Why do all Steven King adaptations flop?

Why do all Steven King adaptations flop?

Because Stephen Knig is a hack.

He's a hack.

lol if it's beating Dunkirk and it's a flop, what does that make Dunkirk?


Because Roland isn't a nigger

The concepts in his books are difficult to portray visually

source material is lame

not a great writer tho he have some ideas stories
his prime is long gone
old stuff are a good read but nothing more no serious director producers will bother making quality movie of his books because they are not good enough

Dunkirk has been out for like 2 weeks now

>old stuff are a good read but nothing more no serious director producers will bother making quality movie of his books because they are not good enough
Go to bed. You're drunk.

Also, I haven't seen it yet because the trailers all looked horrible. I loved the books.... should I even see this?

He's a honky mafah.

Because Dunkirk came out this weekend too.

Green Mile, Shawshank...

This one is a flop because the main character was based on clint eastwood and played by a congolese shamen

It's okay, clownkino will save his reputation

The Shining
Stand By Me
The Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile
Secret Window
The Stand miniseries
Part of Creepshow
The Running Man
Apt Pupil
The Mist
Maybe It (not sure if it made $)
He's got a ridiculous number of successful adaptations

see it if you are a literal cuckold

Some of his adaptions are OK. Most are below average. The best adaption is The Shining(1980).

I am not, so I will not.

Seriously pumped for It.


I can only guess NON-fans are adapting his books. Or fans, but not the right kind of fans.
Plus yeah, concepts are hard to portray on film. Nevermind all the inner thoughts and memories of the characters. Plus they'll NEVER, EVER adapt one as is. Line for line, event for event. Too much money for too many movies. 1 book alone from any author would be a trilogy, at least.

Green Mile wasn't a flop.
Maximum overdrive is awesome and has ACDC in it.

1408 didn't flop and was pretty good. I think Steven King only does good with short stories, and so those are the only ones that translate well into any other medium.

Because he sucks at everything he does and says.

this, in regards to the Black Tower books

Right? Young kids trying to be edgy "uhh Stephen King adaptations BLOW amirite?! Right guys?!... No?"

The following movies would grant any other writer permanent immunity from such criticism: The Shining, Stand By Me, Shawshank, Carrie, Misery. That list of four ALONE (without even mentioning the others on your list) is worthy of immunity. FFS, Shawshank is considered by many (I'm not one of them, but still) to be THE greatest movie ever made, and by many more it is the top 10. These edgy morons have no idea what they're talking about.

because they're not based on good content in the first place

>Maybe It (not sure if it made $)

It was a television miniseries, and it had decent ratings.