Do you like your county's history?
Do you like your county's history?
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>being defeated and turned into an irrelevant shithole
sure i do
>being defeated and turned into an irrelevant shithole
sure i do
we're a shithole of indian thieves and murderers that became a shithole of indian thieves and murderers...
wow, so deep and epic..... i feel so proud of my country...
thanks op i cum on cat she hiss at penis
No, it is full of incomprehensible crimes against humanity
ha! I haven't seen that one in an age and a half!
Yes, but the nazis and other scum make it hard to enjoy sometimes.
what gives you perspective?
Sure, it is interesting.
what does it entail? As I understand it A knighthood order defended that island from muslim attacks off and on through the centuries, and that's largely the summation of events, yes?
I actually do, my country was once this surreal, unbelievable world and culture it's almost impossible to imagine, people here came up on their own with many of the same things it took the old world combined much longer to achieve and yet were also, despite their otherwise many virtues, beholden to an unimaginably cruel religion.
And then Europeans came and basically wiped out all of this near fantasy world to build a new one, which still none the less retained some elements of the old. And it was a full world, as in its very own and unique setting, and it lasted centuries before it was destroyed in decades of wars even tho what emerged is still a very unique and distinct culture which did produce great things. We are once again in a destructive war phase, It's hard to speculate whether this will finally be the death knell, and we will simply emerge a generic dystopia as much the world may turn into, or whether there will be a new creative phase ahead of us before we disapear by blending into the rest of humanity.
every part of it, the best is yet to come ;)
1965 worst day of my life
Our flag should be a polar bear clubbing a beaver to death and drinking maple syrup while the wh*te house burns in the background
I like history in general
Knowing the history of the place you're inhabiting is cool because you can see and possibly connect the dots to some consequences you still see, but it's not like it's to be liked or disliked from a moral standpoint
I never understood the Canadians claiming something accomplished by the British army as their own, there wasn't even anything to canada but a few glorified furtrapping posts at this time
That's only a part of it, the most known part because it is undoubtedly the most interesting (at least in my opinion).
But our history goes back to prehistory, where we have some of the oldest temples around. Oldest one being more
than 5000 years old. As you may know, We've been passed around from one realm to another during the course
of our history. We've been under the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans/ERE, Vandals, Arabs, Normans,
Aragon, Knights of st. John, France, and finally the UK. There's a lot to tell, but usually what's most interesting
are the lesser known facts/happenings such as the siege of 1429 and the fact that the Maltese where feared corsairs
under the Knights.
Quite a glut of events for such a small place.
Yeah, that kinda happens when you're sitting in a strategical place such as the middle of the Mediterranean.
I agree there, it doesn't do you too well to get emotionally worked up over events that are old as dust
I don't even know where to start with us.
>Tribal celts, Vikings, Normans, full on plantation by England, lose a quarter of the population to emigration and starvation, constant rebellions, boom boom 1916, few nasty recessions later we're doing ok.
I'd like to think our raging alcoholism existed before the English came along
I thought this was a really interesting little series on your history. Fascinating.