Memes aside, why are middle class white people so goddamn boring? It seems like they all just sit around all day never doing anything fun.
Memes aside, why are middle class white people so goddamn boring...
Why are middle-aged white women the most annoying people on the planet?
Or spend countless hours watching reality TV but shit on people who play vidya or spend hours on the internet?
boring and interesting is relative. what's interesting to those bitches is going to some pancake restaurant that charges 10$ for an ounce of pancake with some chocolate on it, others like outdoors shit, others are club rats, /o/tists and so on. they do shit but i still think they're boring and it's because they've been taught by their parents to play it safe in literally everything they do
>dude arnold didn't spend half his paycheck on some gaudy sneakers what a loser lmao
>fucking nigger subhumans!
>*masturbates to anime*
Because we don't chimp out and that's boring to you
>Memes aside, why are middle class white people so goddamn boring? It seems like they all just sit around all day never doing anything fun.
literally all I do is sit on my bed and browse Sup Forums
who gives a shit about level of excitement in life
t. indian
We are working on supporting our god damned country, nitwit. We don't have time for anything else.
Are the men really any better though
>did you catch the game last night?
>gonna go golfing
>yeah my mutual funds have been doing pretty good
kek me
Better boring than shooting herion and robbing liquor stores
It's true, middle class white people are so fucking lame. Why are they always going to college and reading books? They're always up to some nerd shit like paying their bills on time and voting in local elections
meanwhile, us brown folks already know what's good... lowering our IQs, killing the club, and pumping children full of drugs and bullets, what what!!!
why arent wypipo doing the nae nae with us in the streets?? unbelievable
Except you do none of those things. You’re a fat pathetic NEET virgin that thinks browsing Sup Forums for 16 hours a day makes you “politically active”.
Holy Fuck! Tran Nguyen, is that you?
When you're working a job and supporting a family, there's no time for fun.
Nice lies wagecuck. It's all about priorities.
>go to white person house
>faint dog smell, even if they don't have a dog
>a bunch of garbage Walmart art like this shit
>tons of reusable water bottles around the kitchen sink
>every shelf and counter covered with stupid ass trinkets and novelty souvenirs
what the fuck how do you know what my house looks like
What do you consider fun?
My sister makes those things out of vinyl. It's her side hustle, and she makes a fair bit of money at it. I hate that shit so much.
That's a false stereotype. I'm a non-white under the poverty level and I'm as exciting as a bag of potatoes. All I do is wage slave + go to school + do assignments basically every day. I never do anything fun because I always feel like there's something that needs to be done. I never have any cool stories or jokes or am able to hold a conversation for more than two minutes. The only time I feel alive is when I'm drunk out of my mind.
>go to brown person townhouse (they're too poor and lazy to afford actual homes)
>smells like rancid curry even if they aren't Indian
>they're collecting grocery bags for some mysterious reason only known to those who are both poor and greedy
>tons of dirty dishes around the kitchen sink (they're brown so they only clean on special occasions)
>there's a child crying somewhere upstairs, but whose kid he is nobody knows
>the bathroom is moldy and smells perpetually of shit and Febreeze (again, they're brown so they only clean on special occasions)
>they're collecting grocery bags for some mysterious reason only known to those who are both poor and greedy
f-fuck you
grocery bags are useful
Me except single and childless
>a bunch of garbage
>tons of reusable water bottles around the kitchen and sink
>they're collecting grocery bags for some mysterious reason only know to those who are both poor and greedy
>tons of dirty dishes around the sink
>the bathroom is moldy and smells perpetually of shit and Febreeze
Add a faint cat piss smell and you described my house. There's no way you could be this accurate unless you guys are breaking into people's houses
The middle class is an ironic location, so they can not do anything. Look at the lower classes, they at least still get welfare in the country, but the middle class can not take it. On the contrary, the rich people are enjoying every day because they have everything that middle class and lower classes have. This is totally unfair.
>known to those who are both poor and greedy
I'm not poor, my wife's Jewish.
What kind of fucking degenerate throws away good grocery bags?
that's because you're trying to become a normie whitoid. which you never will because you're non-white, you will become uncle tom or uncle chang or uncle pedro or uncle mohammed.
this is the reason why we need more guns in our cunt.
this poster is breaking in and memorizing our houses.
i left you a note inbetween all those fucking plastic bags you have stashed you faggot
shut the fuck up genghis khan you'd sell your sister for a bundle of plastic bags
lmao third worlder, dont talk to me.
I checked
it said "fuck you mutt"
The only non whites who can't "become white" are blacks, and, to a much lesser extent, east Asians. It doesn't matter to Asians, though, because they're taking over.
They spend too much of their time hiding the fact that they spend most of their free time jerking off to porn and the rest of their time doing just that.
>walmart art
>>they're collecting grocery bags for some mysterious reason only known to those who are both poor and greedy
Explain this brown people.
frighteningly accurate 2bh
>collecting grocery bags for some mysterious reason
to save on trash bags obviously. pretty common with jewish people
Because they live in the suburbs which are cultural bubbles.
People in general are boring. Also, perhaps you are racist desu. In your mind
> Boring + White = Boring
> Boring + Black = Interesting
But in reality both are boring
This describes the entirety of the Midwest. It's incredible.
Remember those sheet metal stars everyone had on their garages?
>too rich for hustling
>not shitskin enough to do shitskin things
>too poor and bound by a schedule to do fun things beyond going on a computer, watching tv, or doing drugs
this is pretty much me
White looking black women can easily become white if they stay thin and marry a white guy