Let's post typical fast food/street food from our country.
Let's post typical fast food/street food from our country
I was thinking more "traditional" stuff. This looks like a recent product put out by a chain?
yaroa > poutine
Where is this from?
Dominican Republic, but you can find it in any American city nowadays
Bosna: Austrian hot dogs
god that looks good
but its shit
Uhh WTF is with the corn and stuff?
This is why Mexicans are fat
I should try this one day
These are delicious. The Mexican joint near me makes amazing tortas.
It looks good. What is so bad about it?
>No skagen
Lihis is propably the most popular
Fried baltic herring. You heard it, only east coast!
what's the sauce?
looks like lingonberry jam but I could be wrong
it is traditional
>herring with jam
Its not super sweet dessert jam.
thanks for all the tasty food pics guys
That is correct
holy crap those look good
I wish more southern Europeans post in these threads.
just had one yest'd'y tho they'e bad for you
I don’t like that attitude, Yoshi.
Made by turkish immigrants in Berlin, so it's not really clear if it could be described as a turkish or german food.
Do people in Turkey even eat these?
more posters from more countries please
Any other country do this?
no, wtf
>Almost no street food vendors in Germany use the greatest dutch invention ever made.
>Have to use boring mayo or ketchup for my fries instead of based Joppiesauce.
It has rice and meat inside.
This is one of the most typical fast-foods in Colombia
Also this. Arepa with chorizo
Try it but you have to use cream in the potatoe mash.
What's this?
What does it taste like?
What's the sauce?
Yes mate! If you're wondering, Currywurst is simply sliced Bratwurst sausage, identially a bit refried, drenched in curry ketchup and served with fries.
Hard to describe. Lightly sweet and spicy.
A scotch pie. You typically get them from football grounds, street vans. Here's one with some brown sauce.
I always wanted to try British fast food
-Meat pies
-Beef wellingtons
-Fish and chips
1 meter long, bacon wrapped burro percheron. You can only find these in Sonora and some places in Arizona I believe.
Are frenchies too advanced for street food?
Congratulations, you've won a free American citizenship.
Tastes amazing, especially with some mustard and in a bun.
Croquetas are truly the best. We make them with serrano ham
European sausage...
Just the finest tortas here
got a problem?
Do those sausages taste any different from the standard hot dog sausages here?
Damnit!! you guys always ruinning everything we taught you. btw, if you call torta to bocadillos, which name use for a real torta (dulce)?
Takoyaki right?
This is socca, we eat those in provence.
It's a crepe made out of chickpeas floor, it's often served tapenade (olive paste), anchoiade (anchovy paste) or piperade (pickled pepper).
Huhh why did no one ever think about that here? We just put jam or cottage cheese in that stuff. Maybe I should steal that idea...
Croque monsieur, best to eat on the go
Pan Bagnat, also a provencial recipe
It's filled with salad, tomato, onions, egg and tuna.
That doesn't look like a crepe at all my friend
So good
Mmm very Big
>Tfw live in Salzburg and I don't know a good Bosna Place around me
Ayy, ate that 2 days ago
If you ever visit, you have to taste them.
Currywurst my guy
(Honestly kinda gross but at least it's more German)
Wait, is that dutch ? I always thought it was belgian/north of France
>tfw you've been appropriating dutch culture your all life
Sorry Daan
Not sure why they gave it two testicles
You just made me want to fly back to the Netherlands
Haven't had that shit in forever
Maybe because it's cut?
i think it was invented by a german, but its primaily sold in netherlands
The Frenchman staple food
Retard. Frikandellen can be found everywhere in Belgium.
Kankermongool die denkt dat Nederland het centrum van de wereld is
Chimney cake
Not claiming to be an expert, but I was just in Rome and I found Pizza everywhere
Specifically this square type where they sell it by weight.
3€ for a meal is always nice
The Upper Peninsula of Michigan gives great thanks to the Cornish people for introducing such an amazing treat.
It's dutch..
heb ik ontkent dat het in belgië verkocht word overal? in belgië wordt ook overal hamburgers verkocht
have to say google translate is very good for dutch
cute :3
Just like your father's boyfriend.
I don't even need that anymore. I've been studying German for 2 years, and I can fully understand what they're saying.
because our grammer is almost the same, so google cant fuck it up