Hey, I was just wondering does Swedish people always have that arrogant attitude towards Finnish people? Or is just half Finn/half Swede thing?
What do u think about Finns in addition to these
>harsh language
What Swedes think of Finns
Other urls found in this thread:
I definitely look down on finnish people around me. Even finlandswedes are pretty bad.
And what Swedes think of half Finns/half Swedes? I think most of the Finnish people hate them, they speak Finnish with Swedish accent, which sounds fucking gay.
Aren't you basically the same people?
What I've seen is that swedes are generally arrogant pricks for all nordics, especially for finns and norwegians.
We like Finns. You won't find a single Swede who unironically hates Finns, the insults you see flinged are just banter.
and what about somalis? apparently you love them more then finns, even tho they are more violent, rapey and generally unfriendly.
>Hey, I was just wondering does Swedish people always have that arrogant attitude towards Finnish people?
Why wouldn't they?
I think Finns are more patriotic and conservative, Swedes are liberal cucks.
Hey that guys has a pretty neat living room, looks really clean
This autist again posting those same pictures all over again.
Swedes have been nice to me for the most part. There was once this tourist who insisted talking in Swedish though because of pakkoruotsi. Little did he know I don't speak Swedish at all so I used English.
>everyone that makes me butthurt is one person
Cry more little mongoloid bitch lol
That is the thing I don't understand, Swedes admire subhuman nigger cultures but then they look down Finns. Swedes have always take advantage of Finland and never apologizes.
Is this the kid from Rare Exports?
World famous Finnish victim mentality. No wonder we're part of the butthurt belt.
>post irrelevant pictures about ugly people
>ayyy ur so butthurt :D:D
Okay :-d
Somalians, arabs, turks and other people are much better. They're hardworking, improving our nation and helping us.
We don't look down on Finns, that's a meme. Why do you think 10 000 Swedes went from all parts of Sweden to volunteer and die for you during Talvisota? What they did was punishable by lifetime in prison by our government ands they still went. We used to be one nation, you know
>get colonized by Sweden hundreds of years
>fight their wars
>take advantage of Finns, as always
>bring sorrow and despair
Reminder that probably no one here posting under finnish flag is finnish. There's atleast one russian currently posting from Finland, one obsessed fennoswede and a half somali guy with mental issues. These are the personalities who keep posting the same pics and threads.
t: Profiler
>Reminder that probably no one here posting under finnish flag is finnish. There's atleast one russian currently posting from Finland, one obsessed fennoswede and a half somali guy with mental issues. These are the personalities who keep posting the same pics and threads.
>t: Profiler
This is that somali?
Well we have a mental issue Russian with Kazakh proxy and some brainlets posting shortposts with "combat pictures". I don't know if they are under proxies or just pathetic self-haters.
Relax, I'm sure everyone who is 2-4+ weeks here doesn't take them seriously.
I fucking despise finns
t. Swede
I would love to post under a Finnish flag.
>fight their wars
75% of Swedish soldiers were drafted from Sweden. Nice meme. I bet you're the we waz kangz poster
Most likely that sw*de who's studying here.
>being this butthurt and delusional over someone posting unedited pictures of everyday average Finns
there are at least three different people who post these kinds of pictures my man, see im even trying to be helpful here. let go of your delusions
What it the difference?
Jos haluatte tunnistaa ne koittakaa puhua niille suomea. Rantahurrin suomentaito on nelivuotiaan tasolla ja somali kirjottaa ihan vitun oudosti.
Aivan ja sitten yks näistä ei muistaakseni osaa suomea yhtään ja tunkee kaikki kääntäjän läpi.
They're like that with Norway too. Always something mean to say. I guess it's just banter.
I fucking hate the goddamed Danes
That's just a few bad guys, there is tons like that no matter what religion or race they come from.
the danes are definitely the worst of the snowniggers
This would be obvious bait, but it is posted by a swede so xe might be serious
Why do foreigners love to shitpost under my flag so much?
It doesn’t really bother me (except when someone actually thinks they’re finns) but I’d love to see their reasoning for this whole thing.
Haistappa paska jäbä. En oo mikään VPN:näin käyttäjä.
Hating danes is sw*Doid propaganda. Don't fall to their tricks
Ite koitan olla olematta missään tekemisissä hurrien kaa.
Swedes are realistic and think f*Nns are subhumans
It's easy to say that 75% were Swedish when we were under Swedish rule.
Daily reminder that sweden surrendered to germans without fighting.
I would laugh but we're on our way to becoming SJW cucks as well
I remember when that "Joe goes ___" YouTube channel was really popular some years ago. Eventually he went to Sweden and Finland and asked some people in each country of what they think of each other. Swedes had nothing but malice for finns while finns were nice, it was a good eye opener for a lot of Sup Forumsernationals at the time, but nothing surprising to us.
Not really those national pride marches grow every year
4:00 -->
Ei kukaan niin väittänytkään nekruseni.
Why do you care so much? I think it’s just funny. But then again I don’t care what anyone thinks about me, but at least I’m not the opposite like you lel
Ei kaikki hurrit oo pahoja. Oikeastaan jos meet rannikolle niihin pieniin kyliin niin ihan letkeetä jengiä ne on. Kaupungissa asuva bättrefolk sitten erikseen.
I watched a swedish movie that took place somewhere in the 19th century, it featured some all boys school and a finnish karelian girl or something. Needless to say they were racist towards finns, what people don't seem to get is that it's just in recent history that swedish "banter" was that of a nazi doctor, and it shows even today, although swedes have mostly found other people to look down on.
Finns dont say that swedes are trash like that in public, there is nothing funny in there. It would be different if there was some joke in there, but there was not.
lmao. Damn, Europeans are ultimate cuckmasters. Colonize a country, treat its people like shit at the time and afterwards and they still worship you to the point of mandatory learning your language. We are were a failure of an empire.
Lmao delusions. You need Russia to save you.
This. It doesn't fit the definition of banter.
And don't bother, he has Stockholm syndrome. Swedes can do no wrong in his eyes.
And? Who gives a FUCK? It’s just words, it doesn’t effect you in any way. It’s all in your head. You get mad because you’re a sensitive faggot. You want to feel accepted and appreciated because of your emotional and fragile mind. You crave approval from others because you’re WEAK and PATHETIC and INSECURE
Stop crying bitch
Lmao you need nuclear desolation to save Russian from itself.
Think whatever you like, but remember: you've to live in russia and I don't
Looks like someone wants to be accepted. Just now that they wont be there for you.
lmao I dont crave accepting from swedes, I just pointed out that they are arrogant pricks towards us
Putin is keeping Russian muslims in check. In Finland, just like in every western country, they are running free. You western "men" are weak and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Lmao they actually said those things unironically. Swedes are so arrogant.
It wasn't banter, just an observation. I even shat on Russia in my post, stop being butthurt.
>Putin is keeping Russian muslims in check
user, I...
I don’t care if people accept me or not. As long as me and people close to me are safe and happy it’s all good. Words don’t effect me to the point I make a thread dedicated for crying and seeking approval, in this case, from the Swedes who said mean things
Yeah, and if you say that to them the answer you always get is: "LUL ITS JUST BANT M8, DONT BE SO SENSITIVE :DDD" but still they get butthurt about sweden yes memes.
They'll stop laughing when Mohammad takes over and they're all under Sharia law, it's already happening
Finnish posts is highly appreciated because it tends not to be nasty.
You did that solely because you got emotional. And the reason why you got so emotional stems from the fact you care about what Swedes think about us, which on the other hand stems from the fact you seek their approval.
>We are were a failure of an empire.
Ironically being part of russia was best time in our history of getting colonize'd. Our shit got developed fast af. Thanks alexander II
Words and other people clearly affect you, much more than you care to admit, seeing that you got mad at words and what people think lmao. You have daddy issues.
I didnt get emotional, i posted funny meme picture and I linked the video he was talking about, I've known this stuff about swedes for years and its not about to change, so why should I care?
Here's a list of no-go areas of Sweden, so progressive. #SwedenYes!
Vivalla, Örebro
Gottsunda, Uppsala
Alby, Botkyrka
Fittja, Botkyrka
Hallunda/Norsborg, Botkyrka
Husby, Stockholm
Rinkeby/Tensta, Stockholm
Ronna/Geneta/Lina, Södertälje
Araby, Växjö
Karlslund, Landskrona
Nydala/Hermodsdal/Lindängen, Malmö
Rosengård south of Amiralsgatan, Malmö
Southern Sofielund (Seved), Malmö
Bergsjön, Gothenburg
Biskopsgården, Gothenburg
Gårdsten, Gothenburg
Hammarkullen, Gothenburg
Hjällbo, Gothenburg
Lövgärdet, Gothenburg
Tynnered/Grevgården/Opaltorget, Västra Frölunda
Hässleholmen/Hulta, Borås
Norrby, Borås
Skäggetorp, Linköping
Risk areas
Tjärna Ängar, Borlänge
Oxhagen/Varberga, Örebro
Tureberg, Sollentuna
Dalhem/Drottninghög/Fredriksberg, Helsingborg
Söder, Helsingborg
Holma/Kroksbäck/Bellevuegården, Malmö
Vulnerable areas
Bäckby, Västerås
Brandbergen, Haninge
Jordbro, Haninge
Skogås, Huddinge
Sångvägen, Järfälla
Termovägen, Järfälla
Edsberg, Sollentuna
Bredäng, Stockholm
Hagsätra/Rågsved, Stockholm
Hässelby/Vällingby, Stockholm
Vårberg, Stockholm
Älvsjö/Solberga, Stockholm
Östberga, Stockholm
Rissne/Hallonbergen, Sundbyberg
Fornhöjden, Södertälje
Hovsjö, Södertälje
Finnsta, Upplands Bro
Smedby, Upplands Väsby
Charlottesborg, Kristianstad
Gamlegården, Kristianstad
Hisings Backa, Gothenburg
Rannebergen, Gothenburg
Andersberg, Halmstad
Kronogården/Lextorp, Trollhättan
Fröslunda, Eskilstuna
Lagersberg, Eskilstuna
Skiftinge, Eskilstuna
Råslätt, Jönköping
Hageby, Norrköping
Klockaretorpet, Norrköping
Navestad, Norrköping
Special mention to Botkyrka where basically all population is invaders by now
I can’t stand whining because it never leads to anything. That’s what women and children do. They whine, whine, whine and suddenly things are much worse for them than they were before.
Men don’t whine or get offended. They make other people whine and offended.
Writing in allcaps doesn't make you sound smarter. You're clearly pushing your intellectual limits.
>Be Europe
>brutally colonize a country
>suck its resources dry, force its inhabitants to learn your language and fight your wars
>treat them like garbage after they got their independence, call them retarded and ugly
>said country worships you and teaches your language at schools
>be Russia
>give a country total autonomy, don't even collect taxes
>get accused of 'russian' and be blamed and hated for everything forever
We literally can't do anything right, not even empire shit.
We've had you whine for quite some time now. No one here is expecting/wanting change.
This. I think the the one who is whining here the most, is the one who is seeking the swedish approval.
I like you danes because you make swedes butthurt
So you made the thread because...? Just casually wanted to point out stuff, not whine at all? Please don’t say that again, we both know how it is.
Alexander times was dope, that doesn't mean you were perfect. Protip: Nikolai II
fucking this
and this is why Sweden is going to hell
>I fucking hate the goddamed Danes
>yfw denmark is your historical ally
>fought many wars together
>danes were usually useless (unlike norwegians)
>understandable breakup after commies seizing power
>commies is gone
>"Where our old ally, Denmark?"
>"F*ck off, Russia, we are NATO and EU now"
Yeah, not being drafted for WW1 must've been quite awful. And all those taxes you didn't have to pay. Horrific.
I didn't make the thread, stop lashing out at people.
+ It's international discussion regarding neighbouring countries.
I like your country, never met a Danish person tho
Bruh, we paid extra taxes to not get drafed during WW1
am*ricans subverted danes after ww2
>Nikolai II
This dude was really unsuited to be a tsar.