Have you ever thought of leaving your country?
Have you ever thought of leaving your country?
Yes, many times.
Nah, the way I figure it is if things ever do become so shitty that I want to leave, I'd be better off staying and fighting anyways. There's few other places to go that share the values I love.
Not my country, this world. Many times.
Come home, white man
Not out of necessity, but out of love for other European countries. I'm considering Spain, France and Italy, and the moment I get a good job offer, I'm off.
yes, to Finland. We'll see
Yes. Mostly because my childhood here has been very painful as a social outcast with a broken family. I've often thought about leaving it all behind, literally leaving the misery behind, and going somewhere else, preferable in the Anglophone world.
Pretty sure I will go through with it after I get my Master in mechanical engineering, I'm sure there are plenty of jobs.
not even once
I'm already gone.
No desire to go back to the US except for brief family visits.
>Mostly because my childhood here has been very painful as a social outcast
How come?
Did you get a good job offer or are you well-off enough to afford it easily?
I want to get a cabin and 20 acres dirt cheap in muttland and live off the fatta the lan
moby-dick and blood meridian are my favourite novels
america is the greatest nation on earth
my favourite part is when glanton shoots the very citizens of the province he is on to protect and passes their scalps off as apache, the novel gave me many laughs
Yes, but it is just a fantasy. I can barely make it here, and living in Canada is life on easy mode. There's no way I could successfully start a new life in another country.
I work remotely and get paid in USD. I'm exempt from federal income tax because I'm overseas > 330 days per year. Pretty nice.
Glad for you, I really like Thailand as a holiday destination.
Yes, I have thought many times about leaving my country. In fact, when I was a kid/teenager It was almost like a dream or a goal, then I realized how truly alone I am, I realized that My roots are too deep and I cannot simply leave behind everything I am. I wouldn´t mind leaving for a few years to get some good money but leaving forever is not something very appealing for me.
of course
i hate ugly jap
their soul is evil
Yes I'm planning to move abroad after I graduate from university. Vienna seems the likely candidate so far but I'm still considering my options, Luxembourg seems really comfy too and Switzerland is definitely not bad either
Why does no one here want to live in Germany? Why do they bully us so?
If I ever considered living in Germany it would have to be white part of it so somewhere in former East Germany
But you favor living in Vienna?
Does not compute.
Yes. I want to study in Europe because American universities are too expensive
Wasn't him, though
I lived in Ukraine and Mongolia, but it's same as Russia. Maybe will try some gayrope or Los Unidad Goblinas
Plenty of people want to move to Germany, I think Germany is the 2nd favourite country of finnish expats after Spain (and we all know those people moving to Spain aren't young skilled workers)
As for me, well I'm a law student and Vienna has excellent post-graduate studying opportunities in my field and a lot of interesting job opportunities on top of it being a really nice city to live. If I worked in finance I would probably highly consider moving to Frankfurt.
I don't think there's anything "wrong" with Germany, it's just that there are more appealing options nearby
I think about it everyday.
International law, then?
but we have no soul to begin with