The TRUTH about Rick and Morty

You often see people here debating the "Redditness" of Rick and Morty. Well I propose a new theory, and this way of thinking about the subject shall be called Reddit and Mooty.

Reddit is Dan Harmon, a total cuck soyboy who tries to inject social issues into everything and loves le reddit science meme. Mooty is Justin Roiland, he represents Sup Forums, with our same style of absurdist humor and dark gory undertones (plus he posts on Sup Forums).

So why do people here argue so much about why the show is "Reddit" or not? It's because the show is half Reddit and half Sup Forums.

Reddit and Mooty.

Other urls found in this thread:,000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php


It used to be half and half, but it's clear that Harmon is getting his fat fingers on everything, and Roiland is taking the backseat. The shows 20/80 Sup Forums/reddit now.

huh woah that's deep
easy on the profoundness bud


Isn't Rick and egoist? What's with that pic?

it's from Dan Harmons twitter feed

>Everyone would be a genius


Does he not actually write for Rick and Morty?

he is one of the head writers and a cocreator

He should pay more attention to his own show

oh shit user you cracked the code

Wouldn't Rick be totally against Bernie?

Rick would probably be against any politics, guy can go and do whatever the fuck he wants, politics would be under him

what's his sign say Sup Forums?

reminder that all these rick and morty threads are being made by roiland


In interviews when they ask how they came up with a joke, it always goes like this

>some jew, loo or woman
>I was being like [unfunny ass pop culture reference] and asked Justin to read it
>then Roiland said "I don't know what that is, so I just said [hilarious joke] instead"

Literally every single one

I agree. Roiland is our guy and Harmon is a faggot who ruins everything by trying to make it into a soap opera.

Actually having Beth and Jerry divorce is such a hack Harmon move. Also, I bet the speech the therapist gave was told to Harmon by his therapist.

Fuck Harmon. Roiland just wanted to tell jokes. Leave it to Harmon to make it so GROUNDED and REALISTIC.

>it's a people still fall for the Sup Forums vs reddit dichotomy meme episode

You are correct

>I bet the speech the therapist gave was told to Harmon by his therapist


he has been talking about how he's been going to therapy the whole production of the show on his podcast Harmontown

Consistency and lore don't matter when personal politics and agendas are a thing.

I think the divorce is a good idea but mannn that therapy scene was bad.

Like Rick gives a fuck about other people like that.

Fair enough, I just don't see the rationale of whoever made that pic. Other than implying that smart people support Bernie

go look at the front page of reddit, read it long and good

then come look our front page and tell me these people aren't worth keeping out



Haven't seen this in ages, was looking for it.

>isn't a little bit of college loan debt a good thing


Roiland isn't Sup Forums. He's just a partician with dark autistic humour. He doesn't fit reddit so I suppose he's /our guy/ by default but still. Don't categorise Roiland when you could just as easily explain everything by shitting on Harmon.


wow nice theory faggot

>what are limitations and expectations for state funded education

We have free healthcare in my cunt but that doesn't mean i get to vacation at the hospital whenever I want. Same for education, you must maintain a certain average and cant go forever. Why are americans such retarded simplistic black and white faggots that cant understand any sort of nuance or shades of grey?


christ Berniequeers were the worst part of the 2016 election. Hilldawgs and le MAGApedes each had their fair share of delusions, but the fucking Bernie crowd was like a class of kindergartners


"my head to body ratio is the same as a toddler's"

You live in Slovakia don't you?

This is such a shit argument

Just by going to college you dont automatically get a degree. It is hard work, and brainlets drop out

Two, with the current system it would cost a shitload of money to pay it federally but only because of tuition costs (ballooned up from free student loans)
If the government went full socialist, fired all diversity officers and pencilpushers, and limited professor salaries at 80-100k a year, it could be easily affordable
However Bernie would never do that, since both him and his wife are on the board of some school, so they'd get a mad payout, not to mention the kickback money from education lobbies

But the whole "durr then everyone would just hang around campus forever" is fucking retarded.

I hate you





>If the government went full socialist, fired all diversity officers and pencilpushers, and limited professor salaries at 80-100k a year,

Because that's exactly what happened in places that do free college

NEN ..!!

Hey, if it works

And if you dont like it, then you can just pay out of your pocket



Have you ever been to an American university?
You only have to work hard if you're going for a STEM/CS degree.
Business/social "sciences"/grievance studies majors don't do fucking anything but party and still get a diploma

nice dubs bitch

>go to a university
>get a diploma
literally murican education

>isn't a little bit of college loan debt a good thing
In theory, but your burger debt is ridiculous, I would never study in America.


why should taxpayers pay for their college tuition?

fuck you

Every country that has free education reauires high enough test scores to qualify everyone knows that


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.


It's because the education is so shit. A vicious cycle, it is.


fuck you dick why did I click on it


i too go on r/mde my fellow redditor :^)


Morty, Morty y-y-you gotta, read, you gotta read the website, Morty, ha-han-hang-hang on I'll link it, I'll link the site.,000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php
Morty, y-y-yyou-you gotta understand, i-*URRRp* it's all a big Zionist lie, Morty. Kaballah Morty, it's like Su-*urp*Sssuper Jew shit, it just, really wanted to justify, th-the-the breaking of traditions, and I-I know this is heavy stuff, Morty. I mean, I know you're probably a bit jewish too, a dad like Jerry and all, but M-Mo-Morty, I'm telling ya this cause, you're like, you you need to understand that I kicked your dad out because of this. Morty, if we left your dad in the house, hheeheeee'd nev'r let me redpill you Morty. Like that great movie, Morty. Remember the Matrix, Morty? W-wi-with Keanu Reeves, Morty, Keanu Reeves is like a, like the best actor in the movie, Morty. We're gonna watch Keanu Reeves movies now Morty and talk about Jews, Morty. Jews and Keanu Reeves and the Holocaust is a lie Morty. Biggest lie ever, top tier jew lie, Morty. Morty we gotta, we gotta out-jew the jew, and wa-and watch Keanu Reeves movies, Morty. It's just, it's just what our arc is now. Fuck Szechuan Sauce Morty, we need to watch Jew-fighting movies Morty. Morty! Morty!

gah, no!

>our same style of absurdist humor and dark gory undertones
Ugh, think again, reddit. That's actually reddit as fuck. Le edgy gore and violence for shock value? Not around here, bud. I suggest you lurk more before operating a thread around here.

you stole these from r/mde

>what is Sup Forums gore threads
>what is le edgy Sup Forums humor

>d-dude edgy Sup Forums gore spam i-is the best, i-it's 5chan's legacy
Wow, trying this hard to fit in?

An fuck you triggered left pol aka reddit.


My country has "free" education for all levels, yet we have at most one world class university and our international education ranking keeps decreasing.


That's a fantasy of your think that would work in our corrupt country.

pls dont


>Just by going to college you dont automatically get a degree. It is hard work, and brainlets drop out
You haven't stepped on a college campus in the past 20 years, have you?


how would you know that though


>college debt is GOOD and make u motivated!!!!!

Trumptards are really just as bad.

Debt would force you to work.


the only redditors ive seen here are ones who cant handle the ending of the sopranos.

found this on r/Sup Forums

top kek
also go back
was it the most upboated???


no but it can be

upboat plz Forums/comments/6s8nye/tv_roasts_rick_and_morty_creator_dan_harmon/

Go back and find out, redditor

I liked the first season or whatever

then the shtick got old as fuck and I can't tell if the new season just has bad writing or if it was bad all along

epic OP, you should make a video essay about it with violin music and a soothing narration.


lol im already writing my essay on the subject, for free too, thanks fasfa money! i just had to be black

>things cost money


