Sup Forums in 1897

Sup Forums in 1897

wow there are shitloads of gold in South Africa!



It was warm today....warm yesterday too...

Y’all’d’ve been wise teh stay outta this town...

*tumbleweed blows past*

But I guess...we’re past negotiations here...

[guitar riff]

*dies from lack of internet*


Nothing changes

>and your other crest

Europe is too boring nowadays, been too long without a major war
I bet the next one is gonna be fun!

When Italy sends its people, they're not sending their best.


Fuck the Tzar

that wilfrid is a faggot cuck and we will never be in unison with france

lmao fucking indians gtfo

Kill all the c*mmies before it's too late.

Man white people are on top of the world. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

Now that the Republicans are back in power, this dismal recession of Cleveland's is finally lifting. Thank you President McKinley for making America great once again.

Gold standard, tariffs, prosperity for the grand ol' Republic!

>no Poland

Guten Tag

Дoбpoe yтpo.

I've heard about this great German philosopher Karl Marx. Maybe we should try his ideas.

Dumb chuhnoid

Politics today are so dull. Nothing but a lot of jibber-jabber about tariffs and free silver and greedy railroad barons. When my father was my age, he was in Mississippi doing battle with secessionist cavalrymen. I wish my generation got to fight a nice, rousting war. We've become too soft and mollycoddled. Not that I'd want to fight anything like Shiloh, that would be terrible. If we had some nice, short tilt with a country like Italy or Spain that we could easily beat however...

When my grandfather was my age, he was rich and owned the biggest tobacco plantation in the county. Then Lincoln's hired goons burned it down and set all his slaves free. Now I'm poor and have to actually pay Negros to pick my crops. The nerve.

In short, fuck you and fuck your old man and fuck the 7th Michigan Cavalry.

i don't remember anything from that year

Why do you hate us? We're trading partners and there is literally no reason to fight.

I can't believe the home rule bill got defeated again. But thankfully the House of Lords can't block three times so complete Irish independence is only a matter of time! And the best part is it will happen completely peacefully with no need for the violent upheavals of the past!

Hello American cousins. Please send money.

baszd meg kurva cigany anyad

Fuck the tsar!!!

FUCK YOU. He's not a very good tsar, but the right reforms are being made. Just wait for a few more decades and we'll be as strong as Germany and France. Don't you remember that we were pretty much slaves just a couple of decades ago, how can you complain now that things are so much better. Suck it up

Fuck you! Fuck your tsar, who is RESPONSIBLE for revolution happened! Fuck your mom! Fuck your children's naive dreams! Fuck your tsarist slavery and degradation. Suka

Why would anyone buy a car? Bikes are more effective. And kisa these days with their fancy papers, don't know how to use a slate anymore. I'm considering moving to Jakarta.

Kill all tsars before it's too late. What... OH SHI~

Man fuck this, we're staying poor for lifetime and probably end up dying in thirst, Ya Allah please give us some gold and money.

boy I sure hope I get to keep cuba

Another Pajeet bites the dust

We defeated three rebellions already, this will be business as usual.

*create proto-fascism*
nothing personal
actually, yes

>Fuck the Tzar
*hangs f*nnoid immediately*
Who even let them have their own flag, they're part of our glorious Russian Empire.

Just bought this nice bit of land here from saving up a years worth of wages. Finally my lovely fairhaired wife and our 8 children will have enough space to live in.

>breaks free
Heh nothin personal kid.
>falls into M*tt hands instead
Take us back please.

>squeezes out of his mom's vagina




i forgot the pic

>Shoots the the russian occupant

>Now a national hero

Part of my family already is on brazil cleaning the land and the rest is waiting for shit to happen so they have a reason to emigrate (WWI).

french pls leave

>*burns Benin to the ground*
heh, nothing personal darkies

I liked their flag.

Benin was probably the most advanced city in west africa. Too bad that no one catalog it before burn it to the ground.

They also had some nice art (the rest of africa had only statues made with mud and shit).

>last child died
>crops died
>ruskies raped and killed wife
>nothing to eat except this fucking tree bark shit
>my feet hurt

RIP brazilian empire

the presidential system will destroy us, we must stay faithful to our Empire if we want to continue growing

You are 8 years late, slow poke.

You write nonsense. Russia gave them the flag and redstored use of Finnish language.

there was still a chance of going back at that time

Lel, you are retard.
Dom Pedro II did not had any male offspring. And i rather live in a favela than be ruled by the dynasty of race mixers and niggers lovers that Isabel created.



What is this black liquid ah... probably nothing

>race mixers and niggers lovers
and look what we have now

this man would have been the savior of this falling nation, if he was not defeated by the race mixers and niggers lovers of the republic

Quand est-ce qu'on récupère l'Alsace-Lorraine ?

The only path for the royal family would be Princess Leopoldina, but her dynasty die out in Austria and Germany while fighting the great wars.

There is no worth successor for the title of emperor of Brasil!


In 121 years some guy will get repeating digits by writing on a strange luminescent surface with buttons.

Give it up, France, the Prussians trounced you fair and square, you'll never catch up.

>there is no worth successor for the title of emperor of Brasil
thanks to the republic system we are destined to never be great again, just to try to be

Don't give up.

I can't believe they let that M*rmon wasteland into the union as a state last year.

Sum 1890s ladies. They're in what I presume to be a college library.

Цapя-тpяпкy нa штыки.

Long live Tsar Nikolai II, Autocrat of all the Russias!

RIP Korean empire

*Invents concentration camps*
Nothing personal, cub*noid subhuman

>Tsar Nikolai II, Autocrat of all the Russias!
His title was way bigger than this.
Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias, Tsar of Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, Kazan, Astrakhan, of Poland, Siberia, of Touric Chersonese, of Georgia, Lord of Pskov, Grand Duke of Smolensk, of Lithuania, Volhynia, Podolia and Finland, Prince of Estonia, Livonia, Courland and Semigalia, Somogotia, Bialstock, Karelia, Tver, Yougouria, Perm, Viatka, Bulgaria, and other countries; Lord and Grand Duke of Lower Novgorod, of Chernigov, Riazan, Polotsk, Rostov, Yaroslav, Belozero, Oudoria, Obduria, Condia, Vitebsk, Mstislav and all the region of the North, Lord and Sovereign of the countries of Iveria, Cartalinia, Kabardinia, and the provinces of Armenia, Sovereign of the Circassian Princes and the Mountain Princes, Lord of Turkestan, Heir of Norway, Duke of Schleswig Holstein, of Storman, of the Ditmars, and of Oldenbourg, etc.
The guy writing it got bored and put a etc at the end.

Je ne comprends pas ce langage.

How anyone wore those bulky outfits before air conditioning we'll never know.

Stone and brick walls. This keep the ambient way cooler than drywall and cardboard.

Cotton outfits were worn in summertime and wool ones in winter.

I'm so ashamed of myself for thinking this was a dab from the thumbnail.

Not sure but before cotton became dirty cheap, Linen was used much more extensible, at less in Europe.

Sup Forums has rotted your brain, my dude.

>bad eye sight is a symptom of feminism
You truly are the most redpilled here.

Well to be perfectly honest, the young generation in the 1890s were also major SJWs, this was back in the time of women's suffragettes and fighting monopoly capitalism.

Dom Bertrand is 100x better than any politician here in Shitzil. Hell, he is legit better than probably all politicians in Yuroppu and America.
Put him in the Throne with absolute power for good.