Are americans even human? They seem like mindless flesh clones created solely to work, consume and breed.
Are americans even human? They seem like mindless flesh clones created solely to work, consume and breed
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There's something really off about them that I've never been able to put my finger on. They do have this unsettling automaton quality to them, but there's more to it than that.
they are free
Freedom ain't free.
sounds more like chinese tbqhwy
i feel as if i've been blessed, not living in a house like that
Unfortunately, America is less and less free.
You cannot say anything or you are a racist for the most absurd thing.
Cookie cutter suburbs like that are what we refer to as hell over here. I swear I will never live somewhere with an HOA like those places. That said most people buy houses like those because they are big a cheap for what you get. Also we actually have urban planning in the US, unlike European cities where decided to get a cow high on coke then shove a bottle rocket up its ass and wherever it went would become a road.
I wish I could live in my own house and have 3 cars like pic related, I don't see the problem.
3 cars are too much.
1 should be enough.
Enough =/= What my soul wills
I want to have like 5 expensive sport cars, each car for a different mood
He needs to be silenced
1 for you
1 for wife
1 for kids
Assuming that only one spouse works in a couple
We must keep our secret a secret...
3 cars cost too much.
I'm just greedy.
>all houses look the same
>place looks like it was set up yesterday
>muh lawn
No wonder everyone's on pills over there
Sometimes that’s how I feel I am. But that’s okay.
Its more about the inside, youre not looking out the window staring at every fucking house like some indian pervert or something are you?
I live in the suburbs and its kinda nice, bit away from everything but you get decent amount of living space and some land. For the same price I could move to a different place here and get the same size house but with 5-10 acres but itd be too remote for me.
Isn't it the same in Europe?
This isn’t it the same?
our cities are the same though, just terraced or semi detatched
It's because they're not a real country. Just a random collection of humanity, who happened to have settled on the same landmass as each other. No shared culture, heritage, language etc. It's basically 'Globalism: The Country'. That's where the whole 'fake, overly friendly American' stereotype comes from. In order to get along, they all have to put up a veneer of falsehood in their day to day lives, in order to compensate for the fact that they're a fundamentally low-trust society of mutts who all hate each other.
>you will never pick up blond-haired, blue-eyed, perfectly white teethed Stacey at on of these houses and get her to a house party where you will drink shitty american beer out of red plastic cups and have a consensual sex in the backseat of a car afterwards
semis aren't laid out like that at all and terraced is a meme.
>going to parties
>watched too much teenage movies
why live
Fuck off nothing is wrong with us we are fine how we are
Is this from Harry Potter?
I meant what he said not the image.
americans actually do this
not the ones we have on Sup Forums though
>not the ones we have on Sup Forums though
Burgers are even more bydloid than our bydloids
>drinking beer and socializing is bydlo now
that's just a normie thing
Normies = bydlo
Not exactly, bydlo are just low-class normies.
Me as a single person in my early 20's has owned 3 cars at once and I wanted more, but couldn't afford the insurance at the time. I've known plenty of people with 4+ cars, you're just jealous you can't afford more than one
I don't have any.
Also take in consideration that I live in Moskvabad.
>nothing to do
>nothing interesting around
>even going on a walk is hell itself, about as exciting as watching paint dry
>have a big shitty house that looks fancy on the surface, so you can put a bunch of overpriced useless crap in it and feel superior to other people
>house will fall apart in 20 years because the construction company cut corners everywhere, since stupid white collar retards won't know the difference and will buy anyway
>every single trip to go literally anywhere requires a car because 5 miles in either direction is just more suburbs full of fucking nothing, not even a corner store
>people are insufferable, nosy basic bitches who have never done anything of interest in their lives and think eating chinese takeout once a week is cultured and exotic
>your kids will be so bored out of their minds they'll get a black boyfriend just to get a drug hookup, turn into materialist coalburning addicts, your sons will throw gang signs in photos even though they've never stepped foot in an area that was less than 95% white because they're so eager to have some sort of identity to cling to so they can pretend they're not the human equivalent of an over manicured lap dog
>sell your soul for 40 years at a full time wage slave factory for this
>spend days watching television, getting fat, and accelerating your own death because existance becomes insufferable after the first two weeks
Literally the only reason to live there is that there's no niggers. People who live there go through mental gymnastics to avoid naming that elephant, but it's the true reason, even if they delude themselves with obfuscatory language like "good school system" and "low crime rate". It all just boils down to there not being niggers there. Of course, thanks to obongo and section ape that's all a-changin' right fast.
Suburb people are literally like the dursleys from harry potter. All of them.
t. lives in a cuck flat
>not even a corner store
Really? That seems ridiculous
You can only drive one at the time.
Also /n/ master race, you fat, muscular atrophy leglett lard-for-brain. Cagers deserve death.
It still looks weird if all houses look identical and it looks really weird when there's nothing outside except for concrete and grass.
>finland gets roasted for three hours straight for being the retarded cousin of the Nordic world
>vents by questioning the superiority of the greatest nation in history
Prolly cuz most Americans are Germans by ancestry. Even more than English or Irish. Like by a long shot.
There is literally fucking nothing. Not a corner store, not a vending machine, not even a mexican with an orange truck on the side of the road. You have to drive several miles to reach anywhere that sells anything. There are the suburb developments along the main road, and down the main road between all these fucking developments is a shopping center with generic brand chain stores. This is a repeatable pattern that can spread like a cancer across 400 square miles. I've seen it. 20 miles any direction just fucking suburbs and shopping centers. And they all drive in a big traffic jam every fucking morning to the city, by "city" I mean an office park, it's nowhere that anyone actually lives. And they go to their office job there, and then at 5 PM they line up in the traffic jam back on the highway to go to their section of the development sprawl. They watch television and eat a microwaved dinner, then go to bed and do it again the next day.
Please carpet bomb us.
At least you have amazing scenery to escape from the suburban hell
It's regional. Germ*ns populated the midwest, which is the most culturally devoid and inane region of fatass consumer pigs by far. Italians and Irish had the northeast, which actually has some things of interest.
Why did whites in America give their inner cities to blacks ? I literally can't understand this, it makes no sense to give the best parts of town to poorfags just to go live in cardboard box #13427.
I don't get it, are you implying that other countries don't have rows of houses? Do you want to see ours?
Give me affordable white suburb with big houses and quiet streets any day of the week over our equivalents, which will almost certainly involve terraced housing and packs of niggers or muslims with 10 little runtlets
American suburbs are really comfy. You just (purposefully) picked one without any trees so it looks odd
If you're willing to drive several hours each way, sure. But if you live in the midwest you're gonna drive past 5 hours of cornfield just to reach something that resembles a hill or lake. Americans are too fat to hike, so they haul an RV, which is a house on wheels, out to a patch of woods, and they watch tv in the rv and eat hotdogs and call that "camping". Very natural and scenic. Well, I guess our scenery is better than your godforsaken bong island, yes. We do actually have trees. But the average murrkan goes camping maybe twice a year, and it's as described above. Maybe they go for a half mile nature walk on the paved circle and call that a day's hike. All our scenery has been developed to be drive-up so you don't have to walk. It's populated by fatass white old pigs on retirement and buses of touring chinks.
I'd rather shoot myself in the head than live like that. I'm conniving to expatriate and work short jobs in multiple countries. I hate fat people so much, I can't even go into the subject. I live in the slimmest state in the nation now, but there's still so many of these walking humanoid bovine, all shuffling from their cars to the big box store to go "shopping" for a quick endorphine hit buying fancy chairs or useless kitchen gadgets. Stuffing their faces with panda express and applebees. Oh, and that's the best part, because the rest is niggers and spics in ghettos of poverty and africa level random violence.
Even our "cities" are 90% sprawling suburbs.
Where do you even live if you're seeing black people in suburbs? Think you've been on Sup Forums a bit too long
Better than living in a city and getting shot to death by a golliwog
They're greedy imbeciles lured by promise of giant fucking houses. That's it. They wanted a big house so they could buy even more useless shit. I love cities, I'd like to live in manhattan or shanghai or tokyo. Most american cities are wastelands, and hell they're sprawled and don't even qualify as a city proper. Look at houston. I'd like to kill every person who lives in that cesspit of highway connections and burbclaves.
Why? They're greedy, stupid, and uncultured. That's it.
You ever been to London? Or Birmingham?
The only places within commuting distance of major cities you won't find ethnic minorities are commuter towns which are ridiculously expensive to live in, and even then houses are about 2000 sqft
Literally what poorfag Dutch people do.
Our roads are usually sinuous in villages and in old, preserved parts of cities because they were developed in long phase, adjusting to the lifesytle of people and to be the simplest to build or build houses around. It's a kind of "natural" building way. I'm sure you've learned main settlement types in elementary school's 4th grade. pic related
Underage out.
>Look at houston. I'd like to kill every person who lives in that cesspit of highway connections and burbclaves.
Calm down user. You can just stay outside of this shithole, there are still actual cities in America (not 5 skyscrapers surrounded by miles of suburbs and malls) and lots of places that have very cheap land and that are almost empty where you won't see any fat suburban retards.
Really? Name them. There's NYC, Boston, SF, possibly Chicago and Killadelphia, the former being a crime pit and the latter a sprawlfest, first hand experience. Detroit and Baltimore have already been destroyed.
america is probbably the closest of all the countries to becoming Fahrenheit 451
No, it's true. I thought I was just a creep, but you get around other Anglos, Europeans, and it's the first actual conversation you'll have in your entire life. The stuff before, that's like this script, that feels like nails on a chalkboard.
>Also we actually have urban planning in the US, unlike European cities where decided to get a cow high on coke then shove a bottle rocket up its ass and wherever it went would become a road.
Fuck you're delusional and have no fucking clue what you're talking about, you're 2000 years behind us in urban planning and that's a contributing factor to your society being so fucked up.
Here, take it from an American:
I wouldn't mind living there desu. Looks comfy.
They're actually made for you. Just shave your mustache, and trade your hat and boots for a 9local sports team) cap, ill-fitting polo with ugly logo, and cargo shorts / runners (like you go jogging).