Ummmm it wasn't supposed to be a documentary

Ummmm it wasn't supposed to be a documentary

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I haven't watched it yet.
Should I?



It's pretty funny.

Every single retarded lolbertarian and libtard uses this movie to browbeat white christians conservatives for supposedly sending this country down a dark and bad trajectory.
I actually sat down and watched this movie, and it's basically a neoliberal dystopia where everyone is a sub 90 IQ normie that subsist on a steady diet of kike propaganda, libtard hollywood commercial diarrhea, and kike consumerism.
Soooo if anything, it's basically a vision of what america would look like under Hillary Clinton and a US under one-party democrat totalitarianism.

No one at any point was beating a bible or spouting out knight templar verses while lynching blacks.

it's actually good


>dude Sup Forums lmao
ever stopped to think maybe leftist sjws are as cancerous and retarded as dumpfkins and you should all be gassed on the same chamber?
Its a fun movie. But lets' face it. Dystopias are all we can hope for in the future. This isn't gonna end well...

It's a funny movie, Mike Judge is a great writer.

However if you watch it and start to believe it's parallel with real life you should off your self as quickly as possible.

What does that make you? The sensible centrist? Lmao


i don't know why but this is my favorite running gag in this movie

everything is a strip club

I remember the polygamy throwing me for a loop back when I first watched it.

>letting assravaged, thin-skinned Sup Forums babbys tell you what to watch
When has Mike Judge ever made a bad movie?

I fucking hate people that imply this is actually happening to society.

The average IQ of the world has only been rising. Flynn effect is in full force and the average education level is only higher every generation while religiosity and superstition is dropping. Consumerism is also growing to a halt with millennials being the very first generation to consume less and hold a lower view on consumerist culture.

If anything the reverse of idiocracy is happening.

Children always end up smarter than their parents. People watch fewer television than their parents and waste less time on leisure in general. Productivity and scientific literacy keeps rising among every demographic in the world.

I hate that the movie is just used by people to show how smart they are and how bad all other people besides themselves are. The movie is basically how every dumb redditor feels about the world right now.

If you think the average person around you is stupid than you are simply not intelligent enough to realize how smart and capable the average person actually is.

IQ is a shit metric anyway

>Trump supporters are du-

It's probably the worst thing hes ever put out

Problem is that with the rise of instant access to the outside world via the Internet, more and more stupid people are making their views known. And then these stupid people find other stupid people like them and they get together and do stupid shit.

>Flynn effect is in full force
It has unironically reversed.

Indeed, OP. We should take heed from this. President Trump, the most intelligent President in the entire history of the United States of America and a true visionary, needs the full support of everyone - Democrats, Republicans and those who support neither - to ensure that the destruction of values by previous governments, both Democrat AND Republican, doesn't destroy America, completely.

We need to rise up and make America great again, starting with cuts to overseas spending and military bases abroad, and increased spending on public education. Put aside your petty differences and let's work on preventing an idiocracy.