The norweigan writtten "language"

is literally just danish.
Straight up danish.
when the danes cucked the norweigans back in the day, the norweigans were forced to accept the superior scandinavian language - danish.
norweigans call this "bokmål" (book tongue), why? because danes are smart and wrote all "norweigan" books. norweigans were barely literate until the 1900s when sweden taught them how to read.

Other urls found in this thread:ðar_Svavarsson

Det er difor me har nynorsk

nynorsk is 75% swedish with a retarded spelling.
in fact, a recent study found that swedes have a easier time reading nynorsk than bokmål.

Is it true, Norwegians had no written language until the Danes taught them?

All three of you seem so close to an outside observer that it might as well be one language.

lol this
i don't get scandinavian threads at all
arr rook same

if that is true what is the difference between the UK and the middle east?
both of you rape children en masse

Well that escalated quickly.

Old Scandinavian history is mostly based on Snorre's King Sagas, Snorre was from Iceland which is just a norwegian colony from the viking era as Iceland has no indigenous humans. It's very possible Snorre's parents or grandparents were born on mainland Norway. You tell me.
The dumb swede is just larping, ignore him.

snorre was a swede. Snorre litteraly means "dick" in swedish.
nice try though.

You might be able to get a job at bbc if you keep this up, history revisionism is their specialty.

sweden founded norway, you know that right?
odin, the first swede, founded upsala and the swedes spread out to norway and denmark.
read some history

Sweden is a fake country who should have been dismantled by Peter the great 200 years ago. Luckily our Muslim brothers are finishing the job as we speak

Snorre was a Finn

t. buttmad dane halfling

I think he's just trolling/baiting about Snorre being Swedish. The first guy to settle Iceland was Gardar Svavarsson though, a Swede.

Naddodd was the first and he was Norwegian

erhm... we all used runes before the white piggu roman larpers replaced it with "latin alphabet".

there is no "norweigan". norweigans are swedes. swedes founded both denmark and norway.
read some history.

Naddodd was Färöing, and Gardar was first.

no such thing honey, dont make me report you to the authorities for racism

Fuck off stop baiting

no, gardar wasn't first retard.
protip: the swedish wiki isn't correct.

Naddodd, born in norway, came there in 860, a while before gardrar did. Besides, the Irish were the first

The place was literally called Garðar’s Isle you motherfucker

>The remaining fragments of Óláfsdrápa sænska are of some value for our knowledge of the life of Olof Skötkonung as it contradicts Snorri Sturluson's depiction of Olof as a passive king. In Óláfsdrápa sænska Óttarr depicts Olof as having made glorious Viking expeditions in Eastern Europe.

tfw snorri "norgay" sturlarrson tried to make swedes look like faggots.

>Naddodd was Färöing, and Gardar was first.
On Wikipedia it says Gardar is second and Naddod was first.ðar_Svavarsson

Fair enough Naddodd was first, but fuck the ir*Sh monks, Celtic pussy belongs to Nordic studs

Shhh, you will hurt the feelings of the swedes

guys, look how norweigans have derailed this thread.

answer me, norgay, why do you speak danish?

Well swedish will be soon read from right to left and with arabic letters :^)

why have you guys stopped speaking swedish in favour of english? people in goteborg spoke english to me instead of swedish, it was weird as hell

That'll make school even harder for you, Pekka

maybe because you have a shitty dialect no one can understand.

>another snownigger shit-flinging thread

Not really, I already passed my mandatory swedish tests and I still dont know a single word in swedish.

We had a written language until maybe like the 1500s when it was replaced by Danish in the last few uses it had maintained. In the time period between the death of the written Norwegian language and like 1850 or so, we had no written standard (but with some texts written in some dialects). In the 1850s we got a new written Norwegian standard.

>mandatory swedish tests

>Besides, the Irish were the first
Is there any evidence of that like archeological evidence. Because Irish "historic" books are insane.

>tfw snorri "norgay" sturlarrson tried to make swedes look like faggots.
If they are anything like the Swedes today, it wouldn't take much work.

And Norwegians don't even bother using it. In their refusal to just pick a national written language, they've just divided their country and made a language that like 11% of the population writes in be allowed to stand equal with the older, shittier one. They should have just made nynorsk the language of Norway and taught it exclusively in schools until everyone who remembered bokmål died off.

haha we have the same settings

or maybe swedes have gotten americanised to the point where you are speaking english instead of swedish

>I already passed my mandatory swedish tests

Nost people here know Swedish until they leave school, and even then I got 5 from every Swedish language test. I don't know your retarded language.

Yeah keep banting about it. Thats soon the only relic about Sweden in the world.

and in 2012 it was replaced by kebabnorsk

Not true at all though, personally I've never had a problem speaking Swedish with Norwegians, understand basically 99% of everything we tell each other. However, americanization is a big problem all over Scandinavia, mutt culture needs to be eradicated.

I agree, I hate bokmål and it's really shameful and sad that it's killing Norwegian. It was a huge mistake to allow bokmål to be a main language in Norway.

not so fast, ola

Det är snarare ett problem i Norge. Vi har inte det problemet i Sverige än faktiskt, i varje fall inte vad jag har märkt..

bokmål eller nynorsk

Kebabnorsk? They banned some traditional forms but not really, and they did not go very far away from what had already been common for a long time. Nynorsk from 1938 and later is based on Eastern Norwegian dialects and Tröndersk, it's not based on kebabnorsk.

What is kebabnorsk?

Holy moly, was this Snorre... the Snorri Sturluson in the book, Journey up the Center of the Earth?

Nynorsk is superior, but bokmål is more used. I use both, but mostly bokmål because I don't want the questions about why I don't use bokmål.

yes yes, it is modified danish, true

unless you consider the 19th century meme that was composed in order to address that

If Denmark and Norwegian were one country, the two languages would be considered mutually intelligible dialects. If Sweden was part of this country, Swedish would probably also be considered just a dialect.
The saying about armies and navys really is true.

Ew, no thanks

What happened there, ignore the links.

Kebabnorsk is how immigrants speak. Many muslim words and poor grammar and pronunciation.

>mutually intelligible dialects
>finnish education

Yes, the very same.

>mutt culture needs to be eradicated.
Sup Forums told me we have no culture. How can you eradicate something that does not exist?

It's a meme anyway, that's only the case if you only consider the capitals, which is a really artificial way of looking at it. There are parts of the dialect continum that are not mutually intelligible, but people ignore everything that's not the capital city because that's where the rich live.


Oh but I read the book and Snorri wrote in Runes. Only Norwegians wrote in runes, right?

You have a culture of McDonalds, Logan Paul-tier behaviour, race mixing, corrupting pure things and meddling in other people's affairs etc so to say that you don't have any culture is a lie

i want to here a dane or norweigan try to speak swedish.

>white and blue flag with religious symbol
>Oy vey = voi ei
We are the jews of Europe

All Scandinavians had runes mate..

He's baiting.

>Only Norwegians wrote in runes, right?
can you fuck off and kys?


Everyone wrote in runes, but Snorri wrote with latin letter. At that point runes had a more casual use, it was almost never used for books and serious texts, only short messages on sticks and so on

Well fuck you I'm not an expert on your exotic country

snorri was finnish

No need to be so hostile lad



What do you think lads? A possible scenario?

svecoman made shit

They're all just variants of Lower Saxon, a Hanseatic trade language. Before WW2, Scandis used German between them, now it's English. Icelandic is the original stuff.

>race mixing
That's a meme. IIRC the Brits have more interracial couples.

Is the technological success of the swedes in this comic from all the 17 yr old mechanical engineers that they took in?

t. Pedro Jaques MacAllister

is Old English recognisable to Scandis ?

to icelanders probably

It's closer to Dutch, and quite inflected. Scandi languages have lost their inflexions, so they have difficulties with them. The best Euro linguists used to be Germans.

Modern Scandinavian is closer to Dutch than to Icelandic, even though Icelandic is closer related. History doesn't necessarily matter that much.

It was made by an Icelander and a Swede :)

not really. not beowulf.
more modern stuff like this is way more readable:

>Modern Scandinavian is closer to Dutch than to Icelandic
What makes you say that? Honestly I find it very hard to believe, coming from someone who speaks both Icelandic and Swedish.

t. Icelandic parents

>Finnish education
Everyone knows that before WW2 we communicated with grunts, extended vocals like "ææÆÆæ" or "OOOoO" and pointing at stuff, or the combination of all of them.

>Modern Scandinavian is closer to Dutch than to Icelandic
i don't believe that for one second.
i believe english is closer to scandinavian than icelandic, that i can belive.

Yeah, I have the picture that the Hanseatic League spread the Low Saxon all over, and Scandis sort of took it as their own. Seems quite strange though, to start with something like Icelandic, mix it with something like Old Dutch / Ango-Saxon, and end up like it happened.

The English situation is more understandable, as there was the French element. They couldn't expected to learn the fine points of a Germanic language.

>west, east and south Scandinavians fighting among themselves
For what purpose? This is the same level of autism as Serbs and Croats

Okay maybe my assumptions were wrong, I don't really know Dutch or Icelandic but I know people talk about how similar Dutch is so I just made assumptions.

Ask from swedes, they always throw shit on norwegians and finns.

>we wuz oppressed

it's called banter.
we've done it since forever.

I didnt speak about that

Or so you claim.