This board is imploding due to an all-consuming hatred of reddit

This board is imploding due to an all-consuming hatred of reddit
At least 90% of posts are incessantly neurotically polemic about everything, like it's your voluntary reaction to new information
Everyone hating everything is becoming extremely boring to watch and participate in
Anytime somebody says something is good, it's as though there's a pathological need to challenge that statement

I can't take it anymore

it's a shill driving wedges thread

How clever.

why not just go back then?

>liking anything

kill yourself faggot

Literally never been
Accept for web support on a video game once

>Anytime somebody says something is good, it's as though there's a pathological need to challenge that statement
Sup Forums has literally always been like that

Sucks man
Literally gave up on this place due to autistic spergging. Pickle Rick forced meme is Sup Forums's version of logposting. One autistic faggot with nothing else to do shits up an entire board. It's the weakness of the chan system.

Sup Forums has become increasingly hiveminded and echo-chambery lately. There's not real fix for it.

>Pickle Rick forced meme is Sup Forums's version of logposting.
you mean the cubicle farm full of paid Pajeets starting endless R&M and GoT threads?

>Sup Forums has become increasingly hiveminded and echo-chambery lately.
you mean paid shills who flood this board have an assigned agenda?


How do I become a shill? If I can get paid to shitpost, sign me the fuck up.

You wanted this and you got it

sure there is: ruthlessly hide bait threads and whatever else annoys you. Chop it down so you only have the 10-20 least shitty threads visible in the catalog.


well your obviously a scumbag piece of shit, i'd say you're perfect for the job.

True. I checked my filter list earlier and there were nine fucking hidden threads containing the word 'pickle' in the OP.

That doesn't really fix the terminal problem though which is the posters. The same people who argue about pickles and things being reddit-tier are a significant population of the board. And the board can't really go anywhere with these people present, weighing it down.

>talking about an online image board "going somewhere"

turn off your computer and go outside you filthy neet

The summer thing is partially true. Every year there's a new crop of dumb memes. Summer 2017 has had party rockers, pickle Rick and Sneed. Same shit, different day.

Proof it

>doesn't know the difference between your and you're
Checks out.

OP, just get the fuck out of here. I'd very much like to do the same but I don't know where else to go. Reddit is too focused into individual topics to be interesting to me.

Sup Forums still has good threads. Just ignore the stupid shit like Marvel vs DC console warring and the same threads that a few dorks spam every day. I always enjoy comfy horror movie and 90s/00s nostalgia threads.