I've always wanted to live in New York City!

>I've always wanted to live in New York City!

>big cities good because there is parties and sex

literally nothing wrong with nyc

I like the mene where you capitalise after *

cross the border and go to NYC my friend:)

it's used for very bad words

what's wrong about this statement?

>b-b-builbing big, BIG! I like big billbing!

>what's wrong about this statement?

Everything is wrong with NYC once you're actually living in it.

tell me what's wrong with it

bigger city = more v*Rgins

>nuffin wong wit nyc


typical german

You've never been to NYC or especially time square.

If you're a rich investment banker, it's the best place to live in

>it's fucking expensive
>a decent meal cost 20 bucks.
>rent is over 3 grand
>shopping for clothes is a fucking nightmare
>beggers litter the side walks. Most of them are scam artist
>people shove brochures in your face at every side walk.
>smells fucking awful
>people are rude
>EVERYTHING about the subway system
>every subway train smells of piss
>every subway train has a loud as fuck preacher who will attack you if you snicker or make eye contact
>In time square you'll get fucking mugged by a spic wearing a Elmo costume if you don't tip them.
>I once got into a huge verbal spat with some spic wearing a batman suit because I laughed at him
>taxi drivers will slit your throat if you even think about cutting them off
>crossing a street is a matter of life and death

So fuck off. You know NOTHING about NYC.

>Statements that would be correct in 1945 but a lie today

You sound like a typical dumb buttblasted poorfag. Go make some money that aren't neetbux and stop complaining like a little limp-dicked bitch. Or better yet, just stay in Tim*s Square and eat your sbarros like the waste of fucking oxygen that you are.

More like shit traffic & rent