You can kill one, the other will thrive

You can kill one, the other will thrive.

Killing Kim Jong-un would have no effect on NK, he's just an incompetent figurehead.

Kill Kim
Assad kills the jews

Why would I kill Assad? That would only cause a prolonged civil war in Syria

What did Kim do wrong

his hairstyle

I'll kill myself over either of them. High respects for those who refuse to obey US

letting kim thrive wouldn't change anything for the nk people
kill kim is an easy choice

his diet

kim is cool and competent

Assad.So that kim can destriy worse Korea

Kill Kimmy, I want to save her from extinction.

Shit, mistaken Assad for Eragon. Still, I want to protect her smile.

Kill fat retard. Assad is ok.

Sorry Kim. I would murder jewish and american infants if assad gave me the order

I wish I could kill both of them.

reminder kim is only fat to evoke the memories of his predecessors, and he is in fact a thin chad on the inside

Kill Assad. Kim thriving would just be him giving himself gout again.


i don't even know who the right guy is but fuck him, long live eternal leader


You know what my fucking answer would be.

Syria Invicta.