
me irl edition

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wish I'd never discovered Sup Forums

Emma Watson’s holes.

convince me not to wear a collar to toil

wageslaving lads what about you

“I’m an Englishman. I’m from Bermondsey, South-East London. My father was called George. He was also from Bermondsey. His father, another Bermondsey man, was called George too. And his father, my great-grandfather, is from the same place. He was called Edward.

“These three generations of my family, were in the fish trade. I’m the first member of my family not to work at the market in Billingsgate. My great-grandfather had eleven brothers and sisters. I dont know exactly how many of his generation married or exactly how many children they produced. I’ve so far tracked over two-hundred of them.
Many still live in Bermondsey. Some are still in the fish trade.

“There are seven called George, and five called Victoria. I stand here, in front of you, as a representative of all of them. And I ask in their name the great question put by our patron, Mr Powell. What do they know of England, who only England know? Or, what can my family, who come from England, who lived in England, who know only England, say of this, our country?

wish I was beto

“Mr Powell once spoke of the destruction of ancient Athens and the miraculous survival in the blackened ruins of that city of the sacred olive tree; the symbol of Greece, their country. And he also spoke of us, the English, at the heart of a vanished empire, seeming to find within ourselves that one of our own oak trees, the sap rising from our ancient roots, and he said perhaps, after all, we who have inhabited this island fortress for an unbroken thousand years, brought up, as he said, within the sound of English bird song under the English oak, in the English meadow, beneath the red cross of St. George, it is us who know most of England.

“And I appreciated him for saying that, because it was as if he spoke for my family, who understand well their own country. Who understand even better their own capital, London town, as we used to call her. As we strolled in her parks, as we marveled at her palaces, as we did buisness in the city, went west for a dance, took a boat on the river. The pale ale and eel pie of old London. The London of my family for as many generations as I know. The London that will in less than fifteen years will be less than fifty percent white. London, where in fifteen years a white person will be in the minority.

“Am I racist? No. Do I have anything against people of other races? No. So what then is my gripe?

“My gripe, and I speak on behalf of seven men called George and five women called Victoiria, my gripe is quite simple.

“My gripe is that we were never asked. My gripe is that we were told, not asked, and everyday we are told again and again how we are to be and how our country is to be. We are told by them, and we know who they are, they’re English too. They are the class that has always set themselves apart, they are the class that has always taken what they wanted for themselves, and now they are the class that is giving England away.
They have never asked us, and they never will.

>uk vertical holes
not even once

its sad when ur favourite pornstars retire

so this cheddar man fella was black?

brits are africans after all it seems

why do you guys discus more politics than britpol? there talking about snow and suasage rolls atm

R.I.P England.


Tell me about her user

not going to lectures out of solidarity for the lecturers union

getting a full english at a cafe with my mates and then going back to sleep instead

“Do we allow them to sell our heritage? Or is it time for us to speak?

“To speak, to refuse them the right to give away our holy, or bountiful, our only England that has, that has nurtured us, naked, grown us as the oak. Is it time for us that England know to come yet again and defend our country? With our fire, our fists?

“Is it time for us sons to rise again?

“I say yes.

“I say yes.I say… Yes.”


No, or at least we don't know for certain.

We do know that there is a 75% chance he wasn't fair/pale skinned as the mutations in his DNA were absent

Anglia, Cambria, Caledonia, Hibernia. Together they make Britannia.

>you guys
Identify yourself

forgot how old i was lads

woof haha

>brits are africans after all it seems
you're all ex-africans, dude.
only us ethiopians can claim to not have been something else at one point. as for the rest of you, you're nothing but experimental variations of our genome, meek offspring of us all.

ruby temptations
sarah jane
kylie quinn

thinking about all the toilers rn x

Anyone else shit bright red blood for 2 days after heavy leg day lifting sessions

runt life


When you see it

imagine getting your post replied to by someone or something better yet, from New Zealand

absolute STATE lads


love her feet

Someone's jealous x


Use this trip so I know it's actually you Jeffrey


guy bored becuase britpol is shit

Every foreigner poster seems good at first, but they all turn out the same

>us ethiopians
wait I thought you were a yank


demonic eyes

does roger lurk?

black cock

literally who?

Just called out a harlot that tweeted me can't wait for her utter primal feminist rage to unleash

The King is dead. Long live the King! Long live the King!

Woke up at 4am this morning

monarchism is the opiate of the masses

never had anything of the sort happen to me but it seems like you're in the clear. bright red blood < dark red blood. it's probably just bleeding in or around your anus. dark red blood would imply much more serious illness at it is a sign of bleeding in your intestines.

you are mixed with arabs that’s why you have lighter skin and different bone structure than the bantus

If Mosley took charge then I wouldn't be ugly :(

alternate between thinking new zealand is cute and lovely, and thinking it's reddit: the country
perhaps it is both.

would hate a recent post but not going to say which nor am i actually going to hat them but I would if i wanted to

oh, hi

britain cries out for eugenism

>demonic eyes


absolute state of australia

going to bed at 4am this morning

thaicunts first name is Rodney

funny way of spelling democracy x

Imagine how fucked your social functions would be if most of your interaction was from /brit/ haha

Bit of a plonker as well init

like actual blood coming out like diarrhoea?

haha yeah


he’s an ethiopian who grew up in america

born into a very wealthy family, educated at some of america’s finest institutions, he has returned home to reconnect with his roots, or rather to engage in real estate speculation

are you thailad or yet another thaiposter?

reckon that if i went to south korea or japan i would be swimming in gash


another day of being toilberg and toilslave at the same time

ngl just want to retire

I cry out for a sausage sandwich

Bruce why did you never tell me about this absolute kino

Anne-Maree is such a qt

the man who saved australia

Yeah they've got a shortage of pale skinny virgins over there

*puts my dick between two pieces of buttered bread*
set yourself away then youngun

this ultra inclusive democracy we see in the west where everyone is allowed to vote will ultimately lead to the death of the system as the moronic hordes bleed it dry

autocracy will replace it

I'm not Jeffrey dude, what the fuck is your problem?
Jeffrey isn't even fucking Ethiopian. I'm the one and only true Ethiopian on Sup Forums.
I'm Lin Wuang, the incredible sorcerer who hails from the darkest forest of the far-east. I come to you on my pet pterodactyl

mm that's true but summers here soon tho
uhm no sweety (muscular built)

*bites off the head of your cock*

wish i was born a gypsy, would be quite good at being a gyppo scumcunt i reckon

didn't realise he was actually Ethiopian. Just assumed he was a white yank who moved to Ethopia and I never bothered to enquire why

now I'm getting confused

>crypto-kiwis being purged from the australian government

What the hell, I love Mmicky McC now


vile word

stop it

stupid post that overvalues the vote



You're not Ethiopian. You're a dullard London cunt with a proxy

Stick this trip on #}L)#9ot|

business idea: ban all asian IPs in /brit/ except for australia, canada, and new zealand

actually we can ban canada too

Proud supporter of Scottish and Welsh independence. Proud Anarcho-Fascist.


this but with a degree of irony

sup ethiopialad


reckon that if i went to sweden i'd have the girls creaming

>first past the post voting system

you’ll be the first to collapse

short jews can't compete with tall blonde bulls

Needs a bit of tomato sauce

*plugs your wee hole with a sauce bottle and squirts it all into your urethra*

Grubs up

incipit yank slime matter

>redditspaced bent posting