So, I just came back from a trip to Finland and while there I noticed something weird...

So, I just came back from a trip to Finland and while there I noticed something weird. When they talked to me they talked in Swedish. Well most of them anyway. I was speaking English to them though, but they kept on replying to me in Swedish anyway, which felt a bit weird. And also, they have Swedish signs everywhere, like information on Swedish.

So my question is, why are Finns so eager to speak Swedish?

Other urls found in this thread: finland/country/NO/type/op/

how can people stay entertained by swede and fin threads? even less relevant countries than belgium

>less relevant than belgium

google pakkoruotsi

>So my question is, why are Finns so eager to speak Swedish?

I actually agree, we get like 10 threads about finland everyday

yes we have double the population and everything eu related happens here

what does sweden have other than Sup Forums memes

Autism rates are higher up north

You were in fenno-swede area.

don't make me say it

At least we have our own language. Norwegian is a dialect, and norwegians are made up.

this, we've discussed everything there is to discuss about nordic cunts
make a Belgium thread instead


Ok let's discuss about belgium

But why so eager to speak in Swedish instead of English?

>even less relevant countries than belgium
but Belgium is not even a real country

Ok let's discuss about something else instead

I would honestly love to see more about belgium.

before 1650, Sweden was a friend and ally.
then again after 1917 until their communist takeover in 1980s.
long history of taking Sweden seriously.


Nigga I'm from a place where 10% are Finland-Swedes and no Finn here speaks Swedish

your accent sound like you're a native Swedish speaker so we're just practicing our Swedish that we learned in school.

>So my question is, why are Finns so eager to speak Swedish?

Nice bait, Sweden

>even less relevant countries than belgium
I don't think that's possible

Stop hanging around fenno-swedes idiot.

But it was in Helsingfors. Is that a fenno-swedish area?

You didn't go to Finland did you? Fake news

This makes the Finns VERY angry, tread carefully or they might start posting meme pictures of your country.

So sad fake news. Sad!

>why are Finns so eager to speak Swedish?

Bullshit of the highest degree unless you were hanging in Vaasa or Ahvenanmaa

>But it was in Helsingfors.

Thats your fucking problem idiot. I bet you visiited south afrika too i mewan east HELSINFORS

But if you understood what they said, then why reply in English?

Aren't you the weird one here? Besides, they can practice their Swedish, why'd you use common tongue in such situations?


So fenno-swedes found new proxy.

Also i've seen this exact thread before.

I just say that to try and dodge some of the retarded answers but Belgium is a very relevant country in an EU context we literally created the concept of the EU in the Benelux while you snowniggers are just alcoholics who have contributed practically nothing in the grand scheme of things other than being jews and increasing your own welfare.

Ok how are you doing?

>quite frankly, a non country

More like created the concept of sucking dick.

>make a thread about finland
>discuss how bulgaria is more relevant

The absolute state of this meme country

Honestly I laugh a little at Norway. Their biggest accomplishment outside the clown olympics is being Sweden's betabitch sidekick. Swedes will talk shit about Norway and Norway will take it like the little shit that it is but when it comes to Finland, Norwegians will back up big daddy Sweden so much they will seem like Swedes themselves.

More like created the concept of being the only moral place on this rotten Earth while you have violent subhumans like americans, russians, muslims and asians exploiting their own populace and anyone they can around them.

South Hollanti should stop with their silly secession movement and bend over for Orange, tbqhfam

>we literally created the concept of the EU

No, that was the jews

At least we are real countries

Another thing I noticed while there, is that when I used Tinder, I got a ton of matches, and the first things those girls asked me was whether I was a swede. I actually think I got the matches because they thought I was a Swede.


beware the revenge of the eternal finne

EU is just communist manifesto: subterfuge edition

>French-German mutts

You sound very autistic.


Belgium has existed a lot longer than you

Bulgaria is very good country i get very good olive oil and peanut oil from there do not bully Bulgaria.

Or is it the other B letter country? I forgot its name.

I really like Belgium's ___
Belgium is really famous for making ___
Isn't it funny that Belgium ___?

you talkin' shit about Bulgaria?
cuz we don't take kindly to people who talk shit about Bulgaria 'round these parts

Unironically this.


>"fennoswedes aren't finnish"
>"Tove Jansson"

>I just came back from a trip to Finland


If you bully Bulgaria you bully Finland fucker.

Finns have an identity crisis. I blame Russia for this

Fuck off. We hate Moomins over here. Linux is also dogshit that shouldn't exist.

Bulgaria is a meme country :^)

>makes good chocolate
I think I just summarized all positive contributions Belgium has made to the world in one post.

>being Finnish illegal in Sweden since 1650
>being Finnish illegal in Russia since 1900
you're both to blame

>A lesbian anarchist who spoke swedish?

No thanks

Only Finns with an identity crisis are a handful of cocksuckers from the west. Rest of us know what we are.

>Rest of us know what we are
Mongols? Reindeer fuckers?

Do you know why swedish people dont walk outside in Finland after 8pm?

Both are vastly superior alternatives to being Swedes


I honestly don't know what Finns are or where you came from

Because we ask from you do you want to get beaten and if you say yes we beat you.

I do know what Bulgarians are though. You're fucking Thracians who for some reason speak Slavic now

The absolute state of Sweden. I bet you know more about Somalia than Finland.


wtf i love Sverige now

>I bet you know more about Somalia than Finland
lol no. Only things I know about Somalia is that they're pirates and used to be owned by Italy

lmao cognitive dissonance at it's best

>used to be owned by Italy

that's ethiopia. also it was an occupation more than an colonisation really, but shitalians get butthurt when you mention this.

How can the descendants of Rome be so bad at war?

Shitty leadership, that was their huge problem.

They're wh*te. Mongorians were the best warlords throughout history.

>I really like Belgium's ___
>Belgium is really famous for making ___
>Isn't it funny that Belgium ___?
chopped off Congolese hands
ironically I can't fill in these blanks for Sweden

Thank you Nigel, show that Somali.

>mongorians were the best banditniggers*

Mongols caused less suffering in 400 years than British Empire did in a decade

You know if it wasn't for the Brits, Germany would've wiped you off the map

How many times you’ve made this thread? 6? 7?

I know it’s fun to watch us fling shit but please, consider not doing these threads anymore. They’re stressing me out.

Thanks Norgebro.

Yes Sweden would have defeated Germany

>the concept of being the only moral place on this rotten Earth
I'm sure the Libyans are real thankful for how moral the EU is

Its sad that this is true also they created natiolism and interracial marriages.

>Mongols caused less suffering in 400 years than British Empire did in a decade

Both were pretty bad, but mongolians were actually better tacticians and knew how to fight. British empire mostly bullied weaker african nations that couldn't really fend for themselves. Also, mongolians cucked europeans which is pretty epic.

Germans are our bros. It's too bad we didn't join them in the WW1 so we could've destroyed your tiny joke of a country

also, they weren't wh*te

This is 9th apparently. finland/country/NO/type/op/

>Finns eager to speak swedish

I think you went to Sweden by accident.

Most Finnish speakers can't speak Swedish. This is how university students speak it:

Honestly, most people cannot distinguish between Norwegian and Swedish language.
They thougt you were insulting their language skills or they thought they were doing you a favour by talking to you in Swedish.

Swedish is the second national language, so most areas repeat the names in Swedish. All the services are available in Swedish as well. Except in northern Lappland where Samisk replaces Swedish on signs and services.
>something that the Swedish Party actually dislikes

We insist on talking English to other tourists and expats even if they talked perfect Finnish, it isnt about our pride in our language. Most likely we take pride in our skill to talk what is perceived as your language, and try to boast with it.

Hopefully you had fun in Finland Norway-bro