Confidence bro

Confidence bro
Just be urself

Other urls found in this thread:

what the fuck
jesus has returned

Well, confidence would still help to an extent


thoughts on this autistic sh*t?

he's a lunatic that's borderline suicidal but he's right on most thigns

Just get out bro. Meet people, small talk you'll get a gf easily brah

No ti doesn't, it's mostly genetics and also luck in other forms

Nothing autistic about it, it's been studied and verified

you just need to complain on the internet and make up reasons that will convince you to not even try when you know you could succeed if you actually tried but in reality you fear success because you're scared of relationships bro

What a fucking normie, probably not even a real Italian

Can plastic surgery fix bug eyes ?

t bh chances are that you're not even half as weird looking as blackopsincel, but you're posting on Sup Forums so your psyche is probably fucked up anyways

I agree with you but

1) Don't post that shit here it's full of normies in denial who can't accept that everything they have is down to sheer luck and they'll atack you with their regurgitated bullshit "arguments"
2) I don't even understand why you'd want a gf if you're genetic trash like me you should understand that reproduction and sex aren't meant for us

the reason many ancaps are also incels is because you base your life on praxeology

You know people by being introduced to them by other people.
Starting is the hardest part ofnyou are a forever alone but after it works it just rolls from there as long as you take care of your appearance and fake confidence till you make it. The whole process can take from a few months to a pair of years depending on your genetics which acceperate or slow the process depending on how many females they filter

No it's not true especially in places with low social mobility like Italy and I won't waste time arguing about this, delude yourself all you want.

Also I'm not OP as you can see by the flag and I don't really want a girlfriend since I'm genetic trash and don't deserve one (though I do take care of my appearance and exercise just because it makes me feel slightly better until I off myself), I do not have occasions to meet other people even if I wanted to anyway

In Barcelona it is definitely true at least. People flock to this place with excuses to meet people.

Yes in Barcelona maybe but I live in a shithole, an average South Italian town when everybody knows I'm autistic, Spain in general is much more party like and social than most of Italy, more like the US than Italy in certain ways


t. inhabitant of 16k town

>southern italy
>low social mobility
I've heard of farmers from there who turned millionares

Yeah ok one in a million, not that I have the drive or intelligence to make money anyway as I'm nihilistic and of mediocre intelligence


Come to Barcelona for a meme education degree as an excuse to socialize like everyone does. It looks good on the curriculum, it's a new expericence and forces you to live with flatmates because the city is expensive. I've met many Italians from little towns that sound exactly like you here.

Yeah it also works for IQ since that is also almost entirely determined by genetics. Good point bro.

Gandy has a weird nose

fucking normies....



>tfw I look even worse than blackops2cel

Good thing I don't care about women anymore, h-haha.

Confidence is important but not everything. If you are really ugly it will be much harder.

If you are a 5/10 then find a 5/10 gracias as I did. If you are 5/10 and want a 8/10 gf you Will probably die a kissless virgin. Don't be a superficial fag

his methodology seems sound and statistically significant

Not to mention, you'd have to lower your expectations or standards to trash or shit tier as well.
To be honest I've sort of become a believer that any sort of relationship or pairing is possible, but just unlikely.
Especially after seeing some fat ass and ugly people or fat ugly spics with some 7-9/10 girls both in looks and personality around here
It's possible to strike gold, but just extremely unlikely
Honestly luck probably has a lot to do with it if youre aiming high, but luck isnt going to come to you unless youre actively putting yourself out there and trying.
For every 100 rejections, you really only need one girl to say yes you know?

>settling for a low quality thot

It's best to die a virgin.

Everybody dies alone, maybe you should say live alone.

If you're genetic trash reproducing is a bad idea, especially with someone who's genetically trash like you.

what if i'm 2/10 and i want a 5?

No alpha male would ever say that

You know a lot of handsome people are born from ugly parents?

>doesn't know how DNA sequencing works
maybe his ancestors a few generations back were chad

Only beta fags settle for 5/10s. I’m ugly as fuck (probably like a 3.5-4/10) and my gf is an 8/10. Confidence and money are key.

>luck probably has a lot to do with it if youre aiming high

watch this guy and realize it's 95% skill

More like money is key

That guy is attractive


>tfw I resemble the dude on the left of the thumbnail
>tfw I have a girlfriend

Hot women who date ugly men either have really low self esteem or are gold diggers who will cheat on you. Do not fool yourself


he is 170 cm and a Italian-Vietnamese mutt
anyone can wear cool clothes and be mediocre at best at lifting

He's got a masculine voice, good jawline, bulky, he's only a manlet. But for the rest he's attractive. You probably are the kind of guy who thinks you need to be Adonis in order to be considered attractive by women.

ugly people need to just accept that they're ugly and find another ugly person to be ugly with

Yeah also having a gf will make you more attractive to other women

in Germany (and North western Europe in general) you actually need to be Adonis

here on Sup Forums I'm considered fairly attractive and I definitely look better than the guy in the video but do I get Tinder matches? no

only to single women, other women who are already in a relationship will view you as less atractive if you are also in a relationship

90% of people here would get a gf if they got in shape, dressed like a normal person and took a bath everyday. It's rare to look as bad as the OP's example.

The guy he uses on the first section as an example of "handsome" is actually very weird looking at other photos. Can't remember his name, and he had plastic surgery on his jaw.

It's in that kind of cases when confidence really matters

A 6/10 who is confident will get more women than a 9/10 who is a weirdo.