

because chicanos can't afford internet silly



Pretty interesting starting CHI, I think it's breddy good.

what do you mean?

No one wants CHIs in America.

Go back to the shithole you're so proud of.

The starting image. It works well as a whole but it also has plenty of different layers and you can notice a lot of different details. Art/5 tbqh


thanks user. how's your day going?


Alright, nothing special one way or the other.

how are you today?
i guess we just have to keep living the same day over and over until maybe one day something changes

Good afternoon OP
claiming this thread for spain

feeling surprisingly better today amigo. Not too many negative thoughts. I guess it's the anticipation of getting high soon

I'm pretty much used to it, also i've usually had regularly or atleast semi-regularly different kinds of days every once in a while. It's a bit uncomfortable to think that most people live more or less the same day for most of their lives but that's how things are. I think the trick to enjoying life or atleast the trick not to be miserable largely lies in learning to make the most out of the routines and trying to find some ways to make it better little by little. Also trying to find a way to break the routines every once in a while and doing/enjoying something different is good for the mind. The magic really has for the most part gone out of life but it's not all bad usually.

no you aren't

>tfw i feel the same everyday
growing up is horrible i wish i didn't have to suffer like this

>growing up is horrible
It really is


iktf lads. no amount of dude weed lmao will change that awful feel