The Failures of Benioff and Weiss

>Bronn, a scumbag sellsword who has always been in it for the money suddenly becomes le epic dragon-slaying, Jaime-saving hero
>horribly choreographed fight sequences as if Jaime were somehow able to clumsily defeat Dothraki warriors because muh plot armor
>Jaime charges a fucking dragon and is epicly saved in a last second Peter Jackson-esque act
And my favorite:
>terribly contrived cliffhanger ending, as if the writers decided to have Jaime die in a random drowning incident as opposed to being torched by a dragon seconds before

Anyone else feel like the show has lost it's balls since they ran out of material from Martin? GRRM would never have allowed this shit. The first time a dragon has ever attacked Westeros in the show, and every single character has plot armor. I mean even fucking Dickon survived for god's sake. The show is losing it's suspense and going the cliche fantasy route. Never mind the fact that there's only like 10 episodes left of the entire series with so much bullshit to cover, which explains why the hyped-up Casterly Rock fight was one of the most anticlimatic experiences in the entire show. It's all so rushed, so terribly done and I don't blame Martin for losing interest in finishing the books after seeing his work being defiled by generic fantasy tropes.

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>he thinks that was a cliffhanger
garbage thread you're retarded lmao

bronn has to save jamie cause jamie is his mealticket. hes gone all in with the lannisters.
its not like he can run away with his one bag of gold and try to buy a castle off dany.

Just sit back and enjoy, its fucking game of thrones not your day job

I don't actually have a problem with bronn wanting to help jaime just for the sake of it
It's been quite a few seasons and he's clearly had some character development/bonding experiences

Bronn didn't try to kill the dragon for any reason other than "If I do not kill this dragon I am going to fucking die"

Also it's not clear if Bronn was the one who saved Jaime, it could've been Dickon - but if Bronn did save him, there's two reasons for this:
1) Jaime/Lannisters are how he gets paid, he isn't going to get paid if they're fucking dying
2) Character development. Bronn may actually give half a shit about Jaime. Maybe he's feeling guilt over not fighting for Tyrion. Bronn's an asshole, but he's not a sociopath.

Bronn recognizes that Jaime is best guy.

>just turn your brain off bro

ITT: GoT fans getting butthurt over the obvious shift in storytelling and character arcs since Martin quit giving a fuck about writing the books.

>dragon slaying
The dragon is still alive and kicking.

>be in battle.
>a dragon is nuking everyone.
>"hey ,there's a weapon to kill that dragon over there. That way, maybe you don't die here."
>go for weapon.
>kill dragon.

Crazy, right?

Bronn is a lord though, he hasn't been a mercenary for a while.

>it's not clear
Faggot why does it show bronn staring at a horse (immediately after the vista gets scorched)the same white horse drogon roasts in the final scene

It was bronn

>dude just turn off all your cognitive functions, matter of fact just shoot yourself in the fucking head, you won't be needing it when you see how cool the DRAGONS are!


No, he's still only a knight.

>t. showfag

It's not so much that Bronn saved the day (which I still believe is out of his book character at the very least) but more so that he survived the entire thing. If there was a time to kill off a great character who has been there since S1 for emotional depth, that would've been the time. But nope, the only notable people that die are some random Dothraki guy and possibly Ed Sheeran.

It's utter nonsense that shit skins could end up ruling westeros just because of those damn dragons scripted by the Kikes for Muh multiculturalism . I hated the lannisters as much as everyone else did at the beginning, but now I wish Jon snow and the shit skins + dragons went immediately to attack the white walkers, and with dwindled numbers the lannisters send the shit skins home with their Kike sourced dragons too, whilst the white walker threat has been weakened the lannisters can finish them off.

To get away

He knows he's probably not getting away easy. Why not use the magic dragon ballistae?

>dragon slaying
He literally just shot two fucking Scorpion bolts. How does that make him some sort of epic, dragon slayer as you put it?

>Bronn's an asshole, but he's not a sociopath.
Bronn is almost certainly a sociopath.

"Would you kill a baby in her mothers arms?"
- It depends
"On what?"
-How much they pay me

Throughout the series he is the poster child of a sociopath.

We're talking about the show here tho.

>It's all so rushed

This. If season 1 went at this bullshit pace, Ned would've died in episode 3.

>not rooting for the white walkers


In the beginning of the episode, Jamie pays off the largest debt that's ever been paid in the history of the world. He then reiterates to Bronn that "see? we always pay our debts". They then speak of all that is owed to him.

Weird that a sell sword protects the one thing that he's invested the last several years of his life toward, and just witnessed a massive fucking payoff.

They've been going full retard plus padding galore right after the red wedding. Doesn't help that all characters portrayed by competent actors are pretty much all dead and any potential interesting characters is either forgotten or flanderized. Also art direction decay.

Enjoy the memes.

Also remember when the shit skin says to Tyrion that his people are weak at fighting? you can see the regret in his eyes and realises he is not only betraying his family but much more importantly, his race

>implying 'critiquing' got isn't the closest thing he has to a day job

>muh shitskins
>muh joos
>muh lticulturalism

Fucking idiotaaa

I thought Bronn was going to pull one of these with the Dothraki chasing him:

This is bang on. Said it better than I ever could. I just finished the episode and it was nice to have Bronn back, but beyond a bit of classic Bronn bants, the episode was hollow, full of monologues, static scenes and naval gazing, before devolving into a Hollywood CGI shitfest ala a Marvel trademark, made-for-tv film.

It's looking cheaper than ever, the direction and cinematic feel the show had is gone, it's now just establishing shot, cut-in to mid and then ping-pong between a & b. No flare, nothing.

I don't think you know what a sociopath is, user.

it's a disgrace what they did with Littlefinger

Might make the show more interesting to watch...

I thought the whole point of that shot of Bronn looking at his gold lying on the ground was gonna show that he didn't give two shits about the Lannister's at that point, that his life isn't worth being a hero. That's what book Bronn would've done, but showfags will argue otherwise because le strong bond with jaime after the misadventures of Dorne.

Also this
>"Bronn isn't a sellsword anymore bro, there's more to him now"
>prior scene shows him demanding more gold from Jaime

Could be worse. Remember Roose Bolton? Oh wait, Littlefinger will end up the same.

I thought it was a case of dead men can't spend money and you're not out running hordes of crazed rapists and flying tyrone.

>even fucking Dickon survived fgs

Lol, that's when you know the shows knee deep in a pile of D&D shit
We cant even hope for an unorthodoxed ending for the same reason: D&D

Your favorite show has jumped the shark, get over it fag.

Good old GRRM has redefined what it is for a writer to be cucked by letting HBO write his books for him. I have never heard of anything like this before and it is pathetic.

Years later, still no release date for Winds Of Winter.

He was just playing tough, he's a good guy inside

Tyrion asks him if he would kill an infant in his mother's arms without question just like the City Guard did. Bronn says he'd ask how much. Seems a bit better than blindly following orders. He'd do it, but not without anything for his troubles.

He did it to protect his country from the mad queen and her evil dragons

My only solace from this trainwreck is watching GRRM get cucked hard.

It's obvious to me that he just doesn't give a fuck anymore and knows he made a huge mistake in doing it. He's old as shit and probably won't make it another year and is just living out the rest of his life distracting himself from what could've been. I have but the slightest hope that when he dies, another qualified writer will step up that knows how the story ends and deliver significantly better than D&D are doing. Hell, it's been years since I read DwD and all I don't remember very much at all. Barristan was alive and there was another Targaryen named Jon Connington.


has the whole series gone by without him finishing another book?
i remember around season 2 or 3 he was still delusional enough to think he would stay ahead of the show but the fat fuck has literally done nothing in all that time

He's acting edgy you idiot. He literally trained Jamie to fight left handed every day and was excited to see Podrick. He obviously cares about people.

lol fucking book nerd, you are talking about a book that's not even out


>>prior scene shows him demanding more gold from Jaime
You know, a lots of people are like that. They whine, shittalk you all the time, but at the end of the day they will always back your up.

>Bronn, a scumbag sellsword who has always been in it for the money suddenly becomes le epic dragon-slaying, Jaime-saving hero

He's still in it for the money, without Jamie he loses everything.

It's clear if you can pause it and it looks like Bronn.

>inb4 tyrion offers him more gold to switch sides and then bronn becomes another of dany's lapdogs, doing it because she's the true queen

you're on Sup Forums bucko

Bronn is like Cosca-light

>Ed Sheeran
His on screen death would have been glorious

I think it was more like "damn there goes my gold, well I can't survive on foot trying to carry a heavy bag of gold while trying to fight of the dothraki, better go save Jamie so he can give me a castle later."

My favorite part was Danny flying straight into the ballista
>Oh no! I'm being shot at by a giant siege weapon
>They could seriously injure my most valuable weapon in this war that I treat like MY OWN FUCKING CHILD
>it would be best to command my gorrilion horsemen to attack that otherwise undefended ANTI AIR weapon

She is retarded though.

>"hey, want to hear a new one"
>cut to a scene of him burning at the stake

What did you expect from Daenerys "enough with the smart plans" Targaryen?
Any other character in her shoes would've died seasons ago. She's only kept alive by plot armor alone.

It sure looks like generic hollywood writing now. If Dany wins and marries Jon I´m throwing up so hard.


>person who has never fought in a battle in their life makes a novice mistake

Gee, who knew.

Pablo Escobar cares about people too, doesnt mean hes not a fucking psycho who blows up planes, murders etc for profit

you seem like a faggot


It's obvious the show went to shit after the books stopped. I only watch it for the battles at this point because thats the only thing the show does well at this point.

Stark reunions people have been waiting 7 seasons for have been completely underwhelming

Not even a Dany fan but, her arrival on Westeros felt rushed as all hell

Cersei has turned from moron to Tywin 2.0

Seriously what the hell?

>I only watch it for the battles at this point because thats the only thing the show does well at this point.
Are you kidding me? The fights are the shittiest part of the show.

Show's officially in Legend of the Seeker territory.

He stopped giving a fuck after ASoS. The last two books have been fluffed with hundreds of pages of bullshit food descriptions and jerkoff fantasies because he doesn't know where to take things but needed to publish something for the money. Now that he's rich from the TV series he will never finish the books. Winds of Winter might be released because he had already started it before he became wealthy and might have some small nagging need to finish it before he dies, but once that one is out there is no fucking way he is going to be able to convince himself to waste the remainder of his life writing shit he's not interested in. He'll never bother writing the final book because he's nearing the end of his life, obviously hates writing, and doesn't have any real incentive to do it anymore. The guy is probably snorting coke off a stripper's ass as I type this.

the real Bronn would have just run, better chances

>been saying d&d are terrible since 3rd season
>Keep watching every Sunday, season after season
>Most popular show on Sup Forums by far
Really makes you think.