
March of the Rorkes edition

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She doesn't look half bad

literally my body type


No, she looks ALL bad!

Rate the lunch lads

>4 slices of heavily buttered white bread
>entire pack of oreos
>entire pack of jammie dodgers
>slice of cheesecake for dessert





Damn she's hench

>leave star kino to me



good luck running that marathon

why yes, I do spend hours listening to attractive women chew food softly into the microphone.

just learned that #DropTheT is a thing


/brit/ - television and film



>up next: friend role play

/poo/ - wanky arse

>FYI - The Suffragettes were white supremacists who were fighting for WHITE women's rights - they specifically left black women out of the movement. It is not 100 years since women got the vote it's 100 years since WHITE women got the vote. Black women couldn't vote until MUCH later.

This is the general dedicated to the discussion of British culture.


*strum strum*
virgin freak
*strum strum*
qu'est-ce que c'est

>ryanair withdraws from glasgow airport, blames passenger duty and brexit

nought to do with the fact that they're shite.

the sound of someone chewing is repulsive

it's not a good angle m8. she's a beaut, trust me.

we've grown up in a world without racism

>It is not 100 years since women got the vote it's 100 years since WHITE women got the vote. Black women couldn't vote until MUCH later.
Mistakes, all of them.

not in britain


am quite the fan of wet mouth sounds too

*lets half my staff take holiday at the same time*
*has to cancel thousands of flights and make a public apology*
fucking brexit

Must be weird feeling between your legs and not finding a penis

just got back from my job interview lads, told them all about the cucking of the west and recommended they check out some PJW and sargon videos

Got good vibes from this one, hopefully 20th interview is the charm lads

soydog grew up fast



Good lad. That is genuinely erotic for obvious reasons.

imagine the sight of this cretin, continuously sperging on about 'muh british culture general' every fucking hour of his day. bet mom and dad would be proud.

if you sit too far forward on a saddle for too long, you can experience it

want to put my weewee in this boyish looking girl desu but she SHANT respond aAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

have never felt a females embrace

probably never will

sent me into uncontrollable convolutions this did.

might just not go into work and demand more money haha
love working in public transport love unions

MUMMY... mummy.... give me tendies

canadians are genuinely worse than yanks

a very attractive what?

fuck kind of intro is this mate

i think it's better to eat the cake than having it too

fucked it with those messages pal

ya blew it

>you're a very attractive

i thought the sun made all aussies attractive and tanned

lad, these get worse EVERY fucking time you do this. fucking cringe, maybe you're just a bender in hiding.



whensa your dolmio day

Ain't clicking that shit nigga


Have you lads got your soylent openers in the post yet? Mines here today

>canadians are genuinely worse than yanks

are you trying exclusively to lure women as mentally ill as you are

dumb crossposter

On May 17, 1972, ten thousand British kids walked out of school to protest corporal punishment - and force authorities to change the law.

christ lads help me we're just talking past one another and she already hates me

crossposters are the most valuable /brit/ posters



he's being himself

oh okay cool it worked thanks /brit/



honestly think this is a joke from the look of those bottles anyone could open it

STOP replying to me with this

even your autocorrect can't believe it

wish i was such a word virtuoso

Nice. But this isn't a movie, so it will be a really awkward meeting and you'll never see and speak to each other again.


nah ive done it before ill get drunk then invite her back to mine for wine and ciggies and we'll fug

stop crossposting


>stop crossposting

mate responded with
>please screw her ith the force of bill buckley and then be done with such a slag.

peed the bed
couldn't be bothered cleaning the sheets so i've just poured vodka over the pee area to get rid of the smell

snowing bigstyle in the 'toon

nth for a strong welfare state within the framework of a free market capitalist economy

Shadilay, lads

now suck the sheet dry with your mouth to get the booze

Very nice then.

Weird this just popped up on the newsfeed.

does the government use macroeconomic policy to push the market to full employment without directly intervening by creating jobs itself y/n

why would someone name their food product after cannibalism

not sure if i truly get the bill buckley reference

prefer this flavour personally

Just met the big guy outside the pub lads! Me on the left


just back from my 1 hour and a half nap

>ywn be an attractive millionaire NEET living comfortably in a third world country
why live