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>finally get two weeks of actual winter for the first time since 2015
>oh no the sky is falling think of the children
I get that southerners aren't used to it and might be a bit fucked, but holy shit the amount of noise media keeps making here about a few cold days is hilarious. I haven't even started wearing winter boots yet, for fucks sake.
>-10C but relatively dry and windless
wow it's fucking nothing
danmark must suffer
Its so fucking cold. This whether isnt suitable for human life tbqh
you bring shame to our ugric tribes
please delete
>currently -7 in budapest
put a toque and some booters on you baby
When I went out to the bakery this morning around 6 in the morning water that was running from my nose because of the quick temperature change froze.
Southrons are WEAK.
I know, it's horrible. Just look how horrible it is.
>wow it's fucking nothing
Literally russians hacking the weather
sanctions when?
That is nothing to complain about. Just put on more clothes desu.
It's nice and still in that picture. Cold and snow isn't so bad if there's no wind.
tfw I don't own any hat/gloves, or even a winter hacket.
I didn't expect it to be this cold, I didn't expect the winter to come. I thought we were past these horrendous winters.
are you actually from syria? honest question
>global warming
Born and raised in Denmark, as have my family for centuries, according to our family book.
I'm not suited for warmth either, anything above 30 and I'll start to sweat by just sitting still.
Yeah, winds make it feel a lot colder. It's -14 here, and the wind is 12 m/s, which apparently feels like -26.5
Good thing you're a subhuman then
>-20C but it's windy af combined with coastal climate
Wow my snot and beard freezes
You need to understand that Denmark isn't like Norway, Sweden, Finland. They don't have the same winters. All of Denmark basically has mild costal climate and winter temperatures are like 5 degrees and rarely anything below zero.
>tfw when the wind is blowing in straight from the sea
>having a walk innawoods yesterday
>condensation freezes my moustache to my beard
2017 also had a few harsh winter days. It's funny that they shut down the schools in Cuckarest because of -8 degrees and windy, meanwhile there was -15 in my town and it didn't feel very cold this morning. I'm glad that we finally got to experience some winter.
2017 was way worse desu
Fuck cold and fuck snowless cunts who say they love winter
>his country isn't kept warm by the north atlantic drift
are you lads even trying??
quite nice for a winter, I'd say
We had snow in late April. Lately winters have grown exponentially colder here.
Hungary IS a snowless cunt, more than even Romania.
They've grown warmer here.
Fug climate change, eh?
All the other seasons got warmer. September haven't been an autumn month anymore for a long time. The seasonal lag seems to have got higher, or at least I experienced it such. 25-30 degrees in October, no snow on Christmas (we celebrate it on the cuck date btw) but March snowfalls are common and the freezing cold always happens in January or February.
It's the same here, except for the snow in March, that's quite rare.
It seems like the seasons have jumped a month, while Autumn has stolen a month from the Winter. September is now a really hot month, the past two years we've had 30+ degrees, which usually only happens in July.
it's fucking nothing
only -4 here, no snow and the wind is relatively still
c'mon, your ancestors lived there without all the comfyness brought by modernity
I used to regard September as a relief from cold but lately it has become the most hated month, it used to be August before.
Scandinavia has mild winters usually, Norway especially which seems like Scotland to me.
I live in the south, it never snows here anymore
In my childhood it would snow a lot but idk after 2013 the snow has been shit
atleast you have yurts
This. If it was dark and windy it wouldn't be all that good, but sunshine+cold is great.
Along our coast, our winters are milder. -5 and such. But inland Norway has normal winters -15 to -30 (or -40 sometimes).
I live along the coast, in pic related. We have snowy winters, but it always melts after a couple of weeks, then it starts snowing again, and that is how it goes most of the winter. When I was young our winters were colder and we had snow all the time, instead of this weird rain/snow shit.
If we invade russia now we might reach moscow by june
Checked the weather in Bergen many times and it seemed to me to be an even rainier version of Scotland. Snow falls at 0 degrees and it doesn't seem to stay. And it's sunny only when the temperatures are low. Is it the same in Alesund?
Nah, 2017 was pretty tame here. They close schools at -20 here for kids in first four grades, -25 for the rest, but most of them are shut down because of a flu epidemic anyway, I think.
Good thing about this is that we've had 3 days with sunshine and blue sky now. Really helps on winter depressions
They never close it for cold besides in B*charest. They only close it when it gets windy and snowy, blizzards shut down roads here.
europe is so far north but it's so warm wtf
Only the West. From the Iron Curtain eastwards the climate is very similar to the midwestern, albeit a bit milder.
We won't have positive degrees until 7th of March
Based Russia
Gulf stream, nogger.
Yeah I've been to Bergen a lot during my life because of family. Bergen is extra mild, perhaps the mildest city along our coast. But the snow stick lot of the time. But then it melts even faster too. Snow in 0 degrees or even 1 degrees is common, and you see that it just melts when it hit the ground. It's very normal, yes. It happens here too, but not so much as in Bergen. Bergen had more snow before as well.
Funny thing is, our coast has a lot of rain, which means when climate used to be slightly colder than now, we had a lot of snow too. My city has one of the norwegian records in snowfall actually, but that shit doesn't happen anymore, sadly.
>teenagers walking in the city with bare knees and ankles
Enjoy your arthritis at the age of 20 dumbasses.
It's because of the taurine.
Bergen is my favourite city in the North. I have heard that it got fraught with niggers like east Oslo, did it?
I was hiking in Jotunheimen 2 years ago, it was in June and it was snowy, but we all wore t-shirts and shorts, so it wasn't that cold. Inland Norway is beautiful as fuck
Another upside to this is that all the pests might freeze and die. There wasn't a whole lot of snow to keep them warm, and ticks were still active in forests, when it suddenky got cold badisically overnight.
Bergen can't be compared to Oslo by any stretch, especially not east-Oslo. Bergen is the second largest city, and it's a pretty and popular city too, so the immigrants do undoubtedly go to live there. It's far less than Oslo obviously. Even some smaller cities have more immigrants than Bergen. But they're there, can't deny that. My city too have gotten some nigs. It's how it is now. I don't think we can ever reverse it, sadly. In fact, the future looks grim, am I right?
Yeah, inland Norway looks pretty, but I think coastal Norway is prettier. West coast Norway in particular. Mountains and fjords is the best nature we have to offer in my mind. But of course, jotunheimen and inland mountains is nice too.
That's how it is in Colorado in springtime. It can be -2 and sunny. That's t-shirt weather.
> teenagers walking in the city with bare knees and ankles
Lol same here
Yup all the mosquitoes die. Great success!
Unless a miracle happens, my friend
Yes. I feel like I'm between the hammer and the anvil. The only anti immigrant groups are also white nationalist blockheads who oppose homosexuality just because and are usually football loving white trash and the liberals (I'm a libertarian) eschew racial realism like the devil.
I think Norwegian nationalists are different from the Eastern European Christian football loving beer chugging trash though. There are finer, rather intellectual things pertaining to nationalism up there. The uprooting of Christianity, the questioning of morals, overall Nietzscheanism, Black Metal, solitude.
However it is a tragedy that young Norwegians are in no way different from other youths, they behave like niggers and listen to trap, from my reckonings over Youtube. Look up "Kamelen" if you want to taste the Western medicine.
Mosquitos are a nuisance here, but ticks are kind of scary
>so this tiny bug bit you
>enjoy months of seizures, tiredness, joint paint and possibly brain damage
Some friends and I are thinking about doing a mixed hiking/city-going trip in either Slovenia, Croatia or Romania. Do you have any good hiking spots you'd recommend(nature etc) and how safe is it for 3 white dudes from Scandinavia to drink like apes in Bucaresti or Cluj? Will we get robbed or beaten?
Ticks are terrifying.
>enjoy months of seizures, tiredness, joint paint and possibly brain damage
me after chinese baijiu
Pickpocketed is more likely. As far as I've understood being downright mugged or beaten is not very likely.
not the same fag but Brasov is better for hiking imo
You'd get pick pocketted at most, also give Bucharest a wide berth (t. moldavian) because it has a very high street crime rate. Note that you'll stand out to the fine gypsy eye, no natives look Scandinavian (our native blonds look Russian) so they will know that you are tourists.
let the bodies hit the floor
let the bodies hit the floor
based based based
>africa calling anyone a southerner
If I fart out my window will the winds carry it to Denmark?
Asking for a friend
>tfw no winter for me this year
Feels weird.
Post window view picture, or you're a proxy.
Et tu, Spurdo?
it will be -14 on wednesday tho :/
>Most snowy winter in recorded history
>No spring in sight
I am perfectly fine with this.
Lol get fucked climatelets
Weird, here it's reversed. March and April seem to be getting warmer, while September and October are cold.
Last year, warmest month was June, while August only rained
Only plebs think December is the month to watch out for, everyone knows February is the time winter really kicks in.
Only if you have a lot of seasonal lag. Here, 300km away from the sea, Feb is on average a bit warmer than Dec
Good but I'm still waiting for the snow
ikr I should leave the city more often
I can't wait for spring to come, I fucking hate winter fuck this season
It's been a pretty comfy winter.
the circle patterns on the water are perfect, its weird
i also live in a big city and i hate it personally
I'm the same stock as you korcs and I can take the winter, man up and pull on your sheepskin for a few days
a fucking crybaby
Uh oh, here come the Russians to tell us what a real winter is like.
What the fuck is -C?