Do these exist in your cunt?



I go to the barber shop during NFL season so I don't have to small talk with the barber.

They are trendy again for some reason

Venezuelan barbers love them for some reason

>only spanish speaking
countries reply

>That pic

Never has a pic said so much with so little

occasionally some shops go for the 50s america theme

yes but i go with a woman anyway

They're in basically every neighborhood dude

It's a medieval insignia moron

>During medieval times, barbers performed surgery on customers, as well astooth extractions. The original pole had a brasswash basinat the top (representing the vessel in whichleecheswere kept) and bottom (representing the basin that received the blood). The pole itself represents the staff that the patient gripped during the procedure to encourage blood flow

Only homos go there

Did you take this from my post here or is this a psyop?

Recently it almost disappeared, but yes

Yeah I bet when people see it they are reminded of medieval tooth extractions you moron

yeah I was curious

It's the reason why it's everywhere across the world you moron from Nairobi to taipei, from Senegal to Dubai, it's the same fucking symbol for that reason you dumb fucking cunt. Your question is stupid, your thread is stupid and you are really stupid

he isn't OP I'm OP stop hurting my feelings Michael

I've seen those IRL like once, so yes they do exist but not in my city

I'm sorry op. I m trying to quit smoking it's not working out

Yeah we're different people, friend. I was calling you a moron for calling a guy a moron who was saying Australia uses it with a 50's US America theme but not implying everyone does especially when a simple Wikipedia search reveals its origins but I see you are quitting smoking and you apologized to OP so alright

All barber shops have one and as this user said they're every fuckingwhere Are those not common in 'Murica?

Yeah it's not an excuse. I just feel like a fucking woman these days. Sorry about throwing a fit

you can find them on older barber buildings going for a retro look or maybe in antique shops. aside from that youll never see it.

Quitting smoking is hard. I wish you luck

Water purifier?