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International #861
Hernán Cortés
Let me tell you a little about Lithuanian role in Polish-"Lithuanian" Commonwealth
Why is Asian culture so homossexual?
ITT:Future colonies that are acting uppity now
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
Tfw no american gf
It's 7 degrees here in Northern Portugal. It's cool but not too cold
East Asians are top tier immigrants
/ita/ - il filo
Be venezuelan
Reminder that kara boga KNEELS before the CHRIST OUR SAVIOUR
/hot countries general/
A country with less than 98% of population with european origin
AYYYYAAAAA it's confirmed now that Geralt de Riv from the Witcher will be portrayed by Peter Mensah, a black actor...
When butthurt Europoors and Amerifats call you a "rapefugee" even though you're a 10k/day CEO with a big schlong and a...
What does Sup Forums think about this man?
Post 'em if you've got 'em
During the shooting, Wang helped students escape the gunfire by holding an exit door open and pushing victims out.[3]
Wtf I love Mussolini now
Do they seriously think they are the good guys?
Post your country's serial killers
1. Yure Kunt
Tu, il maiale
So fucking true
To whom do the Malvinas belong to, user?
Kurva anyátok
How do we stop them? (from fucking up the world)
Sverigetråden - Knula2dupplagan
What a sad joke of a country
This is a map of every public sauna in Finland
This image sends F*Nns into a fit of seething rage
/ex-ussr/ general
You may post ITT only if most of your country is uninhabited
Got back from Japan
How likely do you expect a "blood on the streets" scenario in the near future?
Are inter-racial relationships popular in your country ?
Íslandsþráður/Iceland appreciation thread
Dad is going to introduce me to his girlfriend
Name 1 country that had something to do with r*ssia in the entire history and is now rich and well prospering except...
There are people on ths board who eat frozen pizza
/cold countries general/
Other nordic countries are envious of Norway because we got the nicest city
Mfw american poster starts spamming NRA propaganda with pictures of le anime gurl holding a gun
How can I get a gf(boy)?
Which do you want live?
Yearly reminder that sweden founded russia
Are americans even human? They seem like mindless flesh clones created solely to work, consume and breed
So Sup Forums you are going to get in to interracial relationship right?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Percentage of people who claim they wash their hands after going to the toilet
Was he Chuvash?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw no bf who's taller than me to hold me close
What's up with Brasilia? Why is it Brazil's capital? I can barely find any pictures or info on it
America left the Paris Climate Agreement, so the world is damned to global war-
Your country doesn't tear down its history to appease minorities like America does with Confederate monuments, right?
Me defend europe by bombing europe
Who more perfectly represents their countries people?
He only speaks two languages
Is this correct?
Tfw 15cm penis
I have failed at life
Why didnt you become vegetarian yet Sup Forums?
/ita/ - il filo
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Wait.. what the fuck??
Check it out, I am made of gold
Take a pic of your current location
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
1. Cunt
How do you say "penis" in you're language?
True developed countries
What are the most popular topics in your country generals?
What do you think about Japanese Virtual Youtuber?
Thread about Poland anywhere on Sup Forums besides few niche boards
Which of these two countries has the comfiest nature? And which has the most prosperous wildlife?
Sverigetråden - Kinesiska upplagan
Why is Poland teaching kids to be racists?
Heheheheh... nothing personnel libtards xD
Redpill me on Chile
Why are Eastern Europeans so uncivilized?
I’m in my hotel room bored to death with this city...
What's her ethnicity ?
/ita/ - il filo
Can I still go to ENGLAND pretending to be as a refugee/afgan/paki so that I don't have to live here a shitty life...
Eastern Europeans
A British hit tv-series gets an Finnish actress
Which country has best climate in the world?
Countries by intentional homicide rate (per 100,000 inhabitants) (2015)
I hate this climate
/fr/ - le francofil du jour
Humans, how can you even compete?
If you have a weak chin you aren't allowed to post on this thread you abomination
Kuva anyátok
Our next premier (Matteo Salvini) wants to ban mosques and declare Islam anti-constitutional. Based
/lat/ - hilo latino
The norweigan writtten "language"
Tfw Norway will never annex Sweden
My dad's ancestral tree is a 400mbs .png document
Why is this country so safe???
Why are blonde, blue eyed, protestant Germanics so much more superior?
Hey, listen grandparents survived the holocaust and
Kazakhs banned from speaking Russian
Why are japanese inferior at making stories? (With the exception of Miyazaki)
Dude I fucking love based Poland, they're keeping it real, they're so fucking based dude, not like the yuropoors
Be Native American
WTF is wrong with whites?
/luso/ - luso
Italian "cars"
Italy has been hit with coldest weather in ages
Are you boo of a country, which one?
Japs come into our waters and marine sanctuaries and kill our animal life
Jesus Christ Sweden stop embarrassing Europe around the world
Which country is most overrated
"Public healthcare system? haha you are sooo silly... why would i want to pay for someone's operation...
Public education
Tfw no bf
So, I just came back from a trip to Finland and while there I noticed something weird...
Grugowski no likey roach tribe no fear invasion europa cave
Please buy all our new phones
/isr/ ישר
*confuses American*
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
The greatest living artist of our generation is a Puerto Rican/Mexican named Daniel Hernandez
It's snowing! :)
Nintendo won
How do white people feel?
Why Finland is actually Finland
The only good people on Sup Forums
Tfw Finland is rightful Russian land
NOOOO they got /ourguy/
/european humour/ general
Wtf is this true?
What Swedes think of Finns
Is the leader of your country a living God?
In order to succeed at life, you must acquire a Finnish wife
I'm ugly
Has your country ever decided to change from a monarchy to a republic? Why?
Kurva anyátok
/ex-ussr/ general
If autism was a country
You don't even know me, you say that I'm not living right
In my experience in / int / it has been the opposite, Russians are nice and Canadians are rude
Wy is "egg" such a funny word?
/frühschicht/, bald wieder /deutsch/
Why are wh*te genes so weak?
Thank god im not asian
The lad
Go to Cuba
I'm an American and my opinion is that blah blah blah
/djt/ - Daily Japanese Thread #1976
Post a Russian meme
Mfw people say Russia is weak
So why do they shit in the streets?
"I really believe I'd run in there even if I didn't have a weapon."
How are Irish Americans treated in your country?
Overpopulation is pretty bad in Africa
Would you settle for a life in a comfy house in beautiful Colombia?
Japanese government will grant permanent residency way more easily to the foreigners who have high skills in manga or...
Walk to room
Wtf I hate brits now?!
"Hello, father! This is my new boyfriend!"
How are boys with wide hips and big butts treated in your country?
What is your country's Detroit?
How to get a Japanese gf?
Who would win in a war between these two?
Is anime cool in your country?
Have you ever taken a DNA ancestry test? Any surprises in the results?
Can't stand British women
Post gangsters from your country
Only countries that aren't future caliphates can post in this thread
/lat/ - hilo latino
ITT: Faces of Sup Forums
Is there a more cucked country than the Philippines?
Is this the most accurate chart of most spoken languages?
Hey int have you ever had sex with a brown girl?
Parents speak to me in Polish at home
1. cunt
I've always wanted to live in New York City!
Mom brought me chocolate again just because I signed up to my next university course
Memes aside, why are middle class white people so goddamn boring...
Why do they have zero achievements despite being one of the biggest and most populated countries in Europe? France...
I love my diverse country
Hello user !You don't have Northern European blood do you? Would be a shame if you're half-barbarian
Could I pass as a local in your country?
Mfw i realized how retarded it is that american audiences clap for movies so i can no longer see new movies in the...
Post state anthems from your cunt
DAMMNN.... Australian women look like THAT?!?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
you're a cunt
How is the life when you know you will never eat a pizza with real french cheese inside ?
Why does it seem like so many people hate this guy yet he's going to get reelected?
/ita/ - il filo
Is your anus pink or brown?
Any muslim anons here who have lived in an Islamic society but not live in a western one?
ITT: Patriotic Songs from your country
Post drill sergeants from your country
Are they all legitimately autistic?
I regret ever going on Sup Forums
/brit/ a.k.a /worm/
Positivity thread
Be American
This letter confuses, disturbs, and frightens the Frenchman
Why are some Brazilians unhappy to live in their country?
/lat/ hilo latino
ITT: overrated countries
What was the most humilating treaty your country ever signed?
Well I'm an Anarcho-Socialist Voluntarian, user
/brit/ For Men
Confidence bro
Would you rather live in Europe or the USA?
ITT: We make fun of gooks for being weak and pathetic “men” that can’t satisfy anyone with their tiny little 3 inchers
Do you like Jewish girls?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Europeans are so cucked they drink water with a glass
Europoors are wagelets
What did Japan mean by this?
1. Your country
A japanese girl said to me when I was in Japan "get the fuck out of my country gaijin motherfucker" by pointing a gun...
Americans actually have mass shootings on the regular and think it's normal
Does LGBT marriage makes your country a better place to live?
Is there any language more imperialistic than French?
Kurva anyátok
Family was from Alsace for centuries
Sverigetråden - Maguminupplagan
Percentage of christians in Turkey 1914: %20
Why are British people so fat?
What's the best region in Italy and why is it Basilicata ?
/v4/ + friends
Nordic and southron friendship thread!
Is your president this brave?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono [pt, pt-br]
Guess the country
WTF i never knew Hitler was so crazy and weak
Just Fixed europe
Do Americans really do this?
Wtf? i hate russia now!
West Virginia became the first state where primary and secondary education is now optional...
Why didn't America stamp out child pederasty from Afghanistan...
/fr/ Le Fil Francophone - Edition de l'est
/ita/ - il filo
ITT: We make fun of Sup Forums
/North Sea General/
Brazilian language
Tfw no autistic foreign gf edition
/rus/ general
1) your country
The family in different cultures
Sverigetråden - Jimmie gör anime verklighetupplagan
Russians are the alpha Slavs and Poles are the beta Slavs, forever destined to be the bitch boys of the alpha Slavs
Poland aided Haitian slaves during their revolution...
Why are Guatemalan names so fucked? I see dumb shit all the time like:
Why do G*rmans like techno so much?
How do I move to Chile?
1. youre cunty
/polska/ in the franxx
Be venezuelan
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
Meat is meat and a man must eat
Polish grills
Yeah, that was me
How would you save Indian women?
Who was in the wrong here?
Brazil will become a Parliamentary Monarchy in our life times
How often do you guys bathe in your home country? You do bathe at least once or twice a day right?
Racist prick
Why is the french language so beautiful?
>ywn work in a Japanese office
17 year old Arab boy rapes an adult man in Sweden
Italian election
South american engineering
Are there any famous pornstars from your cunt?
/ita/ - il filo
Is it true that americans
European humour appreciation thread
/Brit/ - The John Peel sessions
I wish I was English
/fr/ - le francofil du jour
/deutsch/e Masturbationsausgabe
Eyes of Sup Forums thread
This Jew approaches you and tries to steal your foreskin
Which one do you prefer?
Your cunt
I would very much like to destroy Chile. I am sick and fucking tired of their shit. It needs to end
Argentina is not whi-
Are cheap chinese smartphones popular in your country?
Kurva anyátok
/lat/ hilo latino
Even chad has to settle down for a landwhale
Why are East Asian soooooooooo smart?
French Food or Italian Food
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsdabbupplagan
Is single eyelid considered ugly in your cunt?
"The biggest problem with Muslims is a culture full of arrogance."
Is life as an Asian male as difficult in Australia/NZ or Canada as it is in the US? Not planning on moving, just curious
If you can't grow a decent beard you aren't allowed to post on this thread you fucking low T faggot
What should your country name its first off-world colony?
/deutsch/ Anti-Anime-Ausgabe
How many different accents/dialects of your language are there...
Your flag
Protestant appreciation thread
The most common Finnish woman/foreign man couples in Finland
What's his endgame?
/ita/ - Il Filo
What's your daily routine, Sup Forums?
Where is the representation of the oppressed nation of Finland when it comes to games...
Chinese General / 中文一般
I havent taken a shower in 2 weeks
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is it true that the English are the worst European tourists? I see this memed across most flagboards...
Slavs are literally the master race
Do Greeks still rely on EU spaghetti rations to survive or have things gotten a little better?
You can kill one, the other will thrive
USA Appreciation Thread
Why are Eastern Europeans more against refugees than Western Europeans when they are not interested in their shitty...
Legendary lost city of the dead have been found
How can people unironically prefer wh*Teoid roasties over Asian goddesses? It doesn't make any sense
Why do spaniards and latinamericans have such shitty work ethics?
You wake up in Norway
The snowmonkey will conquer the earth when the next ice age comes
/brit/ Poland edition
Romania has an emigration rate equal to nations besieged by ISIS and bombed by Russians and Americans
Is Germany the only country to overly repent for thier grandparents actions?
Well it's confirmed by Trump himself
Superior japanese vehicle. How can shitty cars made in yurop and america ever recover?
Have you ever thought of leaving your country?
Ever dream this man?
Scientists claim this image is the last thing a northen european see's before he dies
Tfw you live in a country where the young generation lives far better than baby boomers
Wild boar hunt has been succesful in Finland
Hello? Yes I want to find love in Japan
What tourist attractions and places unknown to tourists would you show me, if I were visiting your country for a week?
Why did they choose to abandon their own culture and subjugate themselves to the Anglo-Saxon culture ?
You know it to be true
Do you love Japan?
Pic is me consisting of ancient pakistani dna. My ancestors invented the wheel and fire
In this thread we hate Morocco an the Moroccan subhumans
Try and start a thread about Australian cuisine
I love Russia. Canada should join Russian federation and put S400 and russian ICBMs pointed at america
His country teaches creationism in school
Are you proud of your country's cultural heritage?
Do you like Sweden?
Do people in your country like tomboys?
I wouldn't mind living with minorities as long as I could be sure hot white people would always be around
What race is your boss Sup Forums? My boss is Korean...
Being a black girl in Poland
Just wanna know what people from the other countries think while masturbating
He lives in a country where it's illegal to teach your own kids
Be native English speaker
Why do Canadians make such good music?
Is it normal in your country to get facial piercings when you're 14? Or is that just an American thing?
Kurva anyátok
/ex-ussr/ general
/ita/ - il filo
Why do I feel thay today the average leftist is smarter than the average right winger?
Is your country contributing to the decline of the west as well?
My country is better than yours
The fact of East Asia
This 5'7 'russian' guy slashed the throat of his russian white ex girlfriend
It Must Take Place
How are gingers thought of in your country?
/balt/ gang legendary member man
*blocks you're path*
Help me fill this map, Sup Forums
Children born today might live until 2140
Name a better French invention
Walk into my dad's office
Americans are stupi-
Are there any Chinese Video Games? Considering they are on par with the developed world, they have to have one
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Return to class
[current year]
What's the punishment for teaching and learning mathematics in your country?
Do these exist in your cunt?
Tfw to much of a brainlet to play the original fallout games
I'm so fucking depressed holy shit
Is chile white?
That ''day'' is coming again
Help, I just realized people in my country are not as white as I thought they were...
Sup Forums in 1897
A question for non native english speakers
How come we can respect each other since very long time ago?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Leafs of Sup Forums, tell me your thoughts on this fella
How is it possible that in 5 years of elementary school, 3 years of middle school...
Kinder Eggs no longer Illegal
Americans have to be over 21 before they can drink this swill
What the fuck is China's problem?
Americans think they invented the airplane
/flags/ + /extraflags/
Do you really hate americans?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Most spoken languages by native speakers
/lat/ - hilo latino
What is the most common pie filling in your cunt?
Is there a major city in your country that is as tragic as London?
Should I learn simplified or traditional Chinese?
Why is Japan a safe country?
Asians with Green Eyes
/luso/ fio lusofono
This is the future of Europe
Mfw the telephone would never be invented if it wasn't for Brazil's emperor Dom Pedro II
/third-world/ thread
How do people like this get a gf and I dont
Do non-Americans know this man?
Ever sucked off a ladyboy?
This has got to be the ugliest flag of Europe
9.000 years ago Europeans evolved white skin
US gun """"""""culture""""""" spilling on the hemisphere
Son, would you like to enrol in the school with the fully-automatic teacher or the semi-automatic teacher?
I take pride in my race instead of my own accomplishments
Do americans have any excuse for owning machine guns other than shooting each other?
Sup Forumstards still think this meme is a soros psyop
Why are most non-white people lactose intolerant?
Why do Japanese are the only Asians that don't look like soulless aliens? I mean, they still do...
When will it balkanize? When whites hit 40%?
I guess Russian girls & East Asian men isnt a meme after all
/v4/ + associates
Freaking eur*gut*ans
/balk/ - Balkan thread
St. Pierre-et-Miquelon
Is this punishment for America's original sin?
Why they are so many?
So user, tell us all about your country
Why is this board infested with so many insufferable weebs?
Which of these countries is the true heir of the Roman Empire?
1. Country
/nachtwache/ ehemals /deutsch/
Yfw someone says
Tier list
I want African Americans to move to Finland because every one of them I've met here have been awesome people who are...
Whiter than you, muhammad
Culture Pals - /cp/
Popular Brazilian teen model left brain dead after she was shot in the head during a road rage incident
Design its flag; ironic or otherwise
Be American
Hilo latino
American intellectuals
Why can't these two autistic countries just be friends? They have the most retarded shitposting with each other...
Why are Brazilians so white?
You ever feel that this isn't real?
Capitol Buildings
/ita/ - Il filo
Sverigetråden - Taiwanesiska upplagan
Does Finland have any Historical Sights?
Why do whites choose Asians as their #2 in the racial hierarchy?
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
Pick one to live in for the rest of your life
/luso/ Fio Lusófono [pt, pt-br]
Half the threads on Sup Forums are generals
This is a Japanese map. Note how it cuts Greenland and Brazil just to place Japan in the center. Note this and laugh
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Why are they so rude?
South Hate Thread
When are they going to get their shit together...
I hate modern archtitecture because traditional architecture is bette-
Why are Europeans so fucking stupid?
Anons of Sup Forums! I know that for a long time you want to take vengeance on 2ch! Today you have this opportunity:...
Please buy our new phones
Why do rightists claim to hate Jews but cooperate with Zionists on a global scale?
How catholics celebrate your country im very curious, do you know a catholic? Whats your opinion
4CC Thread
Do Brits really put milk in their tea? Doesn't that just completely ruin the taste?
Teachers shouldn't be ar-
What are some of the most beautiful cities in the world?
Guess Nation from Streetview
K-kara boga, w-whiteboi
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - Din mammas fitta
Sverigetråden - nattupplagan
It's no wonder why America is the most obese nation in the WORLD
You are minding your own bussiness when a family from Russia moves in next door
Do you like your county's history?
/brit/ sells out
You will always be an indian or paki
/ita/ - il filo
/ⵎⴻⵏⴰ/ /mena/
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Germany love thread
/sino/ - 中文
Daily reminder that Finnish girls are the most beautiful
Why didn't Poland recover as quickly from communism as Germany recovered from national socialism?
El gobli-
Why isn't Canada part of the US?
A meme/sound for every country?
Les origines de la beauté
Venezueleans Welcome!!!
ITT: Post beautiful cities from your country that the average foreigner has never heard about
Do Europeans eat sushi?
Cuck swedes, do you like to see your sisters brutally murdered by foreigners ?
Do any of you dumb weebs even like anything about Japanese culture other than anime?
Be honest!
I doubt there’s a single person on this board who is happy. in fact...
Let's post typical fast food/street food from our country
I'm italian
Are Bergen the most overrepresented city in the world?
Is windows XP still popular in third world countries?
Also, an American pig raped and killed a Japanese woman in Japan
Germans are the most bullied group on Sup Forums
Sverigetråden - Thailändska upplagan
All korean are hated and all japanese are loved all over the world, right?
You wake up on september 11, 2001
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...