/balk/ - Balkan thread

circus edition

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even ikibey lost his shit with the illegal monkeys blog for being too racist


i find offense to that site
remove albanians from the header my danish brother and i will no longer find any offense

I don't have access to it anymore, either way it was a short lived side-project. Most Greeks are red-pilled today about the situation and will probably vote for Golden Dawn in the next elections.

dont those retards openly support megali idea? if they came to power i expect greece would be booted out of nato and eu and its not smart to antagonize the big boy next door with no protection 2bh.

Any FYROMians here?
I'm going to kick your ass.

yeah among other things, but the situation with the immigrants/gypsies has become unbearable so they're gaining fast thanks to them.
I mean it wont be that bad, they're planning to force immigrants and prisoners into force labor to repay our debts.
That's like 2,000,000 free workforce right there.

/balk/ should be limited to Sup Forums only. Sup Forums is not a board of plebs and retards.
Pls go back

who wins 1vs1?

the turks have vastest numbers, either way, none of us cares about stuff outside Greece,
Golden Dawn's main motto is "Golden Dawn so we can cleanse the country from all the filth"

Hello /balk/

hi , nice snow




pure kino

It's amazing how far we have come as an oppressed minority in Macedonia.
Constantly fight for survival, supporting Kosovars, and trying to support ourselves.
In the past, you cold hardly find any doctor or just an employed in govt institutions. Now, you can find them anywhere. You don't even have to speak MK, you just wait till an Albanian comes to you.
And the fear that lingered around mks since Kosovar fightings started till now is still the same.

man albanians tick me off
next war when

wars are fought cybernetically and demographically now

my ass
ethnic cleansing soon


if anything that's just another reason
and many of those "children" aren't dead, they're in diaspora, like you

turks and gypsies at least know their place, meanwhile albos are asking for it

it has begun

>after socialism fell, our population declined

kek the eternal greek strikes again

the numbers were probably fake to begin with,
like today they count turks living in turkey as bg citizens

just came to tell ya'all that you're niggers

what car?


must be expensive

not really, i got a small open society grant of about 50,000 EUR to go door-to-door and convince people to like muslims

it was really effective

>lathro pithikia
>junk monkey


>s-s-skopje is not even 20% albanian!!!!!

Reminder that this is in 2002 who isnt even correct
Now is even worse
t.knower of all shkup


>inb4 bullshit
Here, this is one big reason why its not.
AND ALWAYS remember that this is nearly two decades ago

Literall cuckedonia

is sk*pje as ugly and kitsch as it looks online, irl?

The entire "skopje" is a joke.
I would go as far as to say that its more boring than prishtina

The only interesting things in the city inironically are the statues who you can laugh at.
Though they are getting removed now.







i've been waking up with a sore throat

>they lost Ohrid
idiots, i need to buy property and breed with local wlachs

it's a french source
everyone knows they're muslim lovers

>Petar Skok suggested that the name Shqiptar originated from Scupi (Albanian: Shkupi), the capital of the Roman province of Dardania (today's Skopje); Albanian demonym Shkuptar (as in inhabitant of Skopje) changed to Shkiptar, and later to Shqiptar.
MASALLAH..come home Macedonian man

any of yall watch black panther btw?

no i don't watch movies

>Constantly is told I don't look Albanian
>Can pull off any southern Euro probably with the right haircut and grooming job

On my way to learning French and telling people I am from Marseille. I have some long distant older relatives that once lived there I think so I can pull this off lads.

why, are you ashamed of being an albanian?

desu do people here really kno what albanians look like though? ive gotten decent guesses like Greek/Turk all the way to Churka and some guy stopped me on the street and spoke to me in Hebrew once

all balkanites rook the same

Shieeet I get spoken to in Hebrew all the time as well.

generally romanians have square heads, are short and buff

when i was in the uk at a library this one time, i told the bulgarian who was with me "hey that girl looks bulgarian" and later i heard her speaking in bulgarian

>there was a hot girl on /balk/

I've heard Albanians and Italians getting confused for Jews, it just might be a Mediterranean/Semitic look thing

I want to be proud but there is such a low culture in that country that it destroys any credibility it might have. There is a beauty within albanian, but maybe there needs to be some sort of renaissance in the country or something idk.
No one likes us if you can't tell and based on interactions with Albanians outside of my family and Kosovars I can kind of see why,

On my weaker days I feel that it'd be a shit load easier if I was just some average Medi Frenchmen or something that no one gave a double look to.



italians have absolutely gigantic noses



personally i disagree with this
i've seen slavs (bulgarians) pretending to be russians, gypsies pretending to be turks, and in my uni now there's a kazaks (absolutely mongoloid looking) pretending to be german

your people have a language and a history, if things are bad now then it's up to you to make things better

imho, that having being said i tend to identity more with slavs in general than bgs in particular

How does Sup Forums feel about these plans that never got realised?



idk m8 that was years ago, some of them might still be here
there was also a greek lesbian tho i don't think she ever posted pictures

yugoslaivia + bg, yes
+ anyone else, no

that weren't realized not because our and their politicians rejected it, but because stalin did.

The Greek Yugoslav Confederation was arguably the more ambitious of the too but also the least likely.

Tito's Balkan Federation was more interesting. Considering Yugoslavia's rapid industrialisation and technological advancement in the 20th century, Greece's extensive shipping industry and natural resources and Romania's oil as well as the perfect geographical location of the entity, it would have created a very interesting country.

кaк e възмoжнo eднa жeнa въoбщe дa oткpиe тoвa мяcтo, бe
тoвa нe e възмoжнo бe
cpeщaл cъм бългapкa пpeди гoдини в Lineage2... aмa тoвa бeшe cъвceм paзличнo, пък и тя бeшe aпceлютeн ayтиcт
кaк eдин хyбaв чoвeк мoжe дa cтигнe дo тyк (дънoтo нa живoтa)???????????????????
yм дa ти зaйдe бpe

Yes that is why Stalin rejected them and the reason he rejected them was that the ensuing entity would be too strong. Why would you reject having Greece's Mediterranean access and forego on having an extensive naval power/presence in such country? It makes no sense.

such is life when a quarter of our diaspora is either gypsies, peasants, or criminals. but it has gotten better. don't let this site get to your head too much though, we're too insignificant in number and relevance to be that notorious.

absolute QT
who was this?

also tfw vuno never sent pics other than feet that she only posted in /shqip/

My own family seems to be some metric different than a lot of other Albanians. As well as having a lot more conventionally "white" looking folks we also have a great number that were artists or engineering and chrsitian/atheists and all around well put together. IT wasn't until I got older I noticed a difference between Albos and others.

Tbh I am doing my architecture thesis for a project in Albania and on my good days I wear my identity and language(which I speak quite well) with pride. On my weaker days, maybe due to some general depression or anxiety it becomes something shameful and I just want to be a generic Europoor rather than that "kind".
When ever you try to interact with others and have them at best look at you funny for being Albanian or at worst joke about exterminating you it can get tiring.

Albania was a hair away from becoming the 7th republic of Yugoslavia. IIRC the education systems, borders, and some aspects of the economy were already integrated. but in 1948 Stalin and Tito fell out and Hoxha chose to stay with Russia, assassinated pro-Yugo politicians and that was that
as for Bulgaria, similar story in the end choosing to integrate further with Russia after the 1948 split but idk how close Bulgaria was with Yugoslav integration beforehand

wait you ain't Malesore?

No, I am from the Albo homelands

i lived in the uk when the whole "anti bulgarian/romanian" discussion was going on

tbqh people dislike the stereotype of you, if you fit it, they dislike you even more since they're justified, if you don't then you can get along no problem

the thing that annoyed me personally more were the self haters, people who have given up on bg and have nothing but bad things to say about it.
i get that the whole point of america is to be a melting pot where everyone becomes a 56%er anglo, so idk, do what you want, but be confident about it, maybe discuss it with your mother idk

i'll never meet her
my life is lost

oh sheet. newfag? usually the only shqip diasporalings here are malesore and I these days. if he was here he would talk some sense into you.

you sound mentally colonized. like those Persians that screech about how theyre not Muslims and more like Euros. or like chinks who try and fit in with whites and make fun of Chinese mainlanders. you should be accepting of your balkan heritage (without going into wewuz mode). and who really cares about the opinions of faggy neets that wouldn't say a quarter of what they say online to your face?

You make good points for sure, I appreciate your insight. If there is one thing, for what it is worth I don't have any hate in my heart for other Balkans since we all sort of are in the same boat. And I think I need to do some deep self evaluation.

I do wonder what living in the US has done for me though. I wonder how different I would have been if I grew up in Germany, France, or like you in the UK.

You're still young kid, don't speak so boldly as of yet. You'll find that the more you get to know the world, the more content and comfortable you will be with yourself. There is no one out there worth pleasing.

ITT: faggots drooling over a gipsy

i always found it disgusting how brits shamelessly shit on fellow Europeans like bgs romanians and poles as viciously as they could but wouldn't say a peep about their own British blacks chimping out and rioting or about 3rd world nonwhite criminals. its such a disgusting and spineless attitude, pick on the euros who are socially acceptable to insult but it's all hush hush about Jamal and Mutumbos weekly gangrapes

Not a newfag, I come on int every once in a while, I forgot most of the Albos, on /balk/ at least were Malesore

>you sound mentally colonized

That one cut deep man

she does look indian tbqh, i forget where she was from, maybe romanian

kek sorry didn't mean it as an insult. but it was kind of the vibe I got. as diaspora we have to achieve the fine point between I'M ALBANIAN BABY WEE WUZ and >tfw wish I wasn't Balkan, without falling into either extreme

So where do you live in the U.S that people actually know what an Albanian is much less looks like?



if she's a gyppo just call me Shaban Cigani
she's an absolute qt3.14

North east, decent amount of dispora up here + I interact with a lot of international students, from Germany and France and such.

Its a good point lol, I think I need to work out how I view others viewpoints

Why are you hanging around those Yuroqueers?

I always got along with them, plus they like to party/drink real nice. A couple of them were hot too I couldn't help myself

Been watching some recent Albanian movies. Making me want to kill myself. Literally every single one is dread inducing award bait. They can't even bother representing reality like it is but have to make up wild shit for the grim aesthetic.

>speak of the devil and he shall appear
BASED malesore

Self hate is a Yuropoor trait and unfitting for someone that lives in America

>watching any movies
why even do this to yourself

on the topic of self hate, i noticed genuine self hate is somewhat rare for the balkans. self deprecation, sure, that's common. but some of the suit I've seen from the likes of Indians, Asians, even Russians made me feel kinda bad.

I will kill myself, but I will take a lot of Bulgarian souls with me. Most of you are allright, but don't go to FMI classes during the next year.

what's FMI

My dude, you're gonna get me too far up my own ass with all this praise
Got hit by a wave of commie era nostalgia for some reason. One thing led to another and 5 hours later I am now battling depression.