprised and Aryas face to show how triumphant she is.

Yeah that is true. Which is why it's really dumb that almost no one wears anything more than leather gloves on their hands in GoT. Yeah rapiers had proper hand protection, which is why they were held out in front of the body.

The treatises in the late medieval era are in the era of plate armor, but better steel production techniques had enabled mass production of swords, which meant a lot of "gentlemen" were carrying swords around towns and cities, while in earlier periods swords had been very expensive.

>arya still using that shitty sword
everyone forget this? youtube.com/watch?v=pRY4Mpmfk1o

the repeated fucking moments where she assassinates rooms full of people are to show how badass she is

you're an idiot
she literally stops and stands there like 10+ times, i cant argue with a retard.

>lmao you seein this shit salsa

160 cm tall 50 kg females cant beat any trained knight tho, no matter their speed and agility. its just so unrealistic. you know what this cool female fighter thing was fun at the beginning but now its so out of hand its actually irritating

Tucker killed a dude with a chicken

that's pretty BADASS right?

>muh 300 lbs
you're a retard
fencing is literally just that

go read a book or something, you're delusional

>no posta di falcone
shit postas.

Better trained than sand sneaks at least.

In all seriousness logically big bitch of Tarth was taking it easy. First time she accidentally cut loose she kicked her on her ass leaving her wide open

Jesus fucking Christ, it's like a videogame enemy type, the "slow lumbering" one, you've all played a dozen of games with those in them and they're equally as retarded in each.

I wanna see a Bravosi bravo 'reck a Westerosi knight in a duel.

>Blond white woman commands an army of dickless, brown former slave warriors.

>She also commands an army of pseudo Arabs on horseback

>Frizy hair Afro bitch telling people words don't have gender and her people have no marriage

>Literally brown and Arab invaders taking over native white lands

>Added bonus for the cucks is that castration is a major recurring theme and women love that idea

>Laughable strong women warriors like Araya and Brienne

>All of the major players are women

>Literally had a season where the slogan was "all men must die"

His could any male with even an ounce of dignity watch this show and not feel completely ashamed of themselves?

This show is the ultimate liberal feminist empowerment fantasy. It's so heavy handed it's embarrassing

If you're a man and you defend this shit you should be ashamed of yourself. You're pathetic and weak and there's nothing good about you.

And if you like this shit stop denying the truth. Own up to it. You love a hard left liberal feminist empowerment fantasy. And you do so because you're weak and pathetic.

No need to get so angry user.
Having breaks in the fight is just for TV, to show each character and their expressions and positioning. The scene is there to show off Aryas new fighting skills which will probably show up somewhere else unless it was just there to bad the episode.

no , you moron
she literally puts her sword arm down and waits

just shut up you desperate faggot, you dont know anything even basic anatomy and you have the fucking nerve to talk to me in your idiotic arrogant style. i swear you low iq pleb should really open a history book instead of basing your knowledge on fantasy girl fights

They were sparring and stopped their exchanges whenever someone got hit and then started over.

This isn't wrestling. Weapons are equalizers. Swinging a 3lbs longsword isn't undoable for anyone.

That's the problem I have with the scen though, most of Arya's kills have been through the use of disguise, slitting throats, poison, etc. I can't even recall the last time they showed her training with swords or anything. I mean it's implied she trained with the Hound I guess, never shown. And when she was with the faceless men she got her ass handed to her repeatedly and never showed any progress, in fact she was so bad she gave up. Now out of nowhere she's this super agile ninja that can sidestep every single move made by a very experienced fighter who held her own against the Hound. When did she, before this episode, prove that? It just came out of nowhere.

>Weapons are equalizers
guns maybe, not swords. a small woman can swing a sword and a big fucking giant can swing a sword, to different results. but yes, they both can lift it if thats your brilliant point. how can someone be so removed from reality? i wonder if agility and speed is so good in swordfights, how come no medieval army was made up of small and thin females just jumping around killing everyone? i mean it just seems like a wasted opportunity

I remember being a kid and thinking
"Yeah... Assassin must be really good fighter, why don't they just have armies of assassins" but then I grew up I guess. You're right a face-less man and assassins arsenal is poison, misdirection, disguise and a knife. The show runners seem to have conflated faceless men with braavosi... whatever they're called. It is really stupid.

>being this assblasted

Aren't they based in Braavos? And what about those scenes with Arya fighting the mean girl with a quarterstaff? Clearly they trained for combat.

You don't swing longswords with big fucking charges from behind your head like Brienne did in this fight. You don't need to be particularly strong to swing or thrust enough to cause damage, that's why swords are fucking sharp.

As to why there weren't females fighting in medieval armies, I'm sure you know that there are a ton of reasons for that, not being physically able to fence at a decent level is not one of them.

Also life isn't you're videogames where you pour shit into speed, strength and agility, but generally being able to move your sword into your opponents openings faster than they can defend themselves is the very essence of swordsmanship.

this literally happened.
>who taught you how to do that?
uh, apparently the script. not a person or experience on screen, not even a montage, I literally never learned this.

It's very bizarre seeing people in other places reddit praise this scene like it was a masterpiece when I couldn't believe how awful and fake it looked to let Arya win while I was watching.

they got they people behind assassin's creed to do the choreography

Whilst combat training in general does help a lot in getting you in the mind set. Literally accepting that you are going to get hit and its going to hurt is the first step. Training with a Quarter staff doesn't explain her sudden mastery of Needle. I don't think there is a single reference to faceless men using those kind of swords, would it make much sense for a assassins guild with a theme of 0 identity to use a weapon characteristic of... well anywhere?

Essentially she's had maybe 3 weeks of training three years ago.

This REEKS of anime influence. Stop ruining our culture you tasteless nips!

the fact that they expect us to believe two months of fencing training she got years ago, and then stave fighting with a diminutive drug addict, prepared her for sparring with one of the top 5 swords of Westeros is downright insulting

>women are not weaker than men, its just opression and social norms. just give them toy soldiers instead of barbie dolls and they'll grow up just as strong and fast
i mean its bait right? its shitposting surely? its funny how years of fantasy and capeshit can override common sense