Why didnt you become vegetarian yet Sup Forums?

why didnt you become vegetarian yet Sup Forums?

explain youselves

I'm trying, I'm eating way less meat than before. I stil eat many eggs and some fish

Because I eat meat. Checkmate atheists.

I will never stop eating seafood

>parents were vegetarian, raised so since birth
>ate meat as soon as I got to uni, and have done ever since
whatcha gonna do 'bout it, stamped netherlands?

I enjoy the taste of meat and other products which come from animals.

I ain't stopping.

Meat is very tasty.

It is not natural

Not going vegetarian but definitely eating less meat than before
I want to be healthy

i take pleasure in knowing animals were stuffed full of growth hormone and food, locked in cages for years, only to then be slaughtered just so i could eat half of their leg and throw the rest of their remains away. that to me, is enjoyable. i am a human, the apex predator of earth and for all we know, the galaxy. i will relish in every moment of that. lesser life forms will quake when i approach. it is their place. the weak should fear the strong.

I was born one.

I take pleasure in devouring other life forms

yeah i can give you some meat al right
*rubs my bulge*

I'm heterosexual.

>Danes keep their steaks in their pockets


Grew up in the countryside. Never felt particular guilt towards killing the animals we had around.
There's a point about the industrial meat industry, but they're a result of a rapid growth in population and urbanization.

I'm allergic to a lot of fruits

animals arent humans so fuck them


meat tastes nice and good food is one of the few pleasures I still have in life

I eat mostly grains, vegetables and fish, I dislike this, however I struggle to find meat of acceptable quality in stores nor am I particularly interested in supporting some farmer who is "ecological" (read: of very varied and usually shit quality) or "artisan" (read: expensive)

Sometimes I see a good piece of pork, beef or chicken, I buy it.

t. a cook

Not so fast that little aussie is mine.


>>parents were vegetarian, raised so since birth
this should be a felony

I'm vegetarian since my childhood. It's not always easy when you live in a backward country and go to a restaurant because here they serve meat in all restaurants.

The ultimate mommy's soyboy

I was never a v*g*t*r**n, I became Vegan

Why would I? Sometimes I eat meat, sometimes I don't.

Dairy milk is gross to me desu. I've been drinking almond/cashew for a few years now and dairy milk feels like it has this snot-like consistency

In the past there was this amazing guy who split people into two camps.
Those who eat bacon, and those who went into the oven.
I dont want to go into the oven user. And as a perk I get bacon.
Its a win-win for me


I'm an animal genocider but I'm skinny. Get fucked soy-eating fags.