gael edition
Other urls found in this thread:
cant stop sweating and waking up in the middle of the night, ive being getting really paranoid and hearing things that arent there and lashing out i think im dying
just rewatching CL at the closing ceremony she so great
Could mash any Irishman with ease.
Toil tomorrow
(to see the girl)
you ever revisit your well-received posts?
I do.
siberian winter outside
Imagine being so cucked you claim to be irish but are forced to post under a British flag, KEK
Truck over the median
Reckon there'll be another 9/11 size happening in our lifetimes lads?
dont understand that post
> kek
I'll do that then but modify it a bit since I've seen my ex literally every single day for the past month and had sex with her twice
I'll say something like "it's been hard to get over my ex when she's here" but not mention how we've fucked
Reckon America will enter another civil war in our lifetimes?
REALLY enjoyed this post lad
that is a good post but a screenshot or archive link would've been fine
Any of you lads ever visited a dominatrix? Genuinely considering it and I'd like to hear your experiences
yeah lad, tomorrow at 12pm in conventry
dire soycunt detected
is I, Tonya worth a watch?
nippin to wakanda, want owt?
Eh maybe, hope we intervene and launch trident missiles indiscriminately at North America, world capital of cancer and jewry
gib milkies
guarentee the kek expression is older than you
why are aussie girls such sluts?
Monogamy is NOT normal
I urge user to marry his fiancee but fuck the girl in work on the side
don't know do you have any lewd anzus?
*rubs bridge of nose*
no... no no no you
*sighs deeply into microphone*
you just don't get it
I, user, dont know
crown's thinning
love boobs
>guarentee the kek expression is older than you
new zealand is covered by aus in that pic
get on the fin lad
>look it's...
*sighs deeply*
>it's not your fault you're uneducated it's just
*sighs again*
she's gained weight in this photo for the better
love holly
*ruffles your hair*
would rather just listen to Inner City 2bh
Love Man U
Love Bangers and Mash
Love Brexit
Dont like racism
Dont like Chelsea
Dont like poofters WAHEEEEY just kidding the gays are alright lads
> some men may experience sexual dysfunction, depression, anxiety, or breast enlargement; the sexual dysfunction can be very distressing.
I'll just shave it off
made a really good post on a Sup Forums thread one night while half pissed depicting an absurdly horrible and OTT experience visiting my local cinema that involved escaping nazis and cannibals and shit that got a lot of replies but no sign of the thread ever since. sad cause I'd love to be able to read it cause it was a legit greentext masterpiece
this but ironically
janny is actively monitoring this thread
LOVE living in Chelmsford
LOVE being Man U's biggest supporter
HATE Liverpool!
no he isn't
be quiet
>pubes in my starbucks again
Might change my Tinder bio to:
love brexit
hate women with loose morals
simple as
did ngwengababa kick the ball?
post more lewds
stop lusting over Aryan women ubugu
jan? ban this man
yeah that'll do it you fucking virgin
love the 'bucks
women aren't even worth the basic elements that compose their biology
>inb4 fedora
it just proves I'm right
angry little virgin
Without question. And like 9/11 it will have nothing to do with Islam.
Chloes latest fella
I post black women and get flamed. Post white women and get called a coon.
>women aren't even worth the basic elements that compose their biology
>>inb4 fedora
>it just proves I'm right
this is a meme, no studies have linked fin to ED specifically
it's literally just numales on the intenet blaming it for things all caused by their own low test
Deanus prime
you are but I won't hold it against you
>no u
grow up
yeah take a hint and fuck off to the nearest red cross camp then
the aesthetic ideal
what's the smallest internal organ of a goat
enjoyed the new Blade Runner
not sure what to think of the ending
on my second cup of coffee and my heart is pounding
gonna beast on some BF1
Sweaty x
>went to lidl to get a lightbulb for my bathroom
>left with 24-pack of crisps and no lightbulb
pooing in the dark yet again
who's she? why are you posting these people?
got a nose bleed
post asian women, get called a nonce
post indian/arab women get called a 'sheed
latinas are the true radical centrist choice
would like to get face full of chebs right about now
looks like elon musk's bent deano mong cousin
virgin's getting riled up
you're literally the worst country on earth
I thought Sierra Leon was worse