>you will always be an indian or paki
feels bad man
theres objectively nothing worse than being indian/paki/bengali/desi
You will always be an indian or paki
>tfw asian male
what heinous crimes did i commit in my past life...
asians have it good, there are very cute white girls into east asian males
You could always just end it all :)
yes and there also white girls into indians, but they're super rare so it doesn't matter
there are no girls into indians lol, massive cope
whenever ive seen an indian witha white girl its one of the two following scenarios
1. white/middle eastern looking indian/paki with a decent to good looking white girl
2. normal indian/paki looking guy with a 4/10 whale
like look at this
ffs if I had a gflike this...
what else could you ask for? pic related
no way they're dating
also i could find a similar pic with an indian and a white girl if i tried
no you're right, they're not dating, they're engaged/married now
>culture of work hard play hard
>parents will arrange marriage for you so if you're a social retard no worries
>benefit from educational opportunities of first world while also retaining the advantages of strict oriental discipline
Desis in CAN/USA don't have a bad lot in life. Remember, you could have been born Ukrainian
>parents will arrange marriage for you so if you're a social retard no worries
Have you seen how Indian girls age?
No there arent. Girls love asians because of kpop and anime but nobody likes indian men.
Nikki Haley is still fuggable and she was born during the Mughal empire
trichloromethane aka chloroform
Asian bois are cute :3
>even white men make better women that *ndian """women""".
I swear to Allah, Pajeet. Stop making your crying posts on Sup Forums. How many fucking threads have you made? Go be like Nikola Tesla and write love poems about pigeons while you invent shit if you're so incapable of getting a gf. Do something productive in your shitty life.
t. 6'4 Chad
>trap lover
All manlets are feminine in my eyes.
you're still gay
You could be Filipino.
I’m paki but I got this flip in my company (I’m a mil fag) and he’s the most hopeless incel I’ve every seen in my life.
filipino is almost as bad as paki