Why are most non-white people lactose intolerant?

Why are most non-white people lactose intolerant?

hundreds of years of evolution behind europeans

i am lactose intolerant and i'm probably whiter than any non nordic poster here
literally the textbook definition of white (blue eyes, blonde hair, pink nipples)

What color is your dick?

black as night KARA BOĞA

The pink nipple thing is a Mutt PsyOp, the true test is see what color your dick is. For example even White looking Asians will still have a very brown dick. I'm not gay and I'm not joking.


slightly darker than my skin, but not even close to brown

Is Niger white?

Why don't you post pics for proofs
it would be funny if you took a picture of your benis haahhaah

>I'm not gay
kek, feeling insecure about something?

that map is false
i've never met any lactose intorelant person in my life

I'm black (mulato to be more specific) and I used to drink at least 500ml of milk daily.

>I used to
Then you found out that you are lactose intolerant?

why are most wh*Te people lactose tolerant after weaning?

first post /thread post

it's one of those "based on autoctonal ethnicity" 19th-century-tier mememaps
they took indigenous as sample even if those indigenous don't make even the 3% of the total population

Ah yes the heterosexual penis expert from Sweden


Kek! I drank too much milk with too much sugar. I was convinced that drinking milk is not natural. Since the beginning of the year I have been drinking less milk and eating less sugar.

I'm near 30 years old and lived a entire life drinking milk. If I was intolerant I would have known for some time

80% - 100% of east Africans are lactose intolerant. I don't buy this, everyone I know from there drinks tons of milk, myself included. Whereas my Chinese friends cannot even each cheese without being sick...

Milk consumption is abundant in Africa, it's nothing like asian

they were able to get their calories in other ways, while bronze age north euro pastoralists were just so dependent on it that such a mutation was super advantageous

Wh*te """men""" are just big babies

I don't really see lactose free products that often here

>t. Richard Benis Spencer

What a retarded map

Milk itself is disgusting
it's like a fucking mucus that comes out of a cow


because lactose tolerance evolved in europe (and independently in niger by the looks of it)

africans are the true whites

What does lactose intolerance mean?
I'm Asian and drink milk and every Asian I know drinks milk.

Stop posting this sourceless bullshit map please

I've literally never met anyone lactose intolerant.
Also, Japan is a proud BLACK nation

>I'm not gay
>Swedish flag
Isn't saying that illegal there?

>niger whiter than almost all of europe and whiter than the usa and canada

When wh*toids use statistics and shit to show how much better they are than blacks, how come they never talk about the obvious superiority of the yellow man over the wh*te man those same statistics show? They are smarter, less prone to criminal behaviour, and have evolved beyond the need for deodorant so they don't smell like rancid shit unlike wh*te """people""".

im white and lactose intolerant. It really depends on what your ancestors consumed. Societies that had a lot of dairy tend not to have it.