i doubt there’s a single person on this board who is happy. in fact, I do not believe anyone has ever been truly happy. every day is miserable, why do you chose to continue living in this wretched existence?
I doubt there’s a single person on this board who is happy. in fact...
I've known true happiness, it is a real thing
I'm pretty happy. Just got my studies back on track at uni, and today my girlfriend came back from her trip to Dubai. I feel no misery as you describe it.
Pic related: existence
I've said this before. The only reason I'm still alive are my parents.
I'm too ADD to notice I'm not happy
I'm quite happy.
perpetual happiness isn't possible because without sadness happiness doesn't exist and vice versa
not every one live in a shit hole country stay strong
>woe is me fags ITT
not everything needs to go well to enjoy life
I'm quite happy tbqh. In fact, if I solve a love issue I have I'm going to consider my life perfect the way it is, I'd change nothing.
If you've known sadness once you leave it it's quite easy to be happy. Being stoic and setting yourself simple short term objectives to fullfil long term objectives is the only thing you need to do.
stoicism is a top tier philosophy, it's practical, realistic and just makes sense, much better than modern ((((philosophy))))
It indeed is. Being realistic and accepting your own limitations is the best way to go. Worrying about things you can't control and desiring things you'll never have will only lead to sadness and despair.
>accepting your own limitation
that's the total opposite of the nature of human beings
Stoicism is really overrated and based on Fallacies
>hurr durr there shouldn't be limits
>human nature dictates that
no jews say that, human progress happens gradually by people who understand their limits and tread carefully work around them.
>based on Fallacies
go read the enchiridion right now it's really short
While it wasn't a perfect life I know what it's like to be deeply in love and loved back, she was at that time one of these perfect extremely cute and feminine tomboys who loved sci fi and could go hours just talking til dawn and who was my exact match for taste in everything from music to movies, she couldn't have been more perfect if I had dreamed her. We had this perfect year long honeymoon phase where we'd have sex 5-6 times a day, we both had jobs at the time which allowed for that lifestyle, and even tho we'd socialize a lot every other weekend was us just shutting in to have these really intense sessions. I had plenty of sincere friends, some I'm sure are still friends now even though we haven't spoken for years. my friends not hers, who it really was a pleasure to just be with and go out and do cool things, we even traveled together, I made several trips to Europe and the US and Canada, even hooked up with more than a few girls on those.
I had dreams and a fulfilling life. I guess for most of my life I was something like a Chad to the people around me, I could pick up girls in bars, I played sports, I went to gallery openings and rock concerts and even the opera and I got invited to a lot of wild parties. But I was as much a beta as the 30 year old virgins, it was always hard for me somehow, like I was pretending, and then the pressure of having to be myself all the time got to be a bit too much and I started drinking too much and got hooked up on benzos and cocaine. I became unable to make as much money as I needed to mantain my lifestyle and my parents got fed up with always having to "loan" me big amounts of money.
CONT But for a time I tricked myself into thinking that was me and my life and it's easy when you wake up next to a beautiful woman. Now, I'm legit considering selling my home and using the money to turn into a trap, get some ridiculously large breast implants and work as a street hooker, I wasn't even gay before, I fantasize about the women I met previously in my life running into me and mocking me.
I'm being dead serious this is the only project in my life that brings me any joy now, I'm like brainwashing myself through porn into doing it.
This is all the most sincere I've ever been in years to anyone. Sorry for not greentexting, I was never good at it.
>tfw realised lately I tend to only feel happy when I'm abusing substances
Holy fuck my dude, I never asked for this. This is quite a detailed answer and if you're birng genuine I don't quite know what to say.
You had a lifestyle that devolved into binge drinking and drugs which you could no longer afford. You now want to become a trap and work as a street hooker.
What the hell? Did you lose your job and GF? Going from living a "Chad" life to being a big tittied trap hooker is a HUGE jump. What am I missing here? Like how does is this idea the only thing that genuinely makes you happy?
>why do you chose to continue living in this wretched existence?
Because I have taken the subjective idealism pill and realized this is existence is merely a product of my mind, therefore it's as meaningless as any other dream and I can do whatever I want. Suffering is an illusion, like everything else, so I choose to be happy.
Your mind has been corrupted by the internet, my friend. You realize you wouldn't even conceive of a "trap" if it wasn't for the internet, right? I'm just saying you might regret what you're fantasizing about right now.
damn dude stop using this site and go no-fap for a while, porn is corrupting you, but it's probably not too late
I don't know why I wrote that, I was only trying to describe happiness and I guess I went to this dark place. It's all the truth tho.
Happiness is possible, when someone tells you to be yourself they're not saying to be a selfish mediocre jerk (tho for some bizarre reason that attracts women) they're telling you to actually be who you wanted to be before wageslaving and loneliness took your dreams from you. The irony is that if you live life as if you no longer care about women or society you'll get the attention of both easy enough. That's assuming your dream isn't to be a shut in NEET who plays vidya all day long, but someone who actually has a good life.
As for how I became like that, at some point it occured to me that a chinese knitting board was a better idea than moving into heroine. I was wrong. I guess I'm self destructive and after years of alienation and being in here I became what I am now. I'm still a good looking guy and didn't get fat in the process, I could arguably still move on with my life but I don't want to, it simply is too much pressure and too much work, I got my degree in a field I don't care to work in and middle class as an independent in my country means a lot of doing and asking favors from unsavory people, I tried office work and only wanted to gouge my eyes out and even worse I was actually bad at it, I became lazy at some point in my life. I used to be able to get so much shit done in a day I can hardly believe I'm now barely capable of getting myself through the day.
Suicide by cock does at least sound like an interesting idea and getting to see that part of life before bowing out does at least seem better than to continue aging into mediocrity and a shut in's lifestyle which little by little has driven me into poverty and isolation.
Read it as a cautionary tale if you will, in a sense I envy people who have never known love and don't have to live with losing it.
i'm very happy, despite being a perma khv. video games, music, movies and books keep me going
What degree did you get? I'm not quite sure what happened with you and this girl but make sure you're moving on. You're not dealing with the situation that well.
Heartbreak is something a lot of people who have ever fell in love experience.
>Your mind has been corrupted by the internet
Yes, it has, mind you I'm not delussional, I wasn't born in the wrong body and don't think I'll become a "woman" as for regret, most of the things I regret the most in my life is the stuff I didn't do. I appreciate the sentiment tho.
>but it's probably not too late
It may not be, talking about it just somehow makes me want to do it more however. I don't know, it's getting hard, as in actual effort, not to out myself to my family and what little remains of my friends. The thing is there's nothing else I would put in effort for or work to get. I don't want another woman, I don't want to work and I hate keeping myself stable through reducing my life to just bare necessities and shitposting. I keep trying to find things that will make me want to try but come up empty.
It's ironic, I don't mind all the hours of exercise turning into a trap would take but I'm just too tired to even go to a party and I'm still getting invited despite for practical purposes having abandoned all friendships in my life.
I keep thinking I just need to clear my head and find something fun to do but can never think of anything that isn't drugs and I already know what that's like.
I am happy, but realy truly happy in Christ there is bless
I am happy, here look I am dropping the mudslimes "holy" book.
I only think about committing suicide when I haven't played video games or watched a movie/tv show in a long time.