This is a top 5 movie all time. Prove me wrong
This is a top 5 movie all time. Prove me wrong
This is in my top ten, OP. Anyone 30 and up who saw this as a kid will appreciate it. The 20 and under crowd on this board doesn't give a fuck because they focus on the plot twist rather than the music, editing, acting, and atmosphere.
Its just bretty gud
Helllloooooo Reddit!
Never change Sup Forums.
All time worst taste in movies
/r/movies is that way
The casting was truly great.
It's one of those movies that are impossible to remake because they will never be able to replicate the chemistry between the actors.
I knew the twist 10 mins into the movie. awful film
> durrr good movies are Reddit
I can't tell if this is just meming or you guys are truly bitter socially retarded outcasts who like to disagree with people for the sake of being some special snow flake who is above everything. Get necked anytime
> trying this hard to appear smart
Fuck off cuck. You wouldn't even know what's going on in the first 10 minutes cause all of them are in jail.
>Prove me wrong
Loved in in the 1990s but watching it now it's pretty shitty.
Everyone focused on the plot twists, you fucking cocksucker.
Only the first time they saw it, fucko
deducted the plot twist from the poster, shit movie
fucking this
knew the plot twist before the script had been written fucking piece of shit "film"
reducted the plot twist from a cuneiform tablet when i was wikipedia diving in 1973