Why are Eastern Europeans more against refugees than Western Europeans when they are not interested in their shitty...

Why are Eastern Europeans more against refugees than Western Europeans when they are not interested in their shitty poor Slavic countries anyway?

Is it tsundere?

>i... it's not like i want you to move to my country! baka!

Because Western Europeans seem to be intent on sharing their burden even though they are 100% liable for making their own countries seem desirable.

gotta make sure it stays that way

Because we don't want migrants to come here after they destroy the West and we need to groom our youngest minds into adopting an anti-immigration stance as early as possible.

Its illegal to buy niggers, so without a fairly large base of low-pay peons to do all the shit jobs no one else will do for minimum wage, they figure their industries will eventually go to hell.
Course the downside of having all the great unwashed running around is that you get a mix of decent folks and complete shit cunts running around throwing acid, raping and bombing things. People who think its some kind of humanitarian thing are really only eating the bullshit to make it semi-palatable to lefties and other soft cocks.


because unfortunately, Eastern Europeans are pretty racist ( as you can see here ) and while they like to take, they don't like to give ( as you can see here )

its not a jewish conspiracy, more workers mean you can pay people less so rich people get more money

the poles who came here in 2004-2015 are now just as lazy as the natives in low income jobs

Because the EU wants to pay benefits to them only if they stay in these Eastern European shitholes, so they won't leave

>they don't like to give
Because there is no reason why we should be giving

if you take you gonna give

What we are taking is reparations for WW2, we don't owe you shit.

>ok here's some money. just remember to help us sometimes

Besides, most of that money is used so WE-owned companies can make larger profits.

EU development fund has nothing to do with WW2 reparations

On paper, no. But in spirit all that money heading East is reparations for all the evil Western Europe has committed on the Eastern.

>in spirit
*in my head

WW2 wasn't east vs west
allied powers like France pay development funds to axis countries like Bulgaria, Romania or Slovakia

Hey, you can try to convince Hungarians to be more empathetic to your situation seeing how they threw their lot in with you. But when it comes to Poland, Czechia and Slovakia, those are undisputably victims of Western European aggression and neglect and as such they have no moral obligation to return anything for the money that has been spent on their countries.

Not only my head. Only soyboys and humanities students around here believe we owe anything to Western Europe.

uh huh.

so how exactly does France, UK or Netherlands owe you money?

France and UK - Munich, failure to keep Hitler in check
Netherlands - eh, okay, they don't but then again, they don't seem to be crying about rapefugees neither

They know that they wäre Ugly and fear being surrounded by men with full beards