Pick one to live in for the rest of your life

Pick one to live in for the rest of your life.

South Africa so I can slaughter wh*Tes

Hong Kong

I already live in Vancouver, why not?

I'm a world citizen.

you're all invited:

No Hong Kong, no Macau.

What's that island attached to Chile and why is it green? lol

I heard South Africa is comfy.


Fuck you, you're changing the rules

>can't locate easter island

Hong Kong and Macau are not China.




Easter island is way northern than that, even tohugh I assumed it was simply that

china because it's modern


I would pick SA but i don't want to get murdered so i'm going with Russia

>i don't want to get murdered so i'm going with Russia

The "white genocide" are mostly white farmers getting killed by their black employees over disagreements.

Whites are perfectly safe in South Africa.

there was someone dumping pics of highly reinforced doors and windows from SA
really made me think

India, I guess


i prefer cold places so i will go to russia

Ching chong

genocide is a meme but its a fucking dangerous country because of the first world middle class and 50%+ unemployment slums in the same city

Have you been there or lived there? I've heard different from different people. Everything from dystopian nightmares in some neighborhoods to relative harmony with occasional gang-style violence. It can't be much better than Chicago or Detroit.

South Africa because I'm already black.

Being stared at and dealing with selfish people
No future prospects
Tranny capital

South Africa, I'm from the same town as Cecil Rhodes so I'll try and be the new prime minister of the re established cape colony

South Africa because being murdered is better than living in India

Russia no contest

China easy
Not even a comparison with how shit the others are
Russia would be nice though, I like the cold weather

China. Still has a lot of monuments and nice scenery, so I could probably handle living there.


Obviously Russia.


I'd stay here. My city is comfy.

Green are my options?


Grey are my options




South Brazil. Some nice fishing town in Santa Catarina. Go surfin everyday

Man that's paradice

Also, I lived in Hong Kong for a year. Great city, but I don't think I would last my whole life living in a shoebox of an apartment

China so I can experience the next superpower.

>experience the next superpower.
I don't think we will annex China anytime soon


i would willingly move to russia

china easily

Russia easily


feels good to be best of worst

Brazil, lots of big booty bitches

China, easily. More specifically, Taiwan.



do they still speak english in south africa? if not, brazil

Russia seems the least worst

While meditating, I want to spend my whole life quietly

brazil,hong kong or macau

If poor - Russia

If middle - South Africa or China

If rich - Brazil