Why is this board infested with so many insufferable weebs?
Why is this board infested with so many insufferable weebs?
go back to r*ddit or facebook you stupid fucking muslims
Coming from a frog poster, I take that as a compliment
I think maybe because more than half the website is about weebshit
but I might be wrong
serious confusion
t. jew
I dont have a single weebshit image saved and I've been on this shithole for over half a decade.
Fuck off normie
many of the weebs are extremely annoying, but people getting triggered because someone posted an anime pic are also pretty bad
why do you give so much of a shit about some guy including a drawn girl in his post
The only active anime board is Sup Forums, the rest have almost no traffic compared to the boards that are actually used here. And even Sup Forums hasn't been close to being the most active board here for a long time now.
I wouldn't even do it if it weren't for people like OP who get pissy about it
>anime poster proud of being a anime poster
That’s like being proud of having autism
>why is Sup Forums, the website literally built around anime discussion, filled with people who watch anime????
It’s like asking why Nickelodeon has cartoons on it. Dumb frog poster.
Anime fans are no different from furries or My Little Pony fans
How many weebs actually wish they were Japanese? How many just like anime and want to trigger people while they're at it?
>asking this on a website made by some weeb as a 1:1 japanese copy from 2ch for discussing japanese culture
You do know these guys have no idea what "weeaboo" actually means and just use it as a buzzword, right ?
A sex obsession and a children's show cannot be compared to a genre you knob.
I haven't watched anime in years. Like everything else I do here, it's just to be an insufferable shit.
that's entirely subjective
but still, why do you care so much about some guy enjoying something you don't? what's so infuriating about digital drawings of girls and animals?
I don't even want to be japanese not want to trigger people
I just save and post anime pics because they make good reaction pictures or they're cute
I barely even watch anime
I don't know why it's such a big deal for you all
>why are Sup Forums users Sup Forums users???
It's because of the generals.
If Sup Forums split into international discussion and Sup Forums generals you'd slowly start to see a decrease in anime posters in the discussion board.
It would never completely disappear because this is Sup Forums, but overtime you'd be able to tell the difference.
yeah wow haha fuck them
>people who complains about weebs brags about being on this site for 5 years
and I thought the 2011 crowd is bad enough, fucking hang yourself you limey shitstain.
>not expecting anime on an anime website
imagine being both a sudaca and weeb
>We wuz weebs n shiet
My sides will never forget such torment
>being both a sudaca and weeb
Welcome to Brazil
Sup Forums started off as an anime website and anime posting was always part of 4chans culture.
Adding dozens of different board doesn't change that fact,