Wtf I love Mussolini now

wtf I love Mussolini now

Wtf? There are three Romes?

>mutts can't even come up with original names for their cities

Cincinnati is actually named that because of how the founding fathers ideals were similar to Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus

Welp I didn't know that. Guess it makes sense to have a wolf there then

Rome, Georgia is also built on seven hills. So there is at least that

if people find out that mussolini donated those statues, the media will freak out and have them removed, 100% guaranteed

Woah... usa really is the new roman empire

The USA basically Larped as the Roman republic for the first century of its existance. It was pretty autistic looking back

there's a city in Georgia called Athens, as well as a town named Bethlehem :)

We shoulda kept it going, imagine Roman architecture everywhere instead of the retarded glass boxes

>Wow, Washington retired
>That means he's totally like that one Roman guy who became dictator to save the Roman Republic, then worked on a farm, then became dictator to save the Roman Republic AGAIN, then retired to a farm AGAIN
Yeah, breddy autistic m8.

Washington retired twice. He retired immediately after the Treaty of Paris and then after his second Term as President. People drawing parallels between him and Cinicannatus is the least autistic part of the LARPIng

He had two terms, which isn't the same as what Cincinattus did by being dictator twice. A lot of Romans had two terms as consul separated multiple years from one another because by law you could only be consul once every 10 years.

Being a dictator in Rome was a pretty big deal. It meant the republic was FUBAR and you were the only dude bad enough to fix it.

No, retard he was Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army and retired after the Treaty of Paris with no intent on having any role in government again. Then 4 years later took part in the constitutional convention retired AGAIN. Then reluctantly ran for president after being begged by pretty much the entire country.

>let me tell you about your history
fuck off even the most cursory knowledge of Washington’s life reveals that you’re a retard

Yes, your point being?

That you’re a retard

Come on, I can't be fully retarded. I'm 56% at best.

Good that the Italians strung the cunt up.

>murdering dictators instead of putting them on sham trials and executing them
you absolute savages

The average American doesn’t even know who Cincinnatus is so you’re not that retarded