A question for non native english speakers

A question for non native english speakers
how did you learn english and why did you decide to learn it?

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Why are Britbongs so fucking stupid? Even Amerimutts don’t ask questions this retarded...

I lived in the UK.

Não percebo o que estás a dizer

>why did you decide to learn it?
You don't really have an option


Why are you being so rude

because my country is weak and i love to suck anglo cock

has nothing to do with education and it being the lingua franca in business and science


Avast!! Sit down, I shall tell ye.
I was 9 years ole. Me joystick 2 had a button cracken 'n me mom was callin' fer grub. That Virtual Fighter Princess wouldna save herself...

Absolutely abhorrent post

Because I hate retarded questions, shit like

>why did you decide to learn it?

Is so fucking stupid, it’s unbelievable that somebody is seriously asking that.

By living in America since I was 4 and going to an American school.
Because that's what I was taught in.

i asked a reasonable question
why so mad?

t. retard
Not everyone is like you.


but you live in a non english speaking country


Why shouldn't people learn English? Are you some white hating shitskin?

Yeah, let’s forget that your fucking country NEVER consumes American products, give me a fucking break....
Your questions are stupid and they answer themselves if you actually think.

Dad taught me when i was a kid... he was pro-american... now he don't give a fuck.

I have lots of Malay and Thai products but I don't bother learning those.

are you also exposed to a lot of media in Thai and Malay language?

Wanted to read the last Harry Potter book and it wasn't translated yet so I bought it in English and read it with a dictionary.

not really
but if you live in a non english speaking country
it's not necessary
only 5% of mexicans speak english

I am exposed to lots of media in the Min and Yue languages, and since I'm in the army now Malay too, but I don't give a fuck about them

Parents signed me up to private lessons on the afternoon; I attended them from grades third to tenth. The classes were one hour long and thrice a week at a "private academy" (that's how we call them) with relatively small groups (rarely more than 12-13 pupils). I eventually dropped them because I preferred not to take some semi-official exam (ESB). Have fond memories of those times.

The English teacher I had in my late high school years was very capable, but the fact that she had to adjust to the rhythm and knowledge of the whole class meant very little advance for those with a better understanding of the subject compared to the "private academy" classes.

Besides the obvious fact that English is taught in every school and that it's an extremely useful language to know. Speaking English is often a sign that you're well educated and have more chances of being successful.

And English exposure by movies/internet

We have no choice, people who don't understand english are somewhat illiterate in the moders worls, also we are foced to study it in school and it is necessary for joining a college, I don't hate it tho.

>Wanted to read the last Harry Potter book
how did you get to know it exists?
people don't randomly wake up and think they need to read this

okay you're a special snowflake and us media has nothing to do with it, got it

this retarded board, I will have to leave permanently

The fuck are you getting at? You can bloody well see from this thread that some people don't learn English for the reasons that you would deem obvious.

Also I know English because it's my native language you dolt. I don't speak anything else nearly as well.

Being a neighbor of USA, living in a northern state and being constantly exposed to american media made learning english pretty easy. And my boring english classes at school, seriously, i had the same kind of shit teached in elementary school and in highschool.

what I see is that some people are stupid (the Tunisian and you)

the Brazilians and the Mexican already gave the correct answer and it is indeed obvious

>I know English because it's my native language
then give this as the fucking answer and nothing else

>how did you learn english
I don't know
>why did you decide to learn it?
I don't know

too many american cartoons when i was growing up

>the correct answer
Why not put down your autism and accept that independent individuals who have their own motives for doing things exist? Not everyone learns English to consume English media.

if everyone knows english how come when i travel and try to order food you dumbfucks never understand me

Because you're American

>how did you get to know about one of the most popular book series ever

so what does that mean you're retarded then? because americans have the highest iqs.

give me an example of someone who doesn't learn English to consume English media

anyone who says anything different is social signaling

it doesn't add up

>anyone who says anything different is social signaling
If that's what you think...

Stood next to a bunch of mutts on the metro today and as expected they had nothing of substance to talk about in their horrible Valley accents

>how did you get to know about an English media without being exposed to English media

yes that's a legitimate question
or rather, it's a rhetoric question well suited to make you look stupid which is why your ass ass is now on fire

Sup Forums

great argument

>muh private school
>i lived in uk
>not social signaling instead of honest answers

Without speaking English ≠ without being exposed to English media.

I'm exposed to tonnes of Japanese media but I'm only a grasshopper at the language.

>how did you learn english
School. It was mandatory for 9 years (4 - 13 grade).
The real progress however came from playing games, watching movies and generally the internet.

>why did you decide to learn it?
There was not much of a choice desu

>how did you learn english
Just like everyone else learns a foreign language. You read books on grammar, you do various exercises like translating to and from English, etc.
>and why did you decide to learn it?
Well do you know what education is and how it works? In Russia every single public school has foreign language classes and they are mandatory. Generally English language is the most popular, the least popular ones are German and French.
At uni you can also have to study a foreign language, it's also a mandatory thing but you can often pick another language and graduate knowing at least 2 foreign languages.

I'm learning Spanish not for the media. I can see why someone would do the same for English.

>how did you learn english
My mom used to send me to a private english institute after classes (english classes at my school were retard level)
> and why did you decide to learn it?
It was not a decition at that moment... but yeah... It's fucking 21 century, not learning english is not an option...

>the least popular ones are German

ouch ;__;

>not learning english is not an option...
Much of East Asia has social media independent of western platforms and hordes of people don't have a good grasp of the language.

>I'm exposed to tonnes of Japanese media translated into English

the thread is obviously about a functional level at using the language, not a hobby

I live close to Japan/China/Korea and Chinese is the most popular foreign language here (still not as popular as English though)

>social media

got you

>about a functional level at using the language, not a hobby
Why do you think they're mutually exclusive? Are you saying learning a language as a hobby means you can't do it to a functional level?

Huh? Yeah, social media are media. You can be a Chinese teenager with zero exposure to English media since the Chinese have a very big social media scene of their own.

I mean... it's not an option if you want to have a professional career and progress in your life.
Of corse if you want to work on a supermarket you won't really need to learn english.

When I was 16 I started browsing Sup Forums and I really liked it despite me not being able to understand more than 30% of what it was being written here so I kept browsing it and started learning new words out of context I kept coming back and kept reading posts without the intention of learning anything and kept doing so for months.Before turning 17 I was able to understand about 90% of the words on the posts and I could also watch movies and youtube videos without spanish subtitles or english subtitles. Years later when I was 19 I decided to learn English for real or what I had left to learn so I enrolled myself in an academy all the things they were teaching were things that I already knew so I just dropped out of it and studied the few grammatical topics that I didn't picked up while browsing Sup Forums.

In the West maybe but honestly that isn't the case in the East presently

Why don't you shut the fuck up you fucking cunt? I wish I had you in front of me right now..

your leg is rotting

>only 5% of mexicans speak english
According to this consulta.mx/index.php/estudios-e-investigaciones/mexico-opina/item/download/513_284704f87d1ce42e3c7af1599841288c it was actually 11.6% in January 2013 (only people aged 18 and over)

so do you have an idea what might cause a Chinese teenager to learn English if a Chinese teenager that has no exposure to English media doesn't?

Don't worry, Brudi kraut, your language is 3rd most popular language elective after Spanish and French here in 'murica

shut up palestine

>how did you learn english?
private tutor
>why did you decide to learn it?
as a kid i lived in a small town. all the moms would compete with each other so it was either learning english or learning piano/guitar shit

Learned it watching the Simpsons because it was always on when I got home from school and it looked funny

Interest in the bloody language? Interest in phonology?
I'm interested in Korean for its unique orthography and Hungarian for its agglutination and phonology despite having consumed no media in each.

Normie ree

I asked you a question.

Lived in America for about five years when I was 6, so I learned it fluently.

>interested = actually being fluent in it

this is becoming way too retarded bye

And of course the folks who learn Hopi to uncover it's temporal mechanisms don't do it for Hopi media.

You can be interested enough to learn it to fluency. But whatever you want to think I guess.

learned it watching movies because i like movies and because german was a shit language to learn at school

i would end you
you arab manlet
you wouldn't want to bump into me

ESOL n shieeet, talked with mutts
Moved to U.S. because father got a job here

>191 cms

I would knock you out and impregnate your mother before you hit the ground you fucking soft shite. Fite me

because french is a shit language

because not everybody speak English

what language options did you have in school?

>how did you learn english and why did you decide to learn it?
Because americans are too dumb to learn a foreign language. Thus the whole world has to speak to them using their native language.

English is mandatory in grad 4-13
now it has become mandatory from grade 1-13

2nd foreign language choices: French, Latin, Russian (picked Latin)

Jordan? Where the fuck is it? Is it a super-big Nike factory of what

Stay out of this Kozlov he knows what he's done

i would put you in the grave with 1 punch
don't test me

I had to open a world map to find you country though. Not trying to insult you.

Knowledge available in English is endless.

Right. Of course you would. Ryan air flys out here for cheap, why don't you come for lunch

i just realized jordan existed last week

German or English as first language
chose german because live close to german border
English and Italian as second language
chose italian because mother is from Sicilia
never learnt english at school ever

>now it has become mandatory from grade 1-13
In Russia 6-7 y.o. kids to go school and study there for 11 years (it was 10 years not so long ago). How old do you have to be to enter german school?

>pay for visa
>pay exit tax
no thanks

I'm a generous host cunt

>it was 10 not long ago

Oh it shows

>How old do you have to be to enter german school?
usually 5-7 years, 6 is most common

I was shocked that your country isn't in Africa, I thought it should be somewhere in South Africa actually. The older you get the more you forget, that also applies to microcountries as well.

I see. What do you study at final year at school? I more interested in math / physics.

>doubles down on a shit joke

As if you not knowing where this shithole is reflects badly on me not on your shitty russian education? I should watch my tongue though, after all you could be my son after all the russian minge I came inside.


Europeans are most likely to think that a key advantage of learning a new language is that it enables working in another country, with three fifths of Europeans (61%) holding this view.

Just over half of Europeans (53%) cite using the language at work (including travelling abroad on business), and a slightly smaller proportion using it on holidays abroad (47%) as advantages of learning a new language.

A little over two fifths of respondents think that learning a new language would help them to get a better job in their own country (45%) and study in another country (43%). Just under two fifths (38%) believe learning a new language would help with understanding people from other cultures.

A little under a third of respondents believe personal satisfaction (29%) and meeting people from other countries (29%) are benefits of learning a language.

Much smaller proportions cite using the internet (14%), feeling more European (10%) and maintaining knowledge of a language spoken within the family (10%) as key advantages of learning a new language.

There are some differences between EU15 and NMS12. Most notably, respondents in EU15 are more likely than those in NMS12 to think that the main advantages of learning a new language are:
 to understand people from other cultures (41% vs. 28% respectively)
 to meet people from other countries (31% vs. 23%)
 to keep up knowledge of a language spoken by the family (12% vs. 6%)

At a national level, Member States where respondents are most likely to cite working in another country as an advantage of learning a new language are Spain (79%), Greece (73%), Lithuania (72%) and Hungary (71%). It is seen as an advantage by the majority of respondents in all but four countries: Malta (29%), Cyprus (38%), the Netherlands (46%) and Italy (50%).

Using a new language at work is most widely mentioned as a reason for learning one in Denmark (72%), Sweden (70%), the Netherlands (67%) and Germany (66%). It is the most commonly cited advantage in these countries along with Luxembourg (63%), Finland (61%), Belgium (60%) and Italy (53%).

Respondents in Portugal (29%) are least likely to think that using a new language at work is a key benefit to learning one.

Respondents in Denmark (68%), Austria (64%), Sweden (61%) and Poland (60%) are most likely to mention using the new language on holidays abroad as an advantage. It is the most widely cited advantage in Austria, along with the UK (57%), Cyprus (55%) and Malta (52%).

Improving job prospects in the home country is most likely to be mentioned by respondents in Greece (69%), followed by those in Belgium (60%) where it receives more mentions than any other advantage, and Spain (60%).

Respondents in Malta (25%), the UK and Ireland (27% in each) are least likely to think that this is a key benefit of learning a new language.

No other advantage is the most commonly quoted in any EU country. However, for some of these advantages they are still perceived to be key benefits to learning a new language by the majority of respondents in some Member States.