>your flag
>do you like living there?
USA, Midwest.
I want out of this godforsaken place. The country side is nice but everything else is horrid. Pic related.
>your flag
>do you like living there?
USA, Midwest.
I want out of this godforsaken place. The country side is nice but everything else is horrid. Pic related.
I don't like it desu. The culture is too individualistic, it feels like every man for himself. The only good thing is the gibs which I've no need for so I might aswell be living somewhere warmer and friendlier, which I hope to someday.
How good are the gibs in Sweden?
Could you send off a comfy neet life if you wanted to?
It's cheaper and warmer here, the mountain towns and north aren't shit hot like you'd expect all of vietnam to be. Most expats here are degenerates. That being said I'm from WI and will be heading home in a couple months.
I was considering going to Taiwan or Viet after i finish my PhD. It's in Education so i don't doubt i couldn't get a teaching job.
I hate the heat so if i did i'd go north.
My grandparents are from Laos so i don't think i'd experience that much culture shock.
I don't think living off welfare is particularly comfortable in any part of the world if we're talking about the gibs you get just because you have no job, but the fact it exists at all is good. A hassle to get though and you have to keep reapplying every month, and they check and control you hard.
However if you can prove decreased work capacity by diagnosis for example autism, social anxiety, ADHD, or a combo, and you nag a lot, the doctor can retire you into neetdom forever. Depending on how good you are with economics you could could live a decent life on sick gibs.
If you are degen expat local girls in Taiwan are easier to date and fugg then Vietnam girls
No, I hate the fact that I've got used to live with daily stress. Everyone is an asshole.
If you're wise with money it probably wouldn't be that hard. Just can't get the latest and greatest and cannot eat out. I practically live of ramen right now anyways, so it's not that hard.
I don't want to fuck around, i'd rather build something up than to live a childish-like vacation life.
Don't hop the fence either, we don't want that here.
You have it already. Specially with the niggers.
Depends on your location. Midwest in the country side is nice. They don't like the cold and there isn't gibs in the country side.
True, and for those who go from living at home straight into gibs-sustained neetdom I guess it might not be that big a difference. Tbh most people I've known that were on welfare were extremely poor but it was usually due to spending all their money on drugs. Then there is my uncle on the other hand who was been unemployed for a long time, but makes some side money off cryptocurrency and is autistic about getting the best phone and internet deals etc. And he has some nice stuff at home. You just have to be smart and keep your vices at a sustainable level, I guess.
Does Swedish gibs include an apartment or do you just have to find your own?
No. Even though my life is relatively comfy. This comfort level won't last when my dad inevitably dies.
Why will he die? I take it you dislike living in a sand land country?
No, it's an absolute shithole. People are stuck in commie mindset and they'd rather see their neighbor lose his job than get a raise themselves. Also thanks to the "democracy" here, socialists got over 50% seats while having less than 40% support.
Once I'm done with my MSc, I'm getting the hell out of here.
I love my country but sadly it's getting destroyed by stupid politicians elected by stupid french through stupid Republic. There is a lot to say... If I had to get the hell outta here I would love to move to Montana, Wyoming or even Alaska. I love wilderness.
Yes. It is a shithole but somehow I have grown accustomed to it, which is bad I guess.
>The culture is too individualistic
Same here. It's becoming soulless and weird.
The best you can hope for is a comfy shithole, it means it will be nice for you without other people coming in and pushing you out.
I thought that Poland was one of the last places in the EU that had it's priorities straight. Can you give some more examples?
The French country side looks super cozy. I'd like to visit the alps some day.
It's been like that here from day once since there is no community feeling here. No actual natives, whites aren't native here, I am not native here, my grandparents are from Laos, we don't have culture etc. Just a cluster fuck of people that only care about themselves. That is why i am thinking about going to Taiwan or something just to experience what it's like to not be a minority and to feel what a community feeling is.
Don't get me wrong, i don't mind being a minority, i live in an all white area but sometimes you just want to be with people that look like you.
When i say EU i just mean Europe. I am a bit tired rn sorry.
Finn; hate this place. Most people are just narcissistic prudes. Russia should have just conquered Finland during ww2 and gassed us all.
At least you have saunas and Finns. We just have negros and guilty white people.
I don't really want to leave this place despite it being shit, it's my homeland after all and I like staying amongst people with a similar culture as me
>I thought that Poland was one of the last places in the EU that had it's priorities straight.
Well it is, at least on subjects like immigration, multiculturalism, islam etc... And that's not just Poland, that's all the Eastern European countries. Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Serbia etc are all fantastic compared to France, Germany and the UK regarding those subjects.
>The French country side looks super cozy. I'd like to visit the alps some day.
Oh yeah it is! In fact it's like in all countries, the countryside is always way better compared to big cities.
I love it here. Like the country was made all my preferences in mind.
I live in the Bavarian countryside and I fucking love it. The people, the culture, the nature, ...
Only thing that sucks is that it's hard to find a job in my field (history) here. I got a part time job at a museum but you can't build a family on that.
Can't you become a teacher ?
Yes I unironically love where I live (central jersey). Public services are great, it's safe and diverse abd thevnature is beautiful.
Yeah. As a whole I like living in the US. We have our problems, but people are nice and the country is beautiful. My life is pretty great overall and I know how bad it could have been if my grandparents had never immigrated here so I’m thankful for what I have.
If hating immigrants is your only priority, then sure.
Here's a summary of what the current ruling party has done:
>started handing out massive gibs to buy votes, making Poland the 6th biggest social spender in the EU
>passed legislation that gave them control of the constitutional court, and when the constitutional court ruled it as illegal (breaking the constitution), they didn't give a shit, because they passed judgement using the previous law (instead of the one that gave them control)
>after that, took control of all courts, since the constitutional court couldn't prevent this anymore
>spent millions on literal propaganda posters in favor of the aforementioned changes, the money obviously went to a company created soon before that (just for that purpose), and, to nobody's surprise, was owned by people closely associated with the party
>turned the national tv into state propaganda
>engaged into nepotism on a larger scale than any other party so far, appointing family members with literally no experience into high managerial positions of national companies
>appointed a literal jewish banker as the prime minister
>banned trade on sundays
>banned saying "polish death camps" because of asspain, effectively causing the usage of "polish death camps" to triple
>sucks off the catholic church
BASED POLAND is a bad meme. Like 70% of Poles believe that money should be taken from the successful people and handed out to the worthless failures. They are literal commies, except that they are catholic.
Get some balkan friends, pretty sure there is a significant number of them in your countries.
They'll teach you everything about the kafana way of life and the importance of been close with your family + friends.
Indeed, I live in a pretty nice place. But I have to move once I end college and find a job, and the only places that I could afford a living are like pic related.
But I'm hopefull that I would be able to find another place as soon as possible.
Looks too boring.
Greetings from Missouri. What state are you from, OP?
Finland looks cozy
I never looked into Germany tbqh.
>likes it because it's diverse
You're probably Jewish eh?
At least they're the honorable commies unlike the American commies that are into traps and like shit up their ass.
Everyone from balk that i have met is tight nit with their family.
It's got nice nature so it's not boring. The american suberbs are complete utter shit. It's the worst of the city and the countryside.
Here: A lot of people and NOTHING TO DO, but beautiful nature.
Imagine living in a forest with 500 other people close to you with no shops or entertainment. it's fucking hell. I hate the American layout.
Above Ohio.
Antwerp, too many Arabs and blacks + the streets aren't clean, I want to stay in Belgium but to a nicer place where things are more expensive and thus less packed with foreigners, these places always have the most nature as well. I do want a second house in Portugal or something I can go to for a couple of months when it's cold here. Long-term goals.
You know, I absolutely think life would be so much better in the West, which is why I plan on studying abroad soon, but then I hear all these people complaining about their countries and I don't know what to think. To me, pics like OP's are of really beautiful scenery and I just wish I could live that serenity somewhere. I don't necessarily hate this country, I just long for novelty in my life and making discoveries.
I lived in Germany, England, America and Italy for about 10 years total and recently came back in Romania.
Let me tell you, there's no place like here. The only downside, that is dragging us down, is the whole of south Romania and MAYBE Moldova, but some moldoveni are quite hardworking.
t. ardelean
Now, if only the rest of the world would allow us to build that highway connecting Constanta to the highway network of western Europe, we would be golden. But of course that will never happen because Romania is purposefully kept under the heel.
Si asa ca de la roman la roman, aia de peste granita sunt o gramada de nespalati imputiti. Avem noi problema tiganilor cica (nu prea, ca ma jur ca sunt de 10 ori mai multi tigani dincolo. Nu stiu de ce nu a murit mema ca la noi sunt multi tigani) si oricum inafara de sud si mahalalele de acolo cu satele lor de lebenitari, restul romaniei e un loc chiar foarte curat si primitor in comparatie cu aproape toata europa. Singura noastra problema majora e ca suntem tinuti sub papuc din motive pur politice. Oh, si nivelul de delicventa si violenta e cu mult mai mare dincolo decat oriunde la noi.
You're a fairy, can't wait till you're gone.
Looks comfy, shame the realization that it's unsustainable is always lingering in the back of your head.
I totally am a fairy, i just love living in the crime country of the 1st world and just love having to worry about nogs stealing my shit constantly.