>WHHHHIIIR (sounds of tanks not sucking)

Good thread


ah, das is gutt


...and then it was like this.

What the fuck is happening in that pic

me on the right


Francocuck child gets fucked by his liberating Amerimutt import. Serves him right - his parents trusted the Amerimutt.

>*leaves NATO to avoid depending on the US*
>*develops nuclear arsenal so France can "avenge the death of 60 million Frenchmen with 600 million Russians, if there even are 600 million Russians"*
I'm sorry, you were saying?


mm you've picked a nice juicy cherry.

Smells like jealousy in here.

Of what exactly?

not being a shithole like all those spic flags itt

Seems pretty obvious when the thread is exclusively populated by culturelets and one token kraut.

French have more in common with Arabs than Germans anyway. French langauge has more loanwords from Arabic than German. Algerians have more right to be French.

Daily reminder France is a British colony and the "French revolution" was in fact a British coup of the leftovers of France.

Chileans are quickly becoming the worst posters on Sup Forums

Pictures of Marseille and Paris full of blacks incoming in 3...2...1

I don't think those people envy France's culture

>3rd person
Get fucked Sanches - you have to go back!

Fuck off your post quality is at an all-time high

>I don't think those people envy France's culture
I think they do. We make a lot of people jealous, because we're naturally superior and that causes a lot of controversy among lower tribes.

Marseille and Paris full of blacks is lesser a shithole than your country tho.

Get out, your posts smell, like the french

Perfect Cell theme is actually better

if you feel the smell of our strong pheromones it's obviously because you're an undiscovered fag, should coming out

It's not though.

>we're naturally arrogant
Yes, I can see that

Joke is on you, I sucked 2 dicks today

the sound of prague steadily dropping in my european cities top 10

you guys laugh but france saved a lot of people and a historic buildings by not declaring total retard war like the brits

Aww poor kid :(

it is tho, murder rate in chile is 3.1 per 100k while France is only 1.2 including our shitholes from north paris and marseille.

Have a look at my flag, Pierre

Feel like shit just want them back

alri mutt

my bad then, irrelevant countries look all the same for me

the french resistance?
do you mean the 3 french who didn't collaborate?

whiter than you jose

>has enough honor to accept defeat when losing and surrender
>saves countless lives and cities/infrastructure/buildings by surrendering right away
>"waaaah France didn't keep autistically fighting a losing war until half the cities become rubble and 2/3rds of men die"
>non-governmental forces still fight the enemy anyway

youre supposed to kill all the white people you useless goy!

>ITT: Edgy teenagers
Try losing most of your youth in WW1, slowly recover and then being invaded by an army with superior logistics. Then try fighting back.
This thread is really pitiful considering that it was made by a South American. South America's only role in WW2 was hosting Nazis in exile.

>Hitler annexes Austria
>crickets in France
>Hitler claims Sudetenland
>France and Britain more than willing to hand it over just to avoid going into war
>Hitler attacks Poland
>France and Britain declare war, don't actually do anything to help Poland
>Hitler rolls into France through Belgium
>WAAAH WAAAH why do you expect us to fight when we gave up all of our allies

>this is what frogs actually believe

>Try losing most of your youth in WW1
1.7 million people was hardly most of France's youth.

Very good post

My granpa is a nazi refugee, come at me

>czechoslovak resistence kills nazi high ranking hierarch reinhard "the mong" heydrich
>french resistance serves coffee & croissants to high ranking nazi officers

>hiding in jungle
>chimping out

France lost about 5% of its population at the time, not counting the wounded. It was a large part of its youth, and enough to justify a sustained trauma on the French population's part.
I really think you're being too hard on France. It wasn't the only country to surrender.

Try thinking about that number in terms of young males born between 1890 and 1900. You should know about that, your country lost something like 60 percent of the males born around 1920.
And now you're about as much of an aids ridden shithole as my flag.


slavshits don't value life

You have to clinch to you life because your birthrate is 0.5 without Ahmed. LMAO Ahmed fixed your birthrate by fucking you in the ass

your the one who imported hundreds of thousand migrants those last years becasue your birth rate was one of the lowest in Euroope tho

No, that was America. Americans are in control of EU and the EU borders.

>becasue your birth rate was one of the lowest
Higher than yours

>Then try fighting back.
You did try. Remember Maginot Line? Or Dunkrik.
But you failed so fucking pathetic, hahaha.

>Higher than yours
France is 2.0 Germany is 1.5..

>Maginot Line
nothing to be ashamed of it's Belgiulm fault
nothing to be ashamed of it's Britain fault

t. retreated over 2000 km before mustering up enough reserves to have 10 russians for every german bullet

>niggers in France is 2.0
>Germans in Germany is 1.2

Lmao try being Germany and having all your colonies stripped, 15% of your land taken, your armed forces reduced to practically a parade instrument, 33% unemployment, 100,000 suicides a year, having your capital known as the sex capital of the world where thousands of women were forced to prostitution, having to carry wheelbarrows worth of money to buy a loaf of bread, AND THEN managing to recover from this and conquer France and most of Europe within 8 years.

always been higher than you even before migrants came

It's because Germans are more quality tier humans and you are more... well you know, like weed. There is no much use of you and your best friends know.

its almost as if germany has the biggest population in europe

autism the thread

>like weed.
weed is highly forbidden in France while there are regions in Germany where i's ok to use drugsn this is maybe the reason why you're so retarded

>No, that was America. Americans are in control of EU and the EU borders.
are all germans this dumb

>Americans are in control of EU and the EU borders.

Are the children of the photo bullying a white child with acting?

it's just bantz, like when you bukkake your school girls in trains

What's "bantz"?

>you bukkake your school girls in trains
I won't :(

>weed is highly forbidden in France
Yet French people are always high.
>Germany where i's ok to use drugs
But nobody is taking them.
Maybe that's the reason why wash yourself once every 6 months?

>are all germans this dumb
All stupidity of Germans combined is still smarter than you ru*soid cockroach in Australia

They are just playing. No worry, it's only a w*itoid F*rancocuck so nothing of value is lost

>merkel invites niggers to europe
>they flood europe
germany never should have united

>eating muh meeeems from Facebook
Hi Amerimutt poopie boy. Have you eaten your daily poopie moo-moo lunch?

t. Mohammad al-Alemani

>Maybe that's the reason why wash yourself once every 6 months?
Germany plizz

Ebin dichotomy good sir. The correlation is simply unquestionable. Praise kek, shadilay!

They don't look like playing....

We liberated the French in 1940 and they know it, everyone knows it. They just resent the fact that it was us who did it because it hurts their pride. But deep inside they know the France of 1940 welcomed it.

>mfw there are people who bathe daily
lad my country practically has the most freshwater in the world and we don't even do that here. Take a shower like a proper white man.

your future, hans

>creates Vichy France and Free France
>winners either way it turns out
>creates nukes, gets permanent seat in UN security council after war

why is this allowed?

What exactly did you liberate them from?

get rekt mutt

>What exactly did you liberate them from?
They liberated France from garbage like you. I say it was a mistake.

Well I'm here and not in France. Bravo Hitler, you really did a good job.

Hitler dindu nuffin hes a good boi need mo money fo dem programz

>Bravo Hitler
Why are you granulating Hitler you filthy nazi swine? G-d shall stop you f*ancocuck swine

whiter than you, muhammad

>"French revolution" was in fact a British coup of the leftovers of France.



I don't like Hitler genocide policy but the man knew how to wear a damn fine coat.