Be venezuelan

>be venezuelan
>live in a corrupt shithole
>grow up in poverty
>have wife
>have son
>work multiple jobs 7 days a week
>escape with your family in 2003
>move to southern florida
>spend years raising your children well, teaching him to be grateful
>give him the opportunities you never had
>he thrives, has lots of friends, interested in sports
>wonder what he will be like when he all grown up
>he gains US citizenship
>happiest day of his and your life
>feel life you’re finally giving him the life you never had
>three months later
>arrive home from work
>he’s not sitting there for you to ask how his day went today
>wife is in the kitchen crying
>a policeman emerges from the kitchen with a look of sorrow on his face
>ask what the hell is going on
>"s-sir... my condolences..."
>wife is in the kitchen crying
>sinking feeling in your stomach
>deep down somewhere you know what happened
>the radio is on
>"this past hour, a deadly shooting took place at the local school.... several dead and many more wounded..."
>some fucking r9k edgelord autist shot up the school and killed your son
>left your homeland for this

Why is the world such a horrible place


he was literally a poltard though, but there's not much difference I guess

this still pisses me off.
fucking nigger


He looks attractive too
It's a shame really

You can't escape death. It will come anyways, not much difference if it is by a hand of a corrupt cop from banana republic or an edge lord.


It has to be. It's easier just to accept it such as it is.

fuck, this is literally the first time Sup Forums makes me cry

>Be American
>Call someone "Guac" because you can't pronounce Joaquin

>You will never be a venezuelan immigrant

F guac

>homosexual Arab
As usual.

>ywn buddy around with your Hispanic immigrant friend, playfully calling him "guac" while he volleys gringo jokes at you.

This is actually fucking sad.

that's one of the most common friends you can find here

It's true, I am one.

I live in an odd area. All my immigrant friends growing up were Russian, Albanian or Iraqi.
I guess I did have one buddy from El Salvador. But we never called him anything near as cool as "Guac." Perhaps we were just lacking in the nickname department.

Don't really care t'bh.



stay strong guac

He's nowhere and we all know it. That's why it's so fucking sad.

>Russian, Albanian or Iraqi

San Diego?

Not even close, bud.

what a cute baby. had no idea venezuelans could turn out so white

Where? Interesting mix of people.

Why the fuck do you keep posting this?

Nobody cares.

Metropolitan Detroit.

>mfw realised this was his account and it was a dedication to the woman in the picture

I wished I believe in the afterlife to be able to say they're reunited

I'm glad the spic is dead

>I'm glad the spic is dead



Actually it's your country that's horrible.

from a shithole to another shithole
what you expected?

>Third worlder moves to first world country
>Gets shot

This desu.

>>moves to first world country
that part never happened

people get killed in your shithole all the time, not school shootings, but one by one, quietly, and you corrupt police won't do shit about it and your criminals will be back in the streets pretty soon.


>my prayers goes out to you
I absolutely hate this behaviour.

it's just America

Sup Forums is basically /r9k/ anyways

wtf delete this

>and your corrupt police

The lack of self awareness.

>go to america
>get shot

>tfw not American
>tfw will never get shot
>the only way my shitty life will end is by old age or suicide

What about stabbings?

Or get stabbed it get acid chucked into your face

Lived a better live then starving till getting killed by a drug-. I mean, food smuggler.

I've known people who fit this exact description except not dead or have been in a [school] shooting. Most people who moved here from south america as kids are fairly relaxed and nice to be around, and speak really great english too

Funny thing about Florida, not 6 months ago did some poor fucking kid at the high school I used to go to shot himself in the courtyard during a firedrill because he was bullied to shit

It is an absolutely surreal experience to think about your favorite teacher having a student's brains all over her, and then post about what happened on faceboom as tastefully as she possibly can

>want better life get better life but there are so many people from latinamerika thats are comming thats they bring thire crime with them
>Shooter american mutt (50% Jew 50% hispanic)
>shitholers flee to a white country turn it in a shithole.

Those aren't that common and they're not really lethal most of the time.

They're roughly as common (as in violent assaults are about as common in the UK as the US) but knives are an order of magnitude less lethal than guns, the vast majority of people in knife attacks survive with minor wounds.

why is there so much sadposting lately?
i didnt ask for these feels

murifats school shootings i guess