Be native English speaker

>Be native English speaker
>Find youtube videos of people teaching English
>Scroll down to the comments
>Try to demoralize any struggling learner of English with mean comments and tell them that they are fucking awful at English and they should give up because we don't want to talk to them anyways
>They curse me out in their monkey jungle languages

Works like a charm. I only hope I can convince enough non-Anglo subhumans to stop learning my language and stay in their shitholes.

good thread

im moving to canada lol

me 2 lol


English is toddler-tier. Any dumbass can learn it.


>Be native English speaker
>a fucking leaf
Nice joke, Chang de la Grenouille.

>t. only five vowels

cuka blyaat

more like Xinhui Herzberg

Why would you not want people to voluntarily assimilate with your culture from abroad?
Just because they learn English doesn't mean they are going to an Anglo country

Ingvi is very unhappy with your deeds, user

>I run, she runs, he runs, we run, they run, you run
>yo corro, el corre, ella corre, nosotros corremos, ellos corren, tu corres

>I will run, she will run, he will run, we will run, they will run, you will run
>yo correré, ella correrá, el correrá, nosotros correremos, ellos correrán, tu correrás

>hurr my language has unneeded rules which makes it better I swear

>is proud to be a native speaker of another country's language

>my friend, my friends

>mi amigo, mi amiga, mis amigos, mis amigas

Uh no, you mongoloid mother fucker it's our language. We are the heirs to the British empire.

Are you really one to talk Suomi?

one friend, many friends
therefore: a friend, the friend(s)
Why should it be otherwise?

You are all speaking other countries' languages. You dont have your own language.

You have no genders for nouns.
"I went out with a friend"
Female friend? Male friend? Spanish doesn't have that problem.

It's MY language and no island tea nigger will tell me otherwise

>motherfucking spelling competitions

lmao this is why canadians are my favorite posters on Sup Forums

what if you went out with a group of two male friends and a female friend

o wait, nobody gives a shit to have the exact specifications of everyone's genitals involved
also why don't you speak Lithuanian then, who has conjugated male, female, singular, plural, double, triple, quadruple, nominative, accusative, dative, genitive and even more I can't recall rn

You see you only think this is a problem because you grew up having to know these things beforehand
Truly gender is a totally unneeded concept in a language but we aren't there just yet

I like the way English looks
People would have to many disparate ideas on how to fix its spelling, and on top of this it has straight up more words than most other languages
I like the "magic e" and silent gh's like in FIGHT
and wouldn't give up these inconsistencies for anything
>I would totally get rid of useless e's tho, like in expressiv(e), but don't get me started

>w-who cares
This is why English is mainstream. Because it's basic, it's simplistic, and has very simplified rules.
No gender nouns, verb conjugation is a joke, no accents to pronounce a word differently, etc.
Don't be upset that other languages are far more complex than English, like Spanish, French, Italian and so on.

being more complex doesn't make it better

>lol why doesn't japanese get rid of kanji? it's too complex

Are you really retarded?
accents are not written down in English but it most certainly has them, as in:

and I am baffled as to why you would ever need a gender for an inanimate object of a noun
and especially why you would think it better

my ancestors' language :)

Fuck off we speak American. Fuck off with your hillbilly inbred newfie accent subhuman.

lol kanji is the simpler one mate

I agree, gendered nouns are gay and I can't see a purpose at all

>the eternal amerimutt strikes once again

>he doesn't know how accents work

accent marks are disgusting

Yuh I do

The only purpose i can think of is something like " i have a pen and a notebook, one is for writong and the other is for writing on", if they are differently gendered you can change the order in the second sentence and it will still be clear. But it's just for literary purposes, everyone will just go in order and you can't do it with any couple of words. In everyday language it's just useless.
It still has few words in comparison to good languages honestly. And just because english can't be fixed doesn't mean its spelling is ok.

>can't do it with every couple of words

I think you mean gramatical cases?
Which yes, are cool and that is something I wish English had (again)
>The man gave thas dog thone rock
>Thone rock gave thas dog the man

No let's say it's una pen and un notebook, in english the second sentence has to be in the same order as the first or you need to add the forst and the second to make it clear which is which. In italian you could say una is for writing, uno is for writing on. No matter how you order it since you have una instead of one you know it refers to the pen.


>Are you really retarded?
>accents are not written down in English but it most certainly has them, as in:
"accent" or "stress" applies to vowels, you can't stress consonants.

>t. American education at its finest

I wasn't meaning to stress the consonants, I capitalized them to indicate the beginning of the stressed syllable

Yeah that’s cool

A fucking leaf

>English is toddler-tier.
Are there any other reasons aside from personal insecurity which drives ESLs to make claims such as these? It's the most widespread language yet outside for pockets of Northern European, most non-English speakers can rarely produce natural sounding English in real time.
As a second or third langauge, English must be one of the most poorly spoken languages out there. Yet it toddler-tier? What does that say about the hundreds of millions of ESLs who can barely speak in the language? Are they intellectually inferior to a toddler? Is that what you are implying?

If you don't like it then leave.

>judging a person's fluency in a language based on how they speak
Well I guess anglos are total shit at Spanish because they can't fucking speak it well at all.
You think a person's accent has any effect on their understanding of the language?

>I wasn't meaning to stress the consonants, I capitalized them to indicate the beginning of the stressed syllable

Primary stress is indicated using ˈ character, secondary using ˌ character, you can easily replace them with ' and ,

Just like that:
> 'English
> 'mother,fucker
> 'Do 'You
> 'Speak 'it

>judging a person's fluency in a language based on how they speak
Yes, spoken fluency is one of the most important aspects of a spoken language.
>Well I guess anglos are total shit at Spanish because they can't fucking speak it well at all.
That's cute and all but it was you calling English "toddler-tier". Don't try to change the goalposts.
>You think a person's accent has any effect on their understanding of the language?
Accent has little to do with being able to form coherent and natural sentences in real time.

>im superior to any other people because i can speak my language!
>*posts a garbage frog image"

Just die