This is a top 5 movie all time. Prove me wrong
This is a top 5 movie all time. Prove me wrong
Lincoln Nguyen
Jacob Ross
Jackson Moore
This is in my top ten, OP. Anyone 30 and up who saw this as a kid will appreciate it. The 20 and under crowd on this board doesn't give a fuck because they focus on the plot twist rather than the music, editing, acting, and atmosphere.
Charles Evans
Its just bretty gud
Matthew Flores
Helllloooooo Reddit!
Josiah Moore
Eli Ramirez
Never change Sup Forums.
All time worst taste in movies
Michael Morris
/r/movies is that way
Oliver Sanchez
The casting was truly great.
It's one of those movies that are impossible to remake because they will never be able to replicate the chemistry between the actors.
Gabriel Lewis