
Have another drink Edition

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck Drumpf


fuck cana

Why is he so happy?

why does someone else's water always taste weird

> Got shot in school again
Why wont the Happy Meal from McDonalds heal me?
I cant afford the hospital!!!

He has worked his ass off all of his life and gave away his a good amount of his fortune to charity


TFW when I have to make a phone call I still write down what i'm gonna say

well obviously you wouldn't want to be a bumbling buffoon when you initiate a call


best states ranked, coastal cucks btfo



>it's all northern states

Does this surprise you?


>the closer to Canada the better the state
Whoah, really activated my almonds

or farther from mexico

what's so great about north dakota

wtf?! why are you being rude to your friend?

stop being so mean :/


I've caught a head cold; please pray for me /cum/.


Sending you my thoughts and prayers user

Not bad

Why do boys make the best girls cum?

Boys know what boys want user

fuck off


your answer lies in the barrel of a loaded gun pointed at your skull

I dont think so

That's my fetish

dont wanna go to my next class

>too skilled for shit entry level warehouse stuff
>not skilled enough/experienced to get a job in my field
thus i shall remain NEET until the 5th of march at least

just skilled enough to get this dick

and this dick

what happens on the 5th of march

he receives 2 dicks

go for training for some job that probably wont have work for a month
otoh when there is work its like weeks straight 10/12 hour days

this game is hard

Ides of March

>i play video games

what on earth is that 'thing' ??

12th is spelled twelfth

Were only getting started

me on the right

I didn't give you permission to repost my images, zandi-poo




>anime poster fails to communicate effectively and without hilarious irony

think i found my network problem
my usb stick thing is dieing
luckily i still have a pci card that seems to work

did you know that jewish space aliens use social media to instill despair and apathy in the populace on a mass scale?

*jewish lizard people

you can get internet through usb nowadays?

>i dont like anime
>On the mongolian shadow puppet forum made for anime

its a wifi usb stick
i bought it because my pci card had issues with winxp(yes my computer is old fuck u)

>complaining about lack of hardware compatibility
buy new computer

I think I'm retarded

did you try fixing urself

*does something*

How would I do that?

discipline in study

What about killing myself?


What's wrong with killing yourself?

Hello, my dear friends. How are you on this fine day?

debating masturbation

do it
take pics

Want to die lol

Why is that?

for being a phoneposter obviously

I'm dumb.

This too

you deprive the jew of labour and tax dollars

did a bit of cleaning and gathered up all the bottles/cans

good job, lad

The gf

you mean the bf



Hello hunts

Sorry won't do it again

cracked open some jumbo eggs and got two double yolks in a row

Had to explain to the gf what the terms "eating ass" and "blowjob" meant yesterday


uhhh, how old is she?

>actually giving him (You)s

24, but English is her second language.

ah, i see

succ me





What's her first langauge

ok tell me how to make those filenames PLEASE

one of the doubles split so I stil ended up with the same amount :(



Me on the far right

i just copied and pasted ottawa's filename. but don't tell her