Blocks overhand swing from person three times her weight with midsection of rapier

>blocks overhand swing from person three times her weight with midsection of rapier
Heh, nothing personal, Brienne

Other urls found in this thread:


Arya being a badass would be a lot more believable if she didn't look so damn chunky

She read books and played shogi for 3 days.

But the angles

>kicks 4ft arya in her torso
>crushes her ripcage doing so and sends her flying a few feat across the courtyard

>parry blade with your sword
>deflect the momentum by angling your blade away from you making it slide along your blade
>hurr durr not stronk enough

You clearly know nothing about physics let alone sword fighting, kiddo

why didn't they just have arya dance and roll round not even needing to parry the blade because she's too fast? that would have been better and more realistic

it's a fantasy series

Sup Forums suddenly likes M'lady Brienne, another female power fantasy

Soon y'all be YAS QUEENING all over Dany for being contrarian

Ye fucking anglos man

me and my friend sword battling

shes much faster though, it all comes down to physics.

power = force x speed

so in the end she overcompensates the weight difference by being faster

Doesn't mean you can parry much stronger blows. There's nothing wrong with having stupid fight scenes, but don't pretend it isn't stupid

I'm sure to win because of my superior speed ;)

And yet everyone ignores the kick

Arya activated bankai before the fight and has a Newtonian-level understanding of physics and angles

That assumes that the little sword or the wrist of the holder can withstand the necessary component of force required to change the direction. I assure you Arya s hand could not have done it.

t mechanical engineer

except you cant do that with a rapier you dumb faggot

t. professional swordfighter

>ruining your steel blocking a broadsword at all

>in medieval times

Except in fantasy series the week don't overcome the strong with brute force

What's the Rockwell hardness of "Castle Forged" steel vs. Briennes Claymore?

is she trying to get her sword knocked out of her hand or something? what is she trying to accomplish?

>brienne using all her strength swinging the sword around


>Pokes at Arya half-heartedly
>Goes full tardrage and swings at her head with all her might


Those are basket hilt broadswords.

>if you're a small twig person you're faster than someone larger and stronger than you
Shut the fuck up retard

Lel, nice b8

>brienne is telegraphing her attacks and slowly swinging when she can just overpower her by using her brute strenght
>arya somehow parries a broadsword with the tip of her sword without losing any momentum at all
>she actually dodges attacks without using her sword at all when it would ve bee na stupid decision since people can swing swords faster than anyone can move
>with little to no real training and battle experience she can 1v1 brienne(who is a top tier warrior in the show) with ease
>we havent seen arya getting this good at swordfighting at all
Alright i get it, she was trained by Syrio and she has been training with faceless men cult but none of them actually justifies her being a ninja.At max, she should've been a very skilled assasin where she can infiltrate into anywhere; this is just utterly ridicilous and doesnt make a single sense.

Isn't Brienne's sword also Valyrian steel? That little rapier should break at the slightest touch...

psshh, nothing personal though.

Its not a video game, you stupid cunt.You dont magically outspeed a sword swing just because you are small.Dont be ridicilous.

It's an arming sword and she is using her finesse to full effect, sorry OP

Why is there a HxH reference in my got thread

Not one of you fucking children references The Duelists. It's kind of sickening.

ITT: butthurt BernieBros

to be fair thats how you would win a normal sword fight in a battle

A sword swing isnt a punch ,you dumb fuck.

They're just training. She lost easily when she hit the ground and then her sword but was just proving herself resourceful by pulling the dagger. Clearly a sword through the face is more fatal than a dagger slash to the face but it was a good effort

It would be stupid if she just gave up when she got kicked. That's what happened when she went at the hound.

>He doesn't know about angles.

My God I love Tim Roth

no, it's much faster, and you can dodge those, YOU DUMB FUCK.

fucking idiot thinks the swing of a claymore is faster than a fist.

they aren't really using the weapons properly in that either

Right, cause up until she kicked Arya, Brienne was doing more than humoring her?

I can't wait for Matt Easton's review!

>i watch anime so i know how this would happen in real life hurr durrrr

>shitl0rds dont know about angles

Arya can change her mass and size at will

matt goes very easy on GoT because he likes the show so don't expect him to completely shit on it. the closest i've seen to him shitting on the show is the bastard battle, and even then he still liked it.


So like 8th grade?

Good analysis op

I hear about "women can't fight men fuck feminists", "Chinese kungfu is bullshit" all day but never learn more useful knowledge

>muh swords are heavy cuz they are made of iron
A sword swing is as fast and have more range, you are basically retarded.

Arya literally boneless blob right now

Hahaha jesus christ...

Only way to reconcile this deluded logic is for Arya to be standing like directly under Brienne. Like, nose stuffed up her codpiece close.

Instead she's standing at SWORD LENGTH, tapping the sides of a broadsword mid chop and generally just taking a fat shit on the audience's chest.

So to tip of a sword accelerates as fast as a fist with the same arm acting on it? Is that what you're positing?

Ali was so based in every way.

ITT: Show featuring dragons and snow zombies and people get butt hurt about sword fight.

literally who?

dude just turn off your brain lmao its fantasy

you dont have to block it outright. most of swordfighting is deflecting

he's a hema guy that talks about medieval warfare and weapons, he also does movie/tv show reviews of fight scenes. he's not some random idiot either, the guy knows what he's talking about.

>They didn't show every single day of the years that Arya spent training with Syrio and the faceless men

Did you want to see that?

>People can swing swords faster than anyone can move
One of the most retarded things I've ever read.

Take a long and thin object on your hand swing it rapidly by twisting your wrists; do you think you would've more chance fighting with your fists or swinging a sharp sword by twisting your wrists?So educate yourself before spewing some bullshit out that you've just made it up in your head.

dont expect the kind of audience that worships game of thrones to understand the basic premise of fencing , or any aspect of sword fighting other than "HURR BIG GUY XDDD!! FOR YOU XDD!111"

You are the one that is retarded.Evading attacks by dodging is a very risky option that no one would do unless it is the only thing they can do.

>"While you played at politics sister, I studied the blade".
I wish normies wouldnt come here

it's a goddamn claymore you fucking fucking moron.

Did you learn that larping in the woods with your tape sword?
Swinging a sword is a move a person is making. You basically said a person can't move faster than a person can move.
I bet you couldn't even a swing an actual sword. There is no way to do it without telegraphing your swing.
Also there are a lot more impressive people in the world than you tell yourself.

I'm going to hand you half a telephone pole and place a person in a coma in front of you. I bet they dodge your attack. You people really have just sat in front of a computer your entire upbringing.

>Dude gets 2v1 with machetes
>Still handles both of them for a really long time.
>dodges swing after swing
>finally gets hit after dropping both multiple times
>Your people can't fight

>watching game of thrones by myself
>60 year old mom texts me
Now i know who their target audience is

Have you ever swong a claymore before?It is actually really fast if you know what you are doing.I wasnt even comparing it to claymore anyway since you thought swinging punches would be faster and harder to dodge than a sword swing.I simply proved you were wrong.

You got a cool mom.
Ten or fifteen years ago men's complaints were their moms will never understand "shows women can't understand"
I call this progress.

Except he gets wrecked in the end and he was fighting againts thugs who didnt know what they were doing.You simply cant dodge an attack that is coming from a skilled warrior like they did with Arya vs Brienne fight.

Sansa, the angles.
The angles, Sansa.
They were beautiful.
The angles.

you totally did. everyone sees you won. now fuck off.

What is your point anyway?You are just a clueless mongrel making shit up to defend your god awful show.

Your are absolutely wrong but ok

You dont even need to swing one yourself.Just watch a video where people are sparring with claymores and tell me that anyone can actually dodge one consistently.You retards take your knowledge from high fantasy videogames.Go back to Dark Souls.

Doesn't matter Arya only dodge 2 or 3 swings before she pulled her dagger.
That guy dodged multiple swings from two directions you proved yourself wrong completely. Just some british basement dwellers say look he eventually got hit doesn't mean that wasn't completely impressive.

>one of the autistic nerds who shits on lindybeige
got it

wow i give up totally proved me wrong

you're absolutely right. I'm wrong, now go talk to human people.

Except Brienne is a skilled fighter that is nearly as capable of The Hound.Those two were retarded thugs yet they still won.Not to mention Brienne's weapon had a longer reach than machetes.

10 or 20 years ago it was 1997 and a 60 years old person would have been born in 1937 before the WWII and lived his or her forming years during the 50s.

Such a person would have been appalled to see the mainstream TV show being so degenerated

ITT: autistic larpers that think they know what they're talking about

I would suggest everyone to go and watch Matt Easton videos like recommended

>human people
You are absolutely retarded and dont know what you are arguing about.Maybe you should get back to your 3rd world shithole country where you can share your sub-par intelligence with people like you

Matt and Lloyd are bros

I'm tired of arguing with the entire DSM-V. Go try to stop hating yourself so much and talk to a physical person.

Arya is a tiny target dude and she is like a ninja master at this point in the story

Why do retards like you assume people that you are arguing with are asocial individuals just because they are completely proving you wrong to the point where you resort to strawman arguments and adhominems?Is that because you feel bad about how retarded and clueless you are or how desperate you are to make yourself look righteous?Well i am done talking to you anyway.

because you type shit like this..

>You are absolutely retarded and dont know what you are arguing about.Maybe you should get back to your 3rd world shithole country where you can share your sub-par intelligence with people like you

a healthy mind doesn't not type that.


lindy is a fucking retard. go watch some of matts videos and youll realize just how stupid lindy is

>Women finally like fantasy shit
>Sword fights are for women
You guys will do anything to stay virgin

>defelcting at a 90 degree angle

What is this fucking trash?